
Clearing the Vermin (final)

Oliphant was ashes by the time Ringo stepped back inside.

Robin briefed her on everything Oliphant had said. The orange-haired rogue looked at her expectantly. "Can you handle matters from here? I don't mind stepping in if you need assistance."

Ringo shook her head. "The Guild needs this kind of experience. We'll handle things from here. I'll call Dessi for some backup." She understood that the Keep Commandant could wipe out whatever vermin was lingering beneath Briar Rose, but getting OP more raid experience was the better choice. If they couldn't handle it, they could always bring her in.

Robin nodded and sat back at her desk. "I'll leave it in your hands then."

Ringo left the office, the sound of footsteps followed her.

"Could I come with you? You might need a cleric, especially when dealing with the undead." Sara smiled sweetly as she fell in step beside Ringo.

"Okay, thanks for the support." Ringo tried not to shudder when the young dark elf smiled at her.

A few moments later, Ringo and Sara were standing in Guild Hall. Most of the guild members were present. They had explained the situation in detail and quickly formed a raid. During this time, QJ went up another level.

"Damn, QJ is at 25 now." Breeze had listened to the brief and was first to charge out into the courtyard. She mounted quickly, waiting for Lotte.

Lotte mounted up and pulled beside her. "He's probably just staking vampires. No matter how much hp they have, a stake through the heart is insta-kill for them.

"Crap... I need a stake." Breeze was about to dismount when Ringo walked up.

"It's fine. Dessi and a few of her third years will meet us at Briar Rose; they'll prepare stakes." Ringo led the first years out of the gate. Overhead several stealthed Ba'Avriel shadowed them.

"He'll probably kill them all before we get there." Breeze grumbled while she rode, "share that XP, man."

OP deployed quickly, after giving it some thought, Ringo brought up her hud; a moment later, a familiar face looked back at her. "Sorry to bother you like this, Chancellor Ivy."

The blonde scholar shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Baroness Ringo."

Ringo cringed at the title but forged ahead anyway. "Prince Waylo Maelstrom is a Vampire Lord, and One Problem intends to kill him." Waylo had been the King's Uncle, so getting permission seemed like the best way to avoid the hangman's noose.

Chancellor Ivy's face paled visibly; she motioned for several people to leave and waited for a moment before she responded. "This is a delicate matter, Baroness. If your guild could handle it quietly, the royal family would be very thankful."

Ringo nodded, "consider the matter handled quietly."

[Destroy the Vampire Lair]

Quest Type: Guild Promotion Event

Defeat Vampire Lord Waylo Maelstrom

in the depths of Briar Rose.

Do you accept this Quest on behalf of One Problem Y/N?

"I accept." Ringo smiled to herself and used the guild roster to slide QJ into her group. His name was still grayed out, but that should change as soon as they entered the lair.

QJ and Aji took a moment to rest. After the first mob, QJ would single pull them back to Aji; then he would Feign Death, restealth, and stake them while she stabbed at them with her spear. Aji's levels were climbing even more rapidly than his. He had made four levels while she had gone up eight.

"We can move to the next room." QJ had been patiently single-pulling mobs to a central location so that they could continue to advance. This was the third such room.

"You're very formidable, QJ." Aji drank some water from a canteen he offered and then handed it back.

Mostly it had been fairly easy fighting. Vampires were weak to a stealth and stake strategy. There were a few occasions when they were unable to utilize it, but QJ had been able to grapple with creatures whose strength was much greater than his own. For the first time ever, Aji had fought for her life. The impact made her dark elf blood boil.

QJ patted her on the back. "You are doing well. I'm worried about our progress; without a hud map, we can't even be sure where we are."

Aji used her Staff to draw a quick picture of their route on the floor. "We've rerouted because of dead-ends twice; although I can't confirm it, I believe we are heading toward the river."

[System Message] Your Head's Up Display has resumed functioning.

[Destroy the Vampire Lair]

Quest Type: Guild Promotion Event

Defeat Vampire Lord Waylo Maelstrom

in the depths of Briar Rose.

[Raid: Ringo] Alive and well, I see.

[Raid: QJ] Sweet Mother... I love you guys.

[Raid: Breeze] We are beautiful, right?

[Raid: Lotte] Sweet words.

[Raid: Sara] I love you too, QJ.

[Raid Leadership has been transferred to you.]

Aji had been added to the Command group.

