
Major Event Quest

"You don't have to worry, Nemesis. I won't let them take him."

Quinn didn't bother to glance up since his face and hair were soaped up. He had long since come to expect the Spider Queen's regular appearance while showering. "Thank you, Angel. We need everyone to stay alert."

"Indeed," Angel agreed. She watched Quinn rinse off for a few seconds before retracting toward the corner of the ceiling. "Spiders sense things that others can't; I'll stay close and be ready if they make another move."

"Thank you," Quinn stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. By the time his hair was dry, his visitor was long gone.

Since Tal and Quinn were going out for dinner, Anna ordered pizza for them, and they enjoyed their meal in companionable silence. Afterward, they cleaned up the kitchen and walked up the stairs together.

Anna stopped by his doorway on the way to her room. "Plans tonight, QJ?"

QJ nodded. "Time for some quests. Be ready if I need backup."

"Of course!" Anna replied.

QJ slipped into his VR compression suit a few minutes later and sat at his desk. After considering his options, he contacted Lotte via his desk hud. Her face popped up immediately.

"Interesting outfit, QJ." Lotte was just leaving the Winchester General Store.

"Like it?" QJ asked. "Where are you grinding tonight? We could group up and get some xp."

"I'm on a class quest, sorry, QJ. It's a solo-only deal."

"No worries. I might head into Laredo and get a quest." QJ didn't feel like solo-grinding the rest of the night. "We are doing the King/Empress raid in the morning."

"Oh? Does the Academy Dean have time for that?" Lotte gave him a crooked smile; usually, she would cover up her smile with her hand, but this time she didn't.

"Very amusing... cya in the morning then." QJ closed comm and took a drink from his water bottle. He was just opening the door to his VR chamber when his desk hud buzzed. "Damn, I should get that."

"QJ... I sent you something important." Angel's face appeared on his desk hud after he answered it.

"Like a present?" QJ frowned suddenly. "Anya? What's wrong?" Angel's countenance seemed sickly. Although her skin was always pale, now it appeared pasty with a slight sheen of sweat. In all of their explorations, while growing up, he had never seen the Spider Queen sweat.

"Nothing's wrong." Angel looked tired. "I'm going to get some sleep."

Comm closed before he could question her further. QJ stared at the desk where her image had been a moment earlier. "I better check on her."

QJ logged into Ravenwood; stepping off the platform a few seconds later, he headed toward the house on the hill.

Brillant hues of pink lit up the sky as the sun's last whisper struggled against the coming night. QJ walked down the cobble path leading up to the large manor at the top of the hill. Although technically, it belonged to Quinn, quite a few LAIs made their home there, including Leah, Mojo, Lara Sy, Remmy, and Angel.

Instead of taking the steps up to the walk-around porch, he walked to the side of the house and down a short flight of steps leading to a small basement apartment.

The green wooden door opened quietly, and a moment later, he found himself in the musty darkness of Angel's lair.

One side of the large room was furnished like any standard home. A kitchen, bathroom, and den were carefully laid out in a manner that gave guests the feeling of warmth and comfort. Light from the corner fireplace tossed shadows on the wall as QJ walked further into the living space.

The second half of the room was where normalcy came to a screeching halt. From floor to ceiling, intricate webbing covered everything. As a joke, Angel had once weaved a small sign from her web that read, 'Welcome.'

"Anya..." QJ spotted her sleeping deep in her webbed maze. Hesitant to approach since that would cause her to wake up immediately, he chose to inspect her instead.

[Angel] Spider Queen (Weakened State)

Race: Arachnid

Level: 113

"113?" QJ frowned at her stats. He knew for a fact that her level was in the mid-160s. "How did you lose fifty levels?"

With nothing else to do, he left Angel a note asking her to contact him when she woke up.

[Welcome to Guns and Gore, the Phoenix Server.]

Location: Laredo

Time: 1949 hours

Server Population: 10,118 Your current level is 16.

[System Message] You've received mail.

"Open mail."


Give this to Cleo.


[System Message] A [Blood Essence] vial has been deposited in your inventory.

QJ accessed his inventory and examined the vial.

[Blood Essence]

Consumable: (Arachni Only)

Description: This contains a substantial amount of life force.

"Anya... What did you do?" QJ grimaced slightly. Even if he could return it to her, she'd absolutely refuse.

