
Meeting Ra (part two)

Surprisingly, the door opened to a stairway that went down. The musty smell of damp earth lingered in the air. "Smells like Jinn's garden after she waters it. Stay close."

Ra placed a hand lightly on his shoulder. "Forgive me for being overly familiar, I can't see anything."

QJ's Nightvision kept him from stumbling around in the dark, but Ra had nothing like that. "It's fine since I'm sharing my path with you." QJ stifled a laugh and kept going. He jumped a moment later when his side was pinched.

QJ held up a hand and covered her mouth; he bent closer and whispered. "Voices... stay here."

[Meanwhile, the wounded ghost reports in]

"This is your report?" The sound of a fist slamming into flesh echoed in the cavern as the small ghost was knocked down. A large man with a spear stood over her; he had a crumpled piece of parchment in his hand. "Three hours and you've learned nothing? Where is the Sandhealer bitch? What are these parts for?" He leaped forward and kicked the fallen ghost in the stomach, his cruel face sneering when she retched.

"What should we do, First Spear? There is no sight of the Sandhealers." A thin man held a bow aimed at the ghost; even though she was a Burning Horse faction like him, he didn't trust her at all. "We will have to tell Telemai something."

"Take the ghost's head. We'll put the blame on her and bring these parts back to Telemai. That should save our heads." Without warning, First Spear thrust his spear into the side of the man he had been talking to. He followed the thrust up by slamming the shaft of the spear across the man's back.

"First Spear..." The bowman fell to the ground spitting blood, his face a mask of fear.

[Aimed Shot]

[Head-Shot Bonus x Critical hit]

QJ has hit Target for 65,550

A Burning Horse Bowman has been Slain.


First Spear has been slowed by forty percent.

QJ pulled his shotgun and fired a round into First Spear's face.

[Point Blank]

QJ has hit Target for 11,455 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 2,291 damage.

QJ dodged a spear thrust and then backswept First Spear's lead leg, sending him crashing to the sand. Closing fast, QJ stopped quickly, narrowly avoiding a boot knife that appeared out of nowhere and was thrust at his stomach.

*Sierra has cast Tree of Woe*

First Spear has been rooted.

QJ kicked up a cloud of sand, then stepped forward and slammed the barrel of his shotgun against his assailant's head, knocking him to his knees.

[First Spear has been stunned.]

Before he could react, QJ stepped around him and locked him up in a rear-naked choke. First Spear was frighteningly strong, thrashing wildly and slamming QJ into the ground. His struggle stopped after a minute, and he lost consciousness.

Ra came forward cautiously. "QJ, that person is called First Spear. He's a very cruel and dangerous person."

QJ didn't respond; he hogtied First Spear with his spare lariat and started searching the bodies. He felt the eyes of the ghost on him, but he ignored her.

"All four parts?" Ra counted the parts as QJ laid them on the sand.

"Looks that way." QJ slapped First Spear on the back of the head. "Quit pretending to sleep."

"Turn me loose immediately. The Burning Horse Faction will..." He was interrupted as QJ thrust a spear into his stomach. He screamed in agony for a few moments, before finally falling back on the sand.

"Stabbed with your own spear. Don't think for a moment, that I don't remember the threats of the Burning Horse Faction." QJ smiled at him pleasantly as he pulled out his shotgun and placed it against the man's groin. "If I follow this cave further back, where will it lead me?"

Sweat glistened on the man's face as he stared at QJ. "We have the main body of our faction that way; the two of us were scouting."

"He's not telling you the truth, QJ." Ra placed a gentle hand on QJ's shoulder. "Just leave him, and let's keep moving."

QJ turned to the fallen ghost, who still hadn't moved. "Your color is bad, poisoned, right? Dickhead here had a vial of detox on him. I'm guessing they didn't give you one since they see you as expendable." He tossed her the bottle.

Ra watched the interaction. "What are we doing with her?"

"Heal her, please." QJ waited as the ghost drank down the vial.

*Sierra has cast Flowing Water.*

A soft glow enveloped the ghost as she was fully healed. She stood up slowly, careful not to make any sudden moves.

"Look at my hands," QJ spoke to her in a gentle voice. "I'm going to give you something important. You must pay attention. This is how you say 'thank you,' in Sign Language.

The dark eyes of the ghost stared intently at him, her face completely expressionless. After a moment, she mimicked his hand movement. "Thank you." [In Sign]

"Not impressed, right? You spoke to me. You have a voice." QJ nodded in satisfaction. "Do you have a name besides ghost?"

