
Clearing the Vermin (part one)

Maric tried not to stare, but it was challenging. It was his first time interacting with the Orange-haired Songbird. Instead of making his GnG avatar look like a model, he went with his natural appearance. He was a slim 20-year-old Latino man with short black hair and a pencil-thin mustache. River Sanchez was the son of a police officer from Mexico City. Like the other Riders in OP, he relied on his shooting skills to get into the Academy.

Robin was standing at the top of the Keeps Central tower. "This tower was where Morbin kept his harem." She turned to face the three shooters. "Did you guys know that?"

Maric shook his head, he could feel sweat running down the back of his neck. How did QJ talk so casually to this person? He literally felt like he was caged up with a tiger. "What do you think about a sniper nest here?"

Robin pursed her lips while she scanned the surrounding landscape. She understood the concept of a sniper nest. TAP had range damage, but the range was limited. "How far can you cover?"

"For a sure-kill, eight hundred meters with the weapons we currently have available." Maric glanced at the other two shooters for confirmation before continuing. "For general damage and low percentage kills... you can double that."

Robin raised an eyebrow, her brown eyes showing a bit of mischief. "See that pond directly north of us? What's the range on that?"

"Bit less than seven hundred meters," Junzo answered.

[OP: Robin] Are you busy, Breeze?

[OP: Breeze] I'm free now. Just finished a quest turn-in.

[OP: Robin] Join up with Junzo, Maric, and Dunnie.

[OP: Breeze] Sec, sending invites.

[Group: Breeze] Heya, boys. What's crappening?

[Group: Dunnie] Hey, Chero.

[Group: Maric] Breeze.

[Group: Junzo] Hey.

[Group: Breeze] What are we doing?

[Group: Maric] Still trying to figure it out. The Commandant has an idea.

[OP: Robin] Got a movement skill, Breeze?

[OP: Breeze] Of course.

[OP: Robin] Head to the pond north of the Keep.

Maric exchanged glances with the other shooters. Robin was standing there quietly, not moving. "We going down there?"

Robin shook her head. "You're grouped with her?"

"Yes," Maric replied.

"When I was scouting the area around the Keep. I noticed a rather large group of mobs in that pond." Robin turned to face the shooters. "Swamp gators, 40-level elites."

"Woah..." Maric equipped his rifle and sighted in on the pond. After a moment, he nodded. "They're non-aggressive, meaning they won't attack anyone, even if you swim up to them."

Rob shrugged slightly. "I don't care what their current aggression level is. They're too close to this Keep. Anyone could aggro them and lead them right through the gates."

[OP: Breeze] I'm at the pond. Where are you guys?

[OP: Robin] Use a single-point taunt on one of those swamp gators.

[OP: Breeze] Then what?

[OP: Robin] Run... The Riders will keep you safe; just keep aggro.

"You boys should get ready." Robin gave them an innocent smile. "She'll be fine... As long as you're as good as you claim."

[OP: Breeze] Damn... I'm kiting? You little bastards better not miss!

Maric frowned at the Songbird. "Those are 40-level elites."

Robin nodded. "And you three are out of aggro range. Building a sniper nest up here will require resources. I don't do anything half-assed. If you can't protect Breeze from a few reptiles. Then forget about the sniper nest."

Maric turned back toward the edge and assumed a prone position.

[Group: Maric] We'll slow the gator and then open up on it.

[Group: Junzo] I'll do slows. You guys focus dps.

[Group: Breeze] In position. Don't let me down!

[Group: Dunnie] Just run laps around the pond; that will keep you in range.

[Half an hour later]

*Ding* Level 20.

[OP: Breeze] DING.... 20!

The out-of-breath Chero glanced down at her mud-caked boots while wiping the sweat out her eyes.

[OP: Junzo] Need a break?

[OP: Breeze] Break Schmeak! LET'S GO!

Breeze hefted her hatchet in one hand. She had yet to hit anything, but it felt more natural than running without a weapon.

[OP: Breeze] Here we go!

*Breeze has activated Aggression*

An Elite Swamp Gator has been angered.


Junzo has crippled an Elite Swamp Gator.

*Rider's Sharpshooter*

Maric has hit the target for 13,884 damage.