[Guild Message of the Day] QJ has been made Vice Leader of One Problem.

[OP: QJ] Hey, guys.

[OP: Lotte] Greetings, Dean.

[OP: Ringo] Hey, Boss.

[OP: Breeze] Can we discuss my grades, Dean QJ?

[OP: Leeta] Hi QJ.

[OP: QJ] Amusing. Who wants to do a quest with me?

[Whisper/Ringo: QJ] I'm up for a quest.

[Whisper/QJ: Ringo] Great. Meet at the Laredo Saloon and Casino.

[Whisper/Ringo: QJ] Give me a few minutes.

[System Message] Ringo has invited you into a group.

[Group: QJ] Take your time. I'll find a suitable quest.

QJ entered the Laredo Casino a short while later; the smell of cheap cigars and brandy flooded his senses when he pushed through the batwing doors. Dixie was dealing cards at a nearby blackjack table; she noticed him immediately and motioned for one of the girls to replace her.

"A word in private, Sir." Dixie grabbed a bottle of brandy from the bar and slid a hand through QJ's arm. She led him through a door that opened into one of the backrooms. After hugging him with one arm, she stepped back. "Nice to see you, QJ."

"Miss Dixie," QJ grinned when she grabbed two glasses from a nearby table. "Always a pleasure."

"Back here, you may call me Annabelle." She opened the bottle and poured them drinks.

"Maybe just one, Miss Annabelle." He accepted the glass and then tossed it back

After downing her glass, Annabelle sat the bottle down and grabbed his hand. "Come with me."

QJ let himself be pulled up a short flight of stairs to her room. She released him once they were inside. "I really need your help, QJ."

[Meanwhile, at a meeting of the Exodus Academy Board of Directors]

"Damn, bastard... I hope they string him up by his balls." Roland Tyler looked like he had been forced to eat bugs. He had been sitting peacefully at his desk enjoying his lunch when Anna Li sent a live stream to him and all the Academy Board members.

They had watched every damning minute. Tomas had thrown QJ to the wolves; worse yet, his own security cams caught everything.

"It's beyond stupid." The only woman in the meeting was carefully watching the holos of the board members. Marna Lovich had been on the Academy Board for twenty years. It was her idea to appoint QJ as the temporary Dean immediately. Now that the crisis had passed, the naysayers pointed fingers at her.

"Now that things have calmed down let's revoke the appointment." Roland was staring at Marna. She would make the perfect scapegoat when it came time to explain things to the shareholders.

"You're just as stupid as Tomas. Want to know why the Academy is still standing? It's because Quinn Riley's son stopped them from destroying it." Marna breathed a little easier when several board members nodded in agreement. "They held Tomas until law enforcement surrounded his home, then they let him log off."

"Poor fool." It was the first time the Board Chairman had spoken. Although Malcolm Brenner had appointed Tomas to the position of Dean, Tomas had hidden his gambling addiction from everyone. With a heavy sigh, he opened the dossier that contained everything they knew about young Quinn James. "From his reaction, it's obvious that QJ isn't thrilled with the appointment. However, I do believe that the young man will act responsibly."

Marna nodded in agreement. "I think so too. Want to cross Quinn Riley? How about Gus Obreen? Orion Media is much more powerful than HYLO ever was. QJ is the heir to everything."

Roland listened carefully as the different board members voiced their opinion. "Let's place one of our people next to QJ to assist him then. The Exodus Virtual Assistant can be replaced with a real one."

An instant later, a hud popped up in the middle of the boardroom table, causing everyone to jump. "Pardon the interruption, Sir." It was Malcolm's assistant and granddaughter, Rachel Brenner.

"What's the matter, Rachel?" Malcolm knew she would only interrupt with a good reason.

"In the last hour. Gus Obreen has acquired roughly twenty-six percent of Exodus Academy shares. During that same time, Quinn Riley attained eight percent. An additional twelve percent was sold and purchased by unknown parties."

Malcolm stared at the other board members, his wrinkled face drooping. "Well... shit."

While the board was dealing with its issues, QJ sat on a rather comfortable sofa in Annabelle's boudoir. "What can I do for you, Miss Annabelle?"

"I need you to look after one of my distant cousins. She is from a well-respected merchant family in Maelstrom. She is carrying a small crown that one of the noble women will wear to the Star-Crossed Ball." Annabelle sat beside him on the sofa; her light brown eyes stared at him while he considered her words.