[Raid: Ringo] We've taken care of the mobs in the pit and are making our way to your location.

[Raid: QJ] Awesome, I'll study the map while we wait.

QJ brought up the map and the Raid Sheet. He noticed Chainy had tagged along; she was already at level eight. QJ moved her to the Command group to increase her XP.

[Command Group]







"Can I stay? I don't want to leave." Aji's armor was scratched and dented in several places; her short white hair was splattered with black blood.

"Of course," they studied the map together. The room they were in was connected to an even larger room. The larger room had three hallways leading from it; each of these opened up to a small room.

Aji zoomed in on the largest room. "We've completely explored this place except for those four rooms. That means..."

"Yep, that means the boss is close." QJ smiled at her, "you're doing well."

"I picked up a skill." She looked shocked when she said it. "Look."

[Aji Sai]

Level 22

NPC Class: Unknown

Strength 35

Endurance 29

Intelligence 38

Agility 33

Luck 5

Charisma 28


Tailor 100

Scholar 100

Spear 4

"A weapon skill? Very nice, Aji. Spear is actually a really good weapon skill to have. "

QJ turned his attention back to the Raid sheet. There were five third years in the raid. Maya and Nina had been close enough to join Umber, Dessi, and Til.

The raid had been divided into five groups of six. They were light on heals. One Cleric, two medics, and two gamblers. Gamblers could fill in as off-heals, but they couldn't take the load for long. They'd have to rely heavily on Sara.

The Main Raid Group arrived a few minutes later. It was standing room only in the staging area.

[Raid: QJ] Sato, come with me. We'll scout out the main room.


You have faded from view.

QJ moved through the door; Sato stealthed and followed close behind. The room was a large circle with three hallways leading from the far side. The center part of the room was raised up, and on it sat a huge throne.

[Raid: QJ] Sweet Georgia..."

[Raid: Sato] That's a big ass, Vampire.

The man on the throne looked like a Knight. He was heavily armored, with long gray hair that hung down his back.

His fingernails were long and wickedly curved. He had a six-gun belted around his waist, and the handle of a dagger stuck up out of one boot.

[Lord Maelstrom]

Vampire Lord: Level 50

[Raid: QJ] Don't get too close, Sato.


In a flash, he was standing in front of Sato.

Sato has been slain.

QJ had a stake in one hand; he dived forward, slamming it into the Vampire Lord's chest.

[System Message] Lord Maelstrom may not be staked while his Priestesses are alive.

QJ has hit target for 0 points.

QJ has been slain.

[Raid: Sara] QJ!

[Raid: QJ] Don't come in. Wait one moment. Sato, don't recover your corpse.

QJ hovered over his corpse, waiting patiently until Lord Maelstrom walked back to his throne and sat down.

[Raid: QJ] Sara, come to the door and rez both of us, don't enter the room.

The door pushed open, and Sara stood in the entryway. She frowned at the sight of her brother's corpse.

[You have been offered a resurrection by Sara. Do you accept?]


QJ waited until Sato was rezzed also.

[Raid: QJ] Everyone come in slowly, make an immediate right and hug the wall. The walls are a safe zone as long as he's on his throne.

[Raid: QJ] We'll check out the three rooms first, then come back and devise a plan. Take the far right, Sato, be careful.


You have faded from view.

QJ hugged the wall as he moved left toward the far door. The door was heavy and made of white metal. He pushed it open slowly; the small room had one occupant.

A female dressed scantily in skin-hugging red armor and red leather boots that came up to her knees. She was standing in front of a large basin of blood.


Vampire Priestess

Level 40

QJ shut the door carefully and continued to hug the wall as he moved toward the center door.

[Raid: Sato] There's a 40-level Vampire Priestess name Victoria in my room.

[Raid: QJ] She playing around in a basin of blood?

[Raid: Sato] Yep.

[Raid: QJ] Okay, head back. I'm checking the middle door.

The middle room had a 40-level Vampire Priestess named Sonja. The blood basin was the same as the other three. QJ headed back to the entrance.

[Raid: QJ] What do you think, Chainy?

[Raids: Chainy] If those three rooms aren't connected, then this will be pretty straightforward.

[Raid: QJ] I want to assume they are connected. If I'm wrong, then we don't really lose anything.

[Raid: Chainy] That changes things, then. All three small rooms might have to be emptied before he can even be damaged.