*Rider's Sharpshooter*

Dunnie has hit the target for 16,444 damage.

*Rider's Sharpshooter*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

(Critical Hit)

Junzo has hit the target for 44,877 damage.

[An Elite Swamp Gator has been slain]

[OP: Breeze] Junzo with the big hammer!

[OP: Maric] Highest hit I've seen so far.

[OP: Breeze] Just do crits and headshots all the time.

[OP: Dunnie] It's not that easy

[OP: Breeze] QJ does it... Just saying.

Dunnie made a face. "QJ does it..."

The other Riders chuckled but didn't say anything. Each of them felt that they'd eventually rise to the top.

Meanwhile, a few kilometers away, QJ stopped his horse near the front gate of his property. There were several white tents pitched outside. The sound of hammers and saws was everywhere.

Two Darkelves approached him; one held a bow and had a quiver full of wickedly sharp-looking arrows. The other had twin scimitars peeking over his back in a shoulder harness. QJ smiled at them. "Younger brother QJ greets the Jol Clan."

The ranger extended his hand. "It's our honor, QJ. I'm Zed, and this is Foli."

"What's our status Zed?"

"I have a small squad of fighters; most are currently scouting the area. In addition, two dozen craftsmen are working on repairs. We have several wagons of building supplies; Aji is in the house somewhere."

QJ looked around; they were already repairing the stone wall. "Who is Aji?"

"Aji Sai will be the Briar Rose Majordomo." Zed looked down when he spoke; it was obviously something that he disagreed with.

The Sai had attempted a coup several years ago, but it had been put down by Fora. Mojo had personally banished Jana Sai and had killed their Clan Matriarch, Taiga Sai. Later on, Quinn defeated Kimo Sai during the Mata Ru.

Although Mojo eventually forgave the Sai Clan and restored their place in the Dark Elf culture, many of the Jol Clan resented the Sai lineage.

"What's Aji's relationship to anyone my father may have killed?"

"She is the daughter of Kimo Sai." Zed scowled when he said it.

Kimo Sai had dark plans for Mojo and Serli. Unfortunately for him, his plans were ruined by the Mata Ru candidate. He had been executed according to clan law years ago.

"I'll find her in the house." QJ turned toward the front door, and both Darkelves started to follow him. "It's fine, brothers; carry on out here."

The double doors that had once been the front door had been removed as the Jol craftsmen continued their work. QJ ducked inside and walked through the entryway. A small door next to the entry closet had been left open; for some reason, he felt Aji might be there.

The stairway descended to a small platform, did a right angle before descending again. "It's a damn basement." QJ's night vision engaged as he approached another door. He stepped inside a large room lined with benches. "The hell is this?" It looked like a place of worship or a shrine.

A banshee-like scream from close by sent shivers down his spine. He pulled his shotgun and ran past the benches to a small door. He kicked it in and then abruptly stopped himself. The door opened to a large pit with a small walkway at the top.

It was here that QJ perched. Below him, six cloaked figures surrounded a dark elf girl in white robes. She carried a long staff and swung it in wide circles to keep her attackers at bay.


You have faded from view.

QJ slid down the steep sides of the pit and charged into the circle. He slammed his shotgun into the neck of the nearest assailant, causing him to drop to the ground.

A Waylo Maelstrom apostate has been stunned.

He grabbed the dark elf by the hand and fired point-blank and the nearest person.


A Daywalker has been stunned.

QJ has hit target for 8,455 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 1,691 damage.

"This way!" The girl ran towards a door on the far end of the pit; they bolted through it and quickly barred it with a large timber.

An eerie voice made them both freeze in place.


The heavy door was being hammered on by the other side, but thankfully it seemed to be holding. "We can't stay here." QJ looked around the room; there was only one other door.

"I'm Aji. Thank you for assisting me."

"I'm QJ." He glanced at the long Staff she was carrying. "Are you a cleric, perhaps?"

"Me?" Aji shook her head. She was tall for a dark elf, she seemed thin, but with the robe she was wearing, it was difficult to tell. "This is just a walking stick. I can't fight at all."

QJ stared at her in disbelief. "You're not a rogue or a ranger? Not even a cleric?"

"No, I'm a scholar."