"If she's carrying something so valuable, won't she have hired security?" QJ asked.

Annabelle nodded. "Certainly, however, I want you to provide additional protection. I only trust you with this matter."

[System Message] Annabelle has offered you a Major Quest. This is part of the Maelstrom storyline and will directly influence future events on the Berg Continent.

[Escorting the Crown Jewels]

Quest Type: Major Event

Escort Cousin Lilly from Laredo

to Maelstrom.

[System Message] Do you Accept this Quest Y/N?

"I accept." QJ stood up and bowed. "I won't let you down, Annabelle."

Suddenly Annabelle looked scared; she dragged QJ to the door and pushed him into the hall. She held his arm tight for a moment while staring at him. "This is important. Remember, trust no one."

Unexpectedly, she rose up on her tiptoes and kissed him quickly before abruptly slamming the door shut.

[Group: Ringo] I'm waiting outside the Casino.

[Group: QJ] Be right there.

[Group: Ringo] Did you find quest?

[Group: QJ] You might say that. Sharing it now.

[System Message] You have shared the Quest: Escorting the Crown Jewels with your group.

[Group: Ringo] Seriously? A Major Event Quest? I've never heard of this one.

QJ exited the Casino and quickly found Ringo. She was wearing black leather Vampire gear and had her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail.

[Group: QJ] Damn, that gear looks sharp. Follow me, please.

QJ took the first turn behind the Casino and entered a dead-end alleyway. He turned toward Ringo and rolled up his sleeve.

[Group: QJ] First things first, we don't want any surprises.

His teacher blushed slightly but nodded and gripped his wrist tightly. Her fangs slowly protruded, blue eyes turning cold as she bit him.

QJ stared down the alleyway, trying to distract himself. Her soft lips on his skin and the sucking noises made it very difficult. When she finished, he rolled his sleeve down and opened his hud. A moment later, Anna's face popped up.

Anna was sitting at the kitchen island, talking to Em. "Ya know... if you keep calling me, people will start talking."

QJ laughed, "I can't help it. Nan is the best."

Anna nodded in agreement. "Truth... How can I help?"

"I picked up a Major Event Quest in Laredo called 'Escorting the Crown Jewels.' The Quest giver is Dixie Jones, or it might be under Annabelle. Seems to be a standard escort mission."

"Major Quest? I'll start looking into it and get back to you." She blew him a kiss and closed comm.

[Group: Ringo] It's nice to have resources.

[Group: QJ] Anna's fantastic. Let's get moving.

QJ and Ringo mounted up and walked their horses toward the mission starting area, an old Stage Coach station just outside town. The quest would begin as soon as they reported to Caravan Master Dunham.

[Group: QJ] What do you make of this quest?

[Group: Ringo] I've been thinking about it. If it's a Major Event

quest. How come I've never heard of any of the participants?

[Group: QJ] There was something off. Dixie looked scared when she gave me the quest. She said to trust no one.

[Group: Ringo] Let's work with that and assume we can only rely on each other.

The station was about a ten-minute ride from the Laredo Casino. Just before they arrived, QJ's hud blinked at him. Anna's pretty face immediately popped up. Ringo moved her horse closer so she could listen in.

"Hey, guys. I wanted to get back to your right away. The quest you are on is pretty lucrative. However, it is never given by Dixie Jones in Laredo."

QJ shared a glance with Ringo. "Maybe we are getting an alternate version?"

Anna sent them a mission map. "The quest always fails immediately. An ambush kills Cousin Lilly."

QJ pulled up his horse and stopped. "What else? How is this mission lucrative if the mission fails right away?"

Anna seemed to be looking at several huds at once. "You pick up the [continue quest] option and bring the crown to Maelstrom."

Ringo leaned closer to QJ so that she could see Anna better. "We are missing a big part of the picture. What faction originally gives the quest, and more importantly, who opposes them?"

"Um... well, indirectly, it should be Prince Morbin's faction." Anna continued to filter through information. "Wait... there's a Princess Lilianna. She's the daughter of one of the King's concubines. Yet, there's barely any mention of her."

QJ considered the options. "If Cousin Lilly is Princess Lilianna, then Annabelle would be part of her faction. But, she said to trust no one."