She slowly rolled up her sleeve, exposing her pale forearm. Carved into the skin was the name, Dara. Her small fingers traced the scar.

"Dara? Watch my hands again. D-A-R-A. That is how you say your name in Sign. This is how you say, 'my name is'." QJ stood up and pointed back to the Control Room. "Wait for us in the Control Room, if you want to learn more."

QJ motioned for Ra to follow, and they continue to follow the cavern's path.

"Is it wise to leave them behind us?" Ra kept glancing over her shoulder as she walked.

"One of them is tied and wounded. The other has no purpose." QJ shrugged. "Neither is a danger to us."

"This Sign Language, where did you learn it?"

"I have a cousin who doesn't hear. I learned so that we could talk freely. It's beyond cruel to remove someone's ability to communicate." QJ stopped abruptly; the sound of dripping water echoed in the cave. "Quickly now."

Ra followed him as he broke into a run. The sound of a door slamming caused him to break into a sprint, easily pulling away from her.

QJ skidded to a halt and pulled on the double doors that blocked further access. The sound of splashing could be heard on the other side of the door. "Damn it."

Ra finally caught up, bent over, and gasping for air, she leaned on her knees for support. "I hear the sound of water QJ."

"They barred it, so there's no getting in." QJ kicked the door in frustration.

"Let's go back and install the components we have." Ra grabbed his hand and squeezed it gently. "Let's do as much as we can, QJ."

"There!" QJ was pointing upward; another large pipe came through the wall near the ceiling. He quickly pulled out his rope and snagged the support bracket. A few seconds later, he had scurried up.

"What are you doing, QJ?"

QJ grabbed the lip of the coupling and pulled back while twisting. It shifted easily, allowing him to move it back nearly two feet. "Crap, I still won't fit."

"How did you open that?"

"It's a quick-connect coupling. They put them in pipelines for repairs. I'm too big to fit in there." QJ grabbed the rope and lowered himself back to the ground. "Let's head back and install the couplings anyway."

Ra stared at the opening in the pipeline. "I can fit in there, QJ."

"Would you be able to install the solenoid? Or the gear?"

"No, sorry, even if I could, there's no way I could do it in the dark."

"Here... use this, but you must be sure to give it back."

[Spymaster's Ring]

Gifted to QJ

Night Vision.

Additional Effect: Wearer sees

through stealth.

Ra held the ring for a moment and then slipped it on her finger. "Tell me what to look for."

QJ knelt in the sand and used his finger to draw. "There will be a small panel; the connector for the solenoid will look like this." He drew a picture of the solenoid and then what the valve relay connection point should look like. "As I drew it, is the way it is installed."

Ra studied the picture for a minute and then nodded. "What about the gear?"

"Further down the pipeline, there will be a hydraulic pump. The casing probably has some sort of compression latches. Look for two round buttons and press them hard with your thumbs to open it."

"How will I know where to install the gear?"

QJ shrugged. "It's anyone's guess. From what we've seen so far, this was left like this so that it could be easily returned to service. Look for an obvious placement."

Ra looked at the rope, a smile on her lips. "Could you boost me a bit? Rope climbing isn't really my thing."

"Yep." QJ pulled the rope tight and stepped on the loose end with his foot. He bent his knee slightly and waited. "Step on my knee, then my shoulder. I will extend my hand and boost you up as far as I can."

She gripped the rope and place a foot on his knee. She leaned forward slightly and brush her lips against his forehead. "Thank you, QJ."

QJ waited while she stepped on his knee and then shoulder. He grabbed her heel and pushed her as high as he could reach. She was able to make it the rest of the way by herself. "What are you thanking me for now?"

"For sharing your path." She called down, before sliding into the space between the couplings.

QJ watched her disappear. "Well... that's nicer than being pinched," he muttered.

He scampered up the rope behind her and positioned himself on top of the pipeline. "If you have any questions, just ask."


Time seemed to crawl over the next few minutes. QJ would occasionally poke his head in the space; without his ring, it was completely dark. "You okay in there?"


"How's it going?"


QJ sighed and started silently strumming his fingers on the pipe surface. The minutes slowly ticked by. He glanced at his hud. "Damn, we are out of time, Ra. Come back now, so I can install the rest of the components before the deadline."

She poked her head out a moment later. "No need, all done, QJ!"

"Seriously?" QJ pulled her out and let her slide down the rope. He pushed the coupling back in place, rotating it until it locked.

"Yes. Let's hurry, QJ!"

They ran back toward the cavern. First Spear's dead eyes stared at them as they ran by; his throat had been cut from ear to ear in a grotesque smile. QJ took a moment to gather up his spare lariat before continuing toward the control room.