"Sweet Mother... What kind of dark elf doesn't train fighting skills?"

"The kind whose father has sinned grievously."

"That's problematic, but let's work on getting out of here first." QJ activated his hud.

[System Message] Your personal Head's Up Display may not be used at this time.

"...." QJ.

The dark elf stepped away from the door. She didn't look frightened. "I'm not trained, but I will still help. My first priority is getting you out of here."

QJ stared at her momentarily; her white hair was cut nearly as short as his. Her face was void of the scars that usually marked dark elves. "Since you aren't limited to robes, let's switch those out with leather armor."

She nodded, "Okay."

QJ accessed his inventory and took out the old armor he had replaced several levels earlier. "Here you... Sweet Mother... What are you doing?"

Aji had removed her robe and had one hand out, waiting for the armor. She was dressed in thin white underclothes. "You said to change out my robe."

"Right, but warn me next time." QJ turned his back while she changed. His initial impression of her being too thin had been entirely wrong.

"I'm all ready." Aji didn't look embarrassed, "sorry for the confusion."

"No fighting skills at all? How about hand-to-hand? You must have had disagreements with other kids growing up."

Aji shook her head, "everyone avoided me."

"Hand me the staff, please." QJ sighed and took out a dagger.

When Aji passed him the Staff, he took a few minutes to sharpen one end.

"New rules, Aji."

Aji looked at him curiously. "What new rules?"

"From now on, I expect you to fight when the need arises. In preparation for those moments, you need to start training."

QJ spent a minute showing her how to grip the Staff properly and how to initiate forward thrusts and a few easy blocking maneuvers. "This is Ninjutsu Staff fighting; we can modify it into a hybrid spear technique for your purpose. With Vampires, aim for the chest."

Aji nodded, "I'll do my best."

QJ pursed his lips slightly. "May I inspect?"

"Of course, sir."

[Aji Sai]

Level 14

NPC Class: Unknown

Strength 35

Endurance 29

Intelligence 38

Agility 33

Luck 5

Charisma 28


Tailor 100

Scholar 100

QJ whistled softly, "well, your stats are great. "I'll single pull, wait here, and we'll take it slow." QJ walked toward the far door. 'If she dies, I'll just stealth and drag her corpse upstairs for a rez.'


You have faded from view.

The door led to a long hallway that ended in a small room. There were three cloaked figures in the room.


A Daywalker has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Daywalker has been slowed by forty percent.

QJ ran down the hallway toward Aji, the cloaked figure hot on his heels.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit]

QJ has hit target for 450 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 90 damage.

"Sweet Mother barely scratched him... plan B, Aji."

"What's plan B?" Aji asked calmly.

QJ slid his six-gun into its shoulder holster and waited until the mob crossed the doorway. "Get ready!"

He ducked under the outstretched arms and came up behind him in an RNC (rear-naked choke). In the interest of not getting thrown off by a phenomenally strong mob, QJ pressed his forearm against the chin instead of the throat. Immediately the creature sunk its fangs into his arm.

"Shit...Now Aji!"

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

QJ has suffered 150 damage.

Aji thrust the point of the Staff directly into the Daywalker's chest.

A Daywalker has been slain. You have gained 44,000 xp and 540 credits.

*Ding* Level 23

QJ stared at the Daywalker in surprise as it slowly turned to dust. Then he grinned at his companion, who finally displayed a bit of emotion. "Bad news is that their levels are really high. Let's keep going."


You have faded from view.

QJ headed back down the hall toward the remaining two figures.


A Daywalker has been roped and is closing in on your position.


A Daywalker has been slowed by forty percent.

[Meanwhile, back at the Keep]

Ringo had just finished the Ghost Dancer instance with four of her freshmen. They had attempted Routine difficulty, but it had definitely been challenging.

Lotte was equipping gear that she had won in the instance, "we going in again?"

Ringo shook her head. "In a bit, we should pull QJ in with us and give Arduous a shot."

"Um... QJ just leveled up again." Lotte looked at the guild display; QJ went from 22 to 24 in less than twenty minutes.

[OP: Lotte] QJ, how are you at level 24?

[OP: Breeze] How am I still losing ground to you? We're killing level 40 elites! Share some of that XP with me!