Ringo nodded in agreement. "We could be the only ones in the caravan trying to protect her then."

"Let's look for a chance to grab Lilly and run for it." QJ smiled at Anna, "Nan... find us an escape route along the quest's route. As close to the start as possible."

Anna grinned and rubbed her hands together. "This is like a prison break, right? This girl wants to do that."

"You're cute, Anna." Ringo found herself returning the Asian woman's silly grin.

"Yep, she's the best. Work fast, Nan." QJ closed comm and continued to walk Scorch toward the starting point.

QJ stopped his horse when he saw the stagecoach parked in front of the station. He got off his horse and handed Ringo the reins.

[Group: Ringo] We could use some intel to back up our theory.

[Group: QJ] My thoughts exactly. I'll go in on foot; I need you to create a distraction so I can talk to the passenger.

[Group: Ringo] How are you going to do that?


You have faded from view.

[Group: Ringo] How the hell are you doing that?

[Group: QJ] Just a standard Fade ring. I have a tattoo that enhances stealth items.

[Group: Ringo] You get a lot of nice things.

[Group: QJ] Didn't you pick up a Fade ring from Crimson the Hungry?

[Group: Ringo] Yes. Did you get inked by the Painted Lady? I'm nervous about going to see her.

[Group: QJ] It's worth the trouble. However, the visit might test certain boundaries.

Ringo pulled up and waved at the Caravan guards when they approached the stage. The blue-eyed brunette smiled pleasantly at the group of men. "Hiya, boys."

QJ made his way around the far side of the coach and quickly slid in through the door. The inside of the coach was very dark, with two well-padded benches facing each other. A young woman was sitting up with her head against the door. Her wrists and ankles were bound in rope, and she was gagged.

There was a flash of hope in her eyes when the door opened, but when it quickly closed again, she leaned back and closed her eyes. The girl's beautiful blonde hair and pretty green eyes instantly reminded QJ of Leah. Her complexion was pale and flawless.

QJ guessed her age to be around sixteen. He let stealth drop, "I'm a friend of Annabelle. Do not be alarmed."

She gasped for air when QJ removed the gag. "T-thank you, sir."

"It isn't safe yet, but we will try and free you." QJ untied her ropes and then handed her his shotgun. He thought about it momentarily and then gave her his hideout holster.

[System Message] Lilly's lingering doubts about your identity have been satisfied.

Lilly looked at the hideout gun for a moment and then quickly equipped it up the sleeve of her dress. "You really are a friend of Annabelle."

"Isn't that what I said? Be ready for anything."


You have faded from view.

QJ considered the system message for a moment. Does that mean she'd have blasted him with his shotgun if she hadn't seen the hideout gun?

[Group: QJ] I think I almost died, but our suspicions were correct.

[Group: Ringo] Hurry.

QJ cracked open the door and slid through it again. He quickly put some distance between himself and the stagecoach. He could hear Ringo talking pleasantly with the guards. After he was far enough away, he ducked behind some boulders.

QJ extended a hand, palm up. "Come."

A moment later, Cleo appeared in front of him. She had changed slightly again. The bee features of her face were slowly taking a more human quality. She bowed her head toward QJ; he was instantly flooded with a feeling of warmth.

"I need you and the boys. Follow us closely but stay out of sight. Then, when I'm ready, I want you to attack the front of the Caravan." QJ pursed his lips, unsure if she understood.

Cleo nodded slightly and quickly skittered away.

Ringo was quickly running out of things to say; the urge to pull her guns and blast away was very strong. She breathed a sigh of relief when she caught sight of QJ approaching on foot.

"There's my partner now, guys."

QJ quickly mounted Scorch and glanced at the Caravan Master. "Where you want us, boss?"

"I'm Dunham, the Caravan Master. You wouldn't happen to be a teamster? Our driver is a no-show."

The Caravan Master was a bald man with a face burnt dark red from years of exposure to wind and sun.

QJ nodded, "I can handle a team."

Ringo looked up at him in surprise but didn't say anything. "I'll ride shotgun then."

The Caravan Master nodded. "Under no circumstances is the passenger to be disturbed."

"Yes, sir," QJ replied quickly.

By the time they had tied their horses to the back of the stagecoach, the rest of the guards were ready to go. The Caravan Master and four guards would be in the lead group, while two more guards positioned themselves behind the stagecoach.