QJ ran through the doorway a few seconds later and immediately started installing components. Dara was sitting on the floor waiting. She was carefully signing, "My name is D-A-R-A."

After installing the last four parts, QJ snapped the control panels back in place. "These four should be the power conduit for the pump primers. Let's warm them up."

QJ pulled the lever and moved to the next panel. "Optimum running for most machinery is fifty-five percent." QJ pulled levers and turned dials, his fingers a blur as he made his way across the control panel. He walked to the side of the panel where there was a charging lever. He pumped it up and down a dozen times before pushing it back in place to engage the circuit.

It started with a soft whining deep underground, followed by the sound of gears turning. The entire room began to vibrate.

Ra looked worried. She gripped QJ's hand in hers. "Is it working?"

QJ pursed his lips. "Well... there's no way to know from here. Let's head back to the courtyard."

Ra handed QJ back his ring. "Thank you, QJ. That thing is amazing."

"Let's go, Dara." He spelled out her name in Sign when he said it.

They moved slowly upward; QJ's hud told him that the time limit was about to expire.

Ra squeezed his hand, which she was still holding. "No violence will be allowed, once the doors open again. Thank you so much, QJ."

QJ smiled. "See? I am reliable."

Ra laughed and glanced over her shoulder. The ghost was still following them, her hands working the signs the QJ had shown her.

By the time they exited the building, the gateway next to the fountain was opened. The moment they exited the Engineer building, the puzzle door slammed shut. QJ stopped and looked back at it; the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly stood up.

"You did something in there. Didn't you, Sandhealer?" A feminine voice spoke from the courtyard as dozens of people rushed forward to cut off their path to the gateway.

"What are you doing? Telemai?" Ry's voice sounded angry; her hand gripped QJ's tighter. "The way is open; any further violence is forbidden by our laws."

QJ felt his anger start to bubble up. At least three dozen archers and spearmen. It was an ambush, pure and simple.

"You are so naive, Sierra. I have the Water Staff!" She held up a white staff that was capped with a dull blue ball. "My faction will receive favor; who will question when you were killed?"

[Sierra Sandhealer has activated your gate home. Do you wish to return to Maelstrom now?]


"QJ, please just go. It's a bluff. She won't dare hurt me." Ra turned to him and smiled gently. "Perhaps I will meet with you again soon. Safe Journey."

QJ shook his head. "For some reason, it feels good to know that you are a terrible liar."

Surprisingly Dara stepped in front of the two of them and drew her blade.

Telemai walked forward a few steps. "Get back with my other ghosts. I expect a full report."

The small ghost shook her head and moved her hands quickly. "My name is D-A-R-A." [In Sign]

QJ pushed Ra behind him. "Enough... walk away now. I can't stand to listen to your voice a moment longer. Do not push me further."

Telemai's slammed her staff on the ground. "Kill them all."

QJ raised a hand, "Come."

A moment later, Cleo appeared in front of him. Her sudden appearance caused everyone to freeze.

"Cleo... Kill them all."

*Cleo has cast Summon Drone Army.*

The deafening sound of a thousand buzzing killer bees filled the air. QJ grabbed both Ra and Dara and encircled them in his arms before pushing them to the ground.

Ra clenched her eyes tightly; the terrifying screams of the battle lasted nearly a minute before dieing away.

The aftermath was horrifying. The bloated corpses of the Burning Horse faction covered the courtyard like a macabre carpet of death. Telemai's face mirrored the fear she had felt when she realized that death had come for her.

QJ shook his head in disgust as he picked up the staff Telemai had dropped on the ground. He walked back to Ra, who hadn't been able to look at any of the bodies. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly, sobbing onto his shoulder.

Cleo unsummoned her drone army and waited patiently.

After a long moment, QJ stepped away. He wiped her tears with his hands. "Sorry to be so ruthless. In the end, my task was to secure your life."

While they were talking, the bodies started disappearing. Ra shook her head. "Don't be sorry. We share the same path." A small smile seeped through the tears.

*Gurgle Gurgle*

A sound from the fountain caused them to turn; it gurgled for a moment, then sputtered a few times before water sprayed upward. Within a minute, it was flowing freely and filling up the basin of the fountain.

"See you back at the Keep, Cleo. Thank you." QJ unsummoned Cleo and let out a long breath while he watched the water flowing. The bees had scared the crap out of him; his heart was still beating fast.

Dara disappeared through the gate without saying a word. QJ glanced back at Ra; she had removed her shoes and was standing in the fountain's basin. "Aren't we going back now?"