[Raid: Ringo] There might be an order of events or even all three at the same time.

[Raid: QJ] See those three squares on his throne?

[Raid: Sara] Snakes, jewels, and flowers.

[Raid: QJ] Good enough, we'll call it that. There was a snake design was on the far left door. And the middle door had a jewel design.

[Raid: Sato] Crap, I didn't notice what design was on the right door.

[Raid: QJ] Doesn't matter; it must be the flower design.

[Raid: Chainy] See the four statues? I'd have the Riders climb up there. That might clear them of any AoE damage Maelstrom puts out.

[Raids: QJ] Good idea. make it happen.

QJ studied the raid sheet while the Riders moved into position

[Raid: Ringo] Let's move Sara and Breeze to the Main Room Group and swap in Dessi and Lotte.

QJ made the necessary adjustments and started working on his raid brief.

[Raid: QJ] Take good care of them, Sara.

[Raid: Sara] You know I will.

[Raid Announcement] Breeze has been designated as the Main Assist.

[Raid Brief] We have designated three door groups. The command group will take the left door. The second group will take the middle door, and the third group will take the right door. The remaining two groups will stay on Maelstrom in the Main room. The main group will start things off by attacking Maelstrom; from there, we will have to make adjustments, so pay attention to the raid channel.

[Raid: QJ] Listen, we'll need to pay close attention and adjust to any changes. Shout out if something seems wrong. If there's nothing else, we'll move into position in two minutes.

[Raid: QJ] Buff when ready.

*Three-Tails has cast AoE Raging Bull*

+100 ATK to all Allies.

[Raid: QJ] Nice buff; keep Maelstrom slowed no matter what.

[Raid: Three-Tails] You got it.

QJ led his group to the left door and waited until the other two groups arrived at their door.

[Raid: QJ] We'll start off with the Main Group attacking Maelstrom. Hit him, Breeze!

*Breeze has activated Blood Feud*

Lord Maelstrom has been taunted.

*Three-Tails has cast Tar Pit*

Lord Maelstrom has been slowed by 60 percent.

QJ watched as the main group attacked Maelstrom. The damage was fairly light, but Maelstrom's life bar was slowly going down.

92 percent, 91 percent, 90 percent.

[Raid: Sara] QJ, the snake square is lit up. His health is regenerating.

[Raid: QJ] Command group inside!

QJ pushed open the door and moved inside. The priestess position had changed; she was glowing red, and one of her hands was in the basin.


Elena has been slowed.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit target for 4,132 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Lotte has hit target for 3,133 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

(Head-Shot Bonus)

QJ has hit target for 6,230 damage.

Fire has scorched your target for 1,246 damage.

The priestess removed her hand from the basin and jumped toward QJ; Aji stepped in front of him with her spear extended.

[Raid: QJ] Just keep her on the end of the spear. Don't worry about doing damage.

[Raid: Aji] Okay.

*Hot Pack*

Dessi has healed Aji for 6,455 hp.

*Double Direct Shot*

Ringo has hit target for 2123 damage and 1727 damage.

[Raid: Sara] He's no longer regenerating.

*Aimed Shot*

[Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit]

QJ has hit target for 16,230 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 3,246 damage.

*Quick Shot*

Ringo has hit target for 4,132 damage.


Lotte has hit target for 5,437 damage.

[Raid: Sara] QJ, the jeweled square is lit up!

[Raid: QJ] Middle team attack now!

[Priestess Elena is now immune to damage]

[Raid: QJ] Left group stop attacking. Everyone, take your cues from Sara. Whatever square she calls out. That team attacks and the other door teams will stand by.

QJ checked his gear while Dessi caught up on heals. "Doing okay, Aji?"

The dark elf nodded, "doing great, thanks."

[Raid: Sara] The flower square is lit up; right team, go! Maelstrom is at eighty percent.

[Raid: QJ] The blood basins go down with each rotation. This is Maelstrom's lifeline. The order may change, be ready to adjust to whatever Sara calls out.

The snake square lit up the next two times, as predicted, the order started to vary.

With the groups attacking at Sara's call, they continued to whittle away at Maelstrom. When he was at 10 percent, all three basins shattered, and the door groups were forced to defend themselves.

[Raid: Sara] All three squares are lit up now, QJ.

*Raid: Chainy] I think it might be important to kill them all at the same time.

[Raid: QJ] It can't hurt. The left side is at 5 percent.