A Ba'Avriel assassin flew in large, lazy circles above the caravan route. It's as you say, Anna; more than a dozen people are waiting in ambush." Maia's eyes glowed red as she effortlessly picked out the men below.

Anna frowned at her through her hud. "I figured so. QJ will have to make a break for it. Thank you for your help." Anna wanted to avoid contacting QJ while he was being watched, so she sent the information directly to his mapping feature.

QJ's hud dinged a few moments later, and he noticed that his map had been updated. "Better check the route, don't want to be surprised by steep upgrades or tight turns."

He studied the map that Anna had sent. It clearly showed that the ambush had already been set up; Ringo leaned close, her sharp eyes taking in everything.

[Group: Ringo] How do you want to play it?

[Group: QJ] A narrow pass here is just big enough for a horse. So we'll escape through there. Lilly will have to ride Scorch.

[Group: Ringo] I'll grab my horse and lead Scorch alongside the coach. Lilly will have to jump on. What are you going to do with the coach?

[Group: QJ] I'll use it to block the pass.

The Caravan slowly left the station. QJ and Ringo tucked in behind. It meandered through the countryside, gradually picking up speed.

[Group: Ringo] About ten minutes til our turn.

[Group: QJ] I'll have Cleo create a diversion.

A few minutes later, they drove by the narrow pass. QJ nodded at Ringo; she slid onto the top of the stagecoach and made her way to the back. QJ stared at Dunham.

[Command: Attack my target]

The high-pitched screech of a spider sounded as Cleo and the Cider spiders attacked the front of the convoy.

QJ quickly pulled the coach to one side and raised his gun before facing the two trailing guards. "Give them a hand; we'll wait here out of trouble."

As soon as the guards moved forward, QJ slapped the reins hard and turned the coach. The coach accelerated back toward Laredo. Ringo hung over the back edge of the coach and quickly mounted her horse before untieing Scorch. She glanced over her shoulder at the Caravan; they had yet to be noticed.

Ringo had to gallop her horse to keep up with the team of four horses; QJ was making them run all out. She opened the stagecoach door and quickly dodged backward as a shotgun pointed at her. "Don't shoot Lilly!"

QJ shouted from his seat. "Jump on the spare horse!"

Lilly lowered the shotgun when she realized that Ringo was with QJ; she hesitated a moment before leaping onto the back of Scorch; her white dress tore with a loud rip when her feet found the stirrups.

QJ glanced at them when the two riders passed the coach. "Turn down the pass and stay in front of me. Lilly, if this goes badly, take that horse and hightail it to Maelstrom."

The group turned down the pass, immediately slowing down as the walls suddenly seemed to close in on them. Then, finally, the stagecoach started scraping on both sides; with one sudden lurch, it would move no more.

QJ quickly freed the four horses and grabbed the fastest-looking one. He jumped on its back and galloped eastward, following Ringo, who led the way.

The small group continued riding hard for five hours with no sign of pursuit, only resting once they reached a narrow river.

QJ let his horse drink while he brought up the 3-D map.

"I want to thank you, but I don't know your names." Lilly's pretty face was smeared with dust from the hard ride, but it did nothing to distract from her beauty.

"I'm QJ, and this is Ringo."

"Thank you both." Lilly looked back toward the direction they had left. "They are going to follow us. Me escaping amounts to a death sentence for them."

Ringo nodded. "Time to come clean. Are you Princess Lilianna?"

Lilly's face turned red, her eyes fluttering as she studied her rescuers. "Yes, I'm Lilianna Strom."

"Those were Prince Morbin's men in the caravan?" QJ didn't want to get involved in a faction war, but since Annabelle asked, he was willing to do so.

"The Coach won't stop them for long. We only have one path, and that's North toward Maelstrom." Ringo was studying the map. "They'll be waiting for us."

QJ shook his head. "Let's throw them off by heading east. Take the divide through the mountain range and then head North. It's heavily forested and will offer us a bit more protection."

"That's way out of our way," Ringo noted.

"Yes, it is. We do this, and we can approach Maelstrom from the west." QJ glanced at Lilly. "Will you be safe in Maelstrom?"

Lilly nodded. "I carry proof of Morbin's crimes. Once I enter the city, no one will dare touch me."

QJ climbed back on the teamster horse and pointed him eastward. "Let's continue."

Thanks for reading.

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