Ra nodded. "The gate will stay open for a few hours. The water is really cold."

QJ removed his shoes and stepped into the fountain. "Now, this is a great idea." He waded toward her, a smile on his face.

"Did I surprise you by installing the components properly?" Ra tilted her head to one side, an eyebrow raised in question.

QJ grinned but didn't answer. He cupped his hand and let the water from the fountain fill it. "Let's hold the water together."

"Y-You want to hold the..." Ra looked from his hand to the basin they were standing in. Her dark eyes were unreadable as she cupped her hand and let the fountain slowly fill it with water. "Let's hold the water together."

She moved her hand to his as if reading her thoughts; their hands touched and tilted, the water combined without spilling. She bent her head toward their hands, her eyes looking up at him.

"Drink?" When she nodded, he bent his head until their cheeks brushed together. They both drank until the water was gone.

Her dark eyes continued to watch him. "I will share my water with you until it is all gone."

The sentiment made QJ smile; she squeezed his hand expectantly.

QJ nodded, "I will share my water with you until it is all gone."

Ra gripped his hand tightly, her dark eyes smiling. "Let's head back."

QJ stepped back into the sands of the Dunjai. Dusk had come, and the desert air was quickly cooling. Ra had stepped forward and retrieved the Sandhealer banner from the holder. The rest of the banners were already gone. She held the Water Staff in her other hand; the end of it was a swirling orb of blue water.

The Raja stepped off the platform, flanked by guards, and he walked toward them. He stopped in front of Ra and put his hand out. She placed the staff in it, bringing a smile to his face. Immediately the water orb faded and turned solid. He frowned for a moment and then handed it back to her. The orb brightened again and started to spin slowly. He bowed his head slightly. "A Water Wielder has come to the Dunjai. We are truly blessed."

Ra bowed her head. "Sierra Sandhealer greets the Honorable Raja."

"A Burning Horse ghost has made a report. Telemai attacked the other factions, but the price for doing so was her life." The Raja looked at Ra and then QJ; they both nodded in affirmation and bowed their heads politely.

The Raja stuck out a huge hand. "I invite the honorable Sandhealer Faction to join us in friendship."

Ra placed her hand on his. "We of the Sandhealer Faction join the Raja in friendship."

An hour later, QJ, Ra, and Dara were all sitting in the Sandhealer tent. Ra was watching QJ as he spoke with Dara, the newest addition to the Sandhealer Faction.

"I will teach you everything, but you must pay attention. What you gain from this will be up to your own ability."

Dara nodded and watched him carefully.

Ra poured wine into three glasses and handed them both a glass. "What can be learned in a few hours?"

"You'd be surprised. People who grow up with disabilities often compensate by improving other areas. Developing an Eidetic memory is sometimes a side effect."

Ra leaned back and sipped her wine, "What is Eidetic?"

"It means they remember everything."

Her dark lips whistled softly. "That would be nice. Do you remember everything, QJ?"

QJ smiled but didn't answer before facing Dara. "I will tell you a story in sign while speaking at the same time. The story takes about an hour to tell. There are several thousand words in this story. Once you can repeat this story in Sign, you will be considered fluent."

Dara leaned forward and nodded.

QJ started the story slowly. Sometimes he would go back and repeat certain phrases. It took nearly three hours, by the time they were done, QJ's focus was starting to wan.

"You are tired." Ra placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"A bit, I guess." He turned back toward Dara.

[Conversation is in Sign]

"How was it, Dara?"

"Please stay here, QJ."

"My home is far away, and I've been gone for a long time."

"Don't go. I wish to talk to you."

"Sorry, Dara, I can't stay."

"There are still many words I don't know. How do I say [spells it out.] B A S T A R D?"

"Like this." QJ showed her the Sign for bastard.

"What if I want to call someone [spells it out.] S H I T H E A D?"

"This way." QJ laughed and showed her the Sign for shithead.

"Please stay and talk to me. I have a voice."

"I have to return to my home."

"Stay here, and I will be your woman."

"No thanks."

"Is it because I'm short?"

"No, your chest is too small."

"Bastard... Please stay."

"Sorry, Dara."

"I have a voice. You've given it to me."

QJ nodded. "Aren't there others without a voice? You can help them, Dara."

"Give the other ghosts a voice? Then what?"

"Come find me in Maelstrom."

"Okay, then we will talk every day."

"Sounds like a good plan, Dara."

"What if I want to say other bad words, and don't know how?"

"Just make it up. Who will know?"

She scrunched her face up, dark eyes suddenly wet with tears. "Okay." Dara got up and walked slowly out of the tent; her head hung low.