[Raid: Sato] Right door is at 8 percent.

[Raid: Talia] Middle door is 6 percent.

[Raid: QJ] All door teams stop attacking at one percent and then call out.

QJ and his team kept attacking until they were at one percent. Then they focused on defending and healing.

[Raid: QJ] Left Door is at one percent.

[Raid: Sato] Right door also!

[Raid: Thalia] We are there too!

[Raid: QJ] All Door Teams attack with everything! Then head out and help finish Maelstrom!

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into target for 5,414 damage, 3,174 damage, and 3,111 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into target for 2,133 damage, 2,254 damage, and 1,515 damage.

*Aimed Shot*

[Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit]

QJ has hit target for 18,450 damage.

Fire scorches your target for 3,690 damage.

Elena has been slain! You have gained 44,500 xp and 22,050 credits.

*Ding* Level 26

QJ ran through the door. "Let's go, guys!"

An ear-piercing screech caused QJ to cover his ears.


[Raid: QJ] He's gonna rampage. Shield the Cleric!

Lord Maelstrom charged toward Sara faster than the players respond. Just before he arrived, Aji stepped in front of Sara with her spear braced against the floor and pointing outward. The Dark Elf's spear entered the Vampire Lord's chest amid the grinding of bones and splatter of blood; the strength of Maelstrom drove the sharpened tip through his heart until it emerged from his back. He seemed to freeze for a moment, disbelief in his eyes and then peace as his body slowly wilted away into a pile of ashes.

[Aji Sai has slain Lord Maelstrom]

You have gained 120,500 xp and 151,230 credits.

You have gained favor from the Royal Faction.

*Ding* Level 27

*Ding* Level 28

"Alright!!" QJ cheered Aji, and after a moment, the rest of the raid joined him. A small smile played on her lips.

[Raid: Breeze] Holy Crap... I'm level 24!

[Raid: Ringo] Nice job, everyone.

QJ went back into the left door and looted Elena; all three priestesses dropped the same type of leather armor. Elena's was red, Sonja's was black, and Victoria dropped yellow. They had high agility and BR ratings and were specifically female only.

[Raid: Ringo] We won't require GCP for these drops. Roll if you want them. Please, preview the fitting. This armor is quite revealing.

Breeze couldn't wear leather armor, but that didn't stop her from previewing it, "Wow... that's some serious sexah!"

[Raid: QJ] No one rolling?

[Raid: Dessi] I'll take the red one if no one is rolling.

[Raid: Aji] Could I have the black one?

[Raid: QJ] Yep... anyone for the yellow one?

[Raid: QJ] Let's see what the Lord dropped.

[Ancient Blood]

Increased all stats by 10.

Permanently infects the recipient

with the vampire curse.

[One Shot]

Diagram: Rifle

A detailed drawing of

a rifle built by the Gunsmith

Waylo Maelstrom.

[Raid: Chainy] If it says permanent, you won't be able to get it cured later.

[Raid: QJ] Raise your hand if you're a gunsmith. Oh, just me? Thanks.

QJ placed the rifle diagram in his inventory before glancing at Ringo. "Want that blood?"

Ringo shook her head. "Permanent sounds really bad."

QJ nodded and then removed the stopper from the bottle and drank it down. A red glow enveloped him for a moment while he made a sour face. "Gah... that was horrible."

All your Stats have been increased by 10.

You are Immune to Vampirism.

[Raid: Sara] QJ!!

[Raid: Breeze] Woah... ballsy.

[Raid: Chainy] Okay, I didn't see that coming.

[Raid: QJ] Relax, everyone. I'm immune to curses.

QJ linked his stats to the raid.

[Kingslayer QJ]

Wrangler: Level 28

Agility 50

Perception 50

Stamina 37

Wisdom 24

Strength 35

Command 20

Total BR: 10


[Phoenix Bullets]

Pistol III 44/100 Level 4

Shotgun II 25/100 Level 7

[Gunsmith] 21

[Indomitable Will]

+5 All stats, immune

to curses.

[Raid: Sara] Getting strong, QJ!

[Raid: Sato] Excuse me while I go throw up.

[Raid: Breeze] I feel like you should ask me out now. Are we there yet?

[Raid: QJ] No, we are miles away from that.

The [Return to Keep] icon was grayed out, so QJ and the rest of the raid slowly made their way back to the first level of Briar Rose. QJ led them out into the courtyard, stopping when he saw the royal coach.