Ringo laughed at the freshman Comanchero; she was definitely one of a kind. She walked out of the kitchen and into the Guild Hall; two maids followed a man dressed in black as they made their way up the stairs. The slinger felt her fangs protrude at the sight of them.

"Where you going, Ringo?" Lotte watched as her guild leader suddenly turned and hurried up the stairs.

[OP: Breeze] Why does QJ's status say unavailable?

[OP: Lotte] All available guild members, report immediately to Guild Hall."

Ringo saw the notice as she trotted down the hallway. "Smart girl," she muttered under her breath. She increased her speed and stopped the door from closing with her foot. Then, pushing it open, she stepped into Robin's office and closed the door behind her.

Robin was sitting at her desk, still wearing black armor and weapons. "What's wrong, Ringo?"

"QJ might be in trouble." Ringo walked to the side of her desk; the three visitors were standing in front.

Robin pushed her chair away from the desk but didn't stand. "What's wrong?"

"QJ's last location was Briar Rose. He has leveled up twice in the last ten minutes, and his status says unavailable." Ringo stared at the three guests, her gaze turning hostile.

Robin leaned back, calmly watching her guests. "So he's in a dungeon, fighting something much stronger than him.

What's below Briar Rose?" She addressed the last sentence to Oliphant.

He shook his head. "Nothing, there's absolutely nothing there."

"They are familiars, Robin. That means there is a Vampire Lord in Briar Rose." Since Ringo had been infected, she had researched the topic quite a bit. Only a Vampire Lord would have familiars; she had sensed what they were the moment she saw them.

Oliphant's eyes seemed to grow darker as his face turned cruel. "If he has found the Master, then nothing can save him." He nodded at the two maids, and they immediately spread out.

Robin's laugh surprised them; they had not expected that reaction. Then, a blur of motion, and she was behind the two maids.

Lou has been struck for 174,943 damage.

[Lou has been slain]

Rae has been struck for 210,550 [Critical Hit]

[Rae has been slain]

Ringo stared at the two corpses; their throats had been cut with powerful strokes, and both maids had nearly been decapitated.

Oliphant backed away, fear evident in his eyes. He was only slightly stronger than the other two.

The door was kicked open a moment later, and a white-haired dark elf wielding a staff stood in the doorway. "Problem?"

The infirmary was directly below Robin's office; being a cleric, Sara was highly sensitive to the smell of blood.

Oliphant scowled at her. "You're a cleric? Rez those two women immediately, or you can forget about ever seeing QJ again."

*Sara has cast Holy Flames*

The two bodies instantly burst into flames and disappeared moments later in a cloud of ash.

The young Cleric's lavender eyes stared at Oliphant. "You're not allowed to speak my brother's name."

Robin approached Oliphant slowly, one dagger drawn. "Tell me everything you know."

Oliphant shook his head. "Kill me if you want bitch! Then, the Master will feast on his tainted blood."

The rogue smiled slightly. "I see... if you have a weak stomach, you should turn your head now."

Oliphant raised his chin slightly, "I don't need your advice. The three of you will become the Master's concubines."

Robin nodded. "Sure, but I wasn't talking to you." She struck fast, sinking her dagger to the hilt into Oliphant's crotch. She impaled him and then raised her arm, letting him dangle from her blade while he screamed.

"Heavens." Ringo turned her head, covering her mouth with one hand.

Robin ignored the frantic blows coming at her. "Feel like talking yet?" She shrugged when he only screamed in response; slowly she turned the dagger.

The screams subsided after a minute, and Robin looked distastefully at the blood and urine on her carpet. "That's not going to come out easily..."

"Set him down, Robin." Sara had watched everything calmly.

Robin glanced at her, "Sara, this isn't a time for mercy."

Sara nodded and smiled sweetly. "Of course. He can't feel anything now. Let me heal him so you can start again."

"...." Ringo.

"Oh, right." Robin withdrew her blade and waited patiently.

Sara has cast *Arms of the Mother*

Oliphant has been healed for 41,300 damage. [Critical Heal]

Ringo stepped onto the balcony while the two NPCs continued their conversation with Oliphant. It only took three repetitions before he spilled everything.

Next chapter