QJ watched her leave. "Take care of her, please."

Ra stood up and walked to the center of the tent. "I will." She sighed heavily and picked up her staff. "Come, enter the circle."

QJ tried to follow the incantations she recited, but the world started to blur around him.

[Sierra Sandhealer has activated your gate home. Do you wish to return to Maelstrom now?]

"Yes." QJ waved as the world around him started to fade. At the last moment, Ra stepped close, pressing her lips against his until he vanished.

QJ lay flat on his back, groaning as the ground tilted in different directions. "Damn... that is a sucky way to travel."

He sat up slowly and checked his hud, "It's almost morning. How is that possible?"

[System Message] You have completed Test of Strength.

*Ding 43*

[System Message] Your World Reputation has increased by 50.

[System Message] You have claimed Leadership of the Sandhealer Faction.

[System Message] You have received a new title: The Water King.

[System Message] You have become part of the Dunjai Tribal Lore: The One Sun.

QJ stared at the messages, "I can't deal with this now."

"Log-Off GnG"

[Raja's Royal Palace]

Father? You are back!" The twelve-year-old prince charged at the giant man and hugged him around his waist. His father was so huge, his arms didn't quite reach around him. Prince Haden was dressed in white robes. He carried a large piece of parchment in one of his hands.

Jomen Sala nodded, a smile creasing his weathered face. "Yes, finally back."

"Who from the Dunjai? The Burning Horse?" The prince let go of his father and stepped back. His father was the Raja of the eleven tribes that inhabited the Basara continent. At his command, nearly half a million horses would ride into battle. This year he had visited all of the tribes; the Dunjai tribe was the last.

Jomen shook his head. "The Sandhealer faction."

At twelve, the prince was old enough to have an interest in the lands that he would one day rule. He took meticulous notes on every tribe and its hierarchy of leadership. "The Sandhealers? How many people did they bring? Most of them were wiped out two years ago."

"Just one, a blue-eyed foreigner." The Raja continued walking, his son falling in beside him.

"One? They brought one?"

Jome lay a huge hand on his son's shoulder and smiled down at him. "How many suns does the sky need?"

Three hundred miles to the east, the two brothers of the Jesu tribe placed empty clay jars on the back of their cart. Every morning before dawn, the ten-year-old twins would travel the nine miles to the Bosai river bed. The river had long since been dry, but if you dug a meter or so into the sand, you would find water. It was their job to fill enough jars for the livestock. The small village did have a well, but that was only for the people. If they used that water for the livestock, the well would very quickly run dry.

"Why am I pushing today, bastard ass?" Juma cursed his twin brother. "I pushed yesterday. Today I was supposed to pull!"

Boca laughed at his brother's discomfort. They were dressed identically in light brown pants and shirts that their mother had made. Neither wore shoes, and their brown skin was nearly as dark as their black hair. "I gave you the rest of my Kali at dinner last night. Don't you remember? You said you would push again today if I did."

"That was a joke, stupid!" Juma continued pushing; the last mile to the river bed was a steep incline, and it was the hardest part of the journey. "Pull a little bit harder. I feel like I'm doing everything!"

The cart lurched suddenly, causing Juma to hit his head on the back gate. He glanced over the cart and noticed his brother had dropped the steering pole.

"That's it. I'm going to beat you up!" Juma stomped around the side of the cart and then stopped.

Boca stared back at him, his face filled with shock and fear. "Juma... why is the river bed gone?"

The dry river bed was filled with clear water, nearly all the way to its banks. It was flowing fast and angrily. "Boca! Run home and get the elders. I will check the basin!"

Juma's bare feet flew over the sand as he ran along the steadily rising Bosai River. The Bosai had once fed into a large inland lake. It had been dry for generations. The twin skidded to a halt and fell on his butt when he crested the hill. In the distance, he could see the basin.

When the village elders arrived an hour later on horses, Juma was standing kneedeep in the basin's water.

"Juma! Come speak with us!" Shani, the village leader, was younger than the other elders. She motioned for Juma to hurry.

"Elder Shani, when I stood here half an hour ago, the water was still below my ankles."

Unlike the other elders, Shani's hair was still jet-black, with not a trace of gray to be seen. "Water in the basin... Has a Water Wielder come to the Eleven tribes?"

The oldest of the elders was a gnarled, bent old man who had long ago lost his hair. The only part of his body that had resisted the ravages of time were his shining white teeth. He was standing ankle-deep in water, and for the first time, anyone could remember, he was smiling. "Not just a Wielder, but the Water King also!"

Next chapter