A moment later, Chancellor Ivy stepped out; she smiled as she approached QJ and Ringo.

"Well done; I can't believe you were able to rid Briar Rose of that terrible infestation." Her manner told them she wouldn't speak in any more detail.

QJ smiled and bowed slightly. "As always, we serve at the King's pleasure."

Chancellor Ivy has a favorable impression of you.

Ringo bowed also. "One Problem will continue its record of service."

Ivy handed Ringo a silver scroll. Ringo looked at the scroll for a moment and then quickly opened it.

[System Message] One Problem Guild Keep has been upgraded to Level Two. Land ownership has increased. A small hamlet has been located on your Keep's property.

The guild members cheered loudly. Ringo and QJ stood in front of Ivy, waiting for her to leave. She merely smiled at the two of them and remained where she was.

Finally, Ringo dismissed the Raid and sent everyone back to the Keep.

Ivy bowed slightly and handed each of them a slip of parchment. "The King has his eye on the two of you. He looks forward to seeing you both at the Star Crossed Ball."

[System Message] Ringo's rank has increased to Viscountess.

[System Message] QJ's rank has increased to Viscount.

Ringo watched the coach pull away; she mounted her horse and waited for QJ. "Let's ride back."

QJ nodded and summoned Scorch. "Damn. Now, I'm afraid to look at that parchment.

Ringo laughed at the face he made. "Yeah, me too."

He turned Scorch to face Aji. "Were you able to get the staffing plan done?"

Aji gave him a slight nod. "I've talked to the craftsmen. The foundation and roof are solid. Complete restoration will take about three weeks."

QJ looked at the rundown manor. "The Cottage in the back is yours."

"Thank you, sir." She was still holding the sharpened Staff from the raid. It was covered in blood.

"Keep that staff for memories. I'll bring you a proper spear." QJ waved and was about to leave when he pulled up. "Let's be honest for a moment, Aji."

Aji raised an eyebrow, "I will tell you the absolute truth."

"Of those people you assigned to staff Briar Rose, how many of them have an issue with you being the daughter of Kimo Sai?"

Aji frowned and looked down without answering.

"Let's be clear; you work for me. Assigned by Serli Jol, correct?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Remove the names of everyone who might resent you." QJ frowned at her, "is that a problem?"

"No, sir."

"See to it. This is your home too. We only bring friends into our home." QJ turned his horse and matched pace with Ringo as they trotted toward the Keep.

QJ said goodbye to Ringo in the Keep Hall before heading down to the Cellar. He accessed the 'Defend the Keep' Instance and ported in.

Cleo hovered over the Keep Wall; she was talking to the two Incider Spiders.

There were bodies of both men and bees littered across the Courtyard. She stopped speaking when she saw him and immediately flew to greet him.

"QJ!" She smiled at him, sending him warm feelings. "I missed you."

QJ patted her head; she was a bit over five feet tall. "I brought you something." QJ handed her the yellow armor from the vampire raid.

Firefly [Female Only]

Armor: Rare

+20 to Movement speed.

+20 to Agility.

BR Rating: 10

QJ tried not to stare when she put it on. It clung to every curve; it was low cut in the front and completely backless. The outfit was yellow and included a pair of yellow boots. "Woah... that looks good, Cleo."

"I love it, QJ!" She flung her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

QJ nearly staggered under the mental pressure. Her feeling of happiness washed over him. "Cleo, can you curb the emotions a bit? It's overwhelming."

"How will you know how I feel if I do that?"

"Just tell me, Cleo. That works too."

Cleo nodded in agreement. "I like you, QJ. I love this armor too. I like fighting with you. It makes me happy when you summon me to fight for you. I will protect you from harm. I like it when.."

QJ held up a hand to interrupt. "Know what? Let's just forget what I said. I can handle your heartfelt feelings. "How are the drones?"

"They were so stupid at the start, but they are doing much better now."

Cleo raised a hand and summoned a drone.



Level 11

HP 150/150

Strength 10

Agility 10

Stamina 10


QJ looked at the stats. "Not bad. Have you been able to advance far in the instance?"

Cleo nodded. "We've finished it the last four times on the easiest setting. We still finish with only fifty percent of our army. We'll keep at it, QJ!"

"Very nice job," QJ patted the top of her head.

Next chapter