
Thunder Keep

Two hours later, the trio entered the Magna Forest. The canyons and foothills bordering Laredo finally gave way to dense woods as they moved steadily onward.

Ringo kept an eye on their backtrail, they turned north and slowed to a walk.

QJ heeled his mount, pulling alongside the Princess. "Can you handle that shotgun, Lilly?"

Lilly nodded. "It's not my preferred weapon; a rifle would be nice."

"This is an amazing horse." Lilly patted Scorch on the neck, curiosity evident on her pretty face. "Where did you get him?"

QJ smiled pleasantly. He was riding one of the horses from the coach. Although it was a fine animal, it wouldn't hold up to Scorch. He had put together a makeshift hackamore to control the horse. "My dad gave him to me."

Ringo looked at him in surprise. "That was Q's horse?"

QJ nodded. "Why so surprised? The truth is he doesn't really need a horse." Wings, jetpacks and Gryphons, his dad definitely had faster options.

Back at the Vegas House, Quinn and Tal had returned from dinner.

Quinn did his best to listen to the technical description that Tal was giving him.

"Are you listening to me, hun?"

He bit his lip to keep from smiling and leaned back on their bed. "If you wanted me to remember any of this, you probably shouldn't have started undressing while still talking."

Tal turned her pretty blue eyes on him and quietly slipped one of his t-shirts over her head. "Sorry, hun, I'm really excited about our work."

"Will you be able to remove Lark from the crystal?" Quinn had forced Tal to leave the lab for the evening; she and Naomi had been keeping long hours since they had retrieved the crystal.

Tal propped her head up with one hand, the other caressing her husband's face. "Very soon, I think. Ren is taking it very hard, I knew they were dating, but I hadn't realized how close they were."

"Lark is special; they are perfect together." Quinn pulled her in closer, letting her head rest against his chest.

"Hey, Quinn..." Tal sounded tentative. "Did Mojo and Leah talk with you about Lara?"

"Are you pushing this also?" Quinn had been subjected to pressure from Mojo, Leah, and his mom. "Isn't three wives enough?"

Tal shook her head. "No, hun. I'm not pushing; whatever you decide will be fine." She kissed his neck softly.

"You are a very understanding woman." He inhaled deeply, the scent of her hair making him smile.

"That being said," Tal propped her head up again. "Lara has stood by you for twenty years and was instrumental in saving Ren and Ella. Doesn't someone like that deserve a happy ending?"

Quinn frowned at the pretty blonde. "Is this you not pushing?"

Tal nodded at lay her head back down. "I won't say anything else, hun."

"Hmm... tell you what. I will put aside some time for Lara and talk this through. I know this Lark thing is really worrying her. Best I can do for now."

Tal smiled gently, "Of course, whatever you think is best."


QJ kept to the game trail; it moved north in a reasonably straight direction and managed to avoid the most significant obstacles. Finally, they found respite at a clear stream and stopped to let the horses drink.

Ringo looked quite pale; although she kept her vampirism under wraps, the mid-afternoon sun was causing her discomfort. She splashed some cool water on her face.

"Is QJ your man?" Lilly waited until QJ was busy with the horses before she asked. Her two escorts seemed close and would often make each other laugh.

Ringo shook her head, "I'm his Guild Leader; we have a good relationship."

"Oh, I see," Lilly blushed slightly. "Sorry to ask such an embarrassing thing."

"Hey, Ringo!" QJ was staring at the far bank of the stream.

Ringo walked over to where he was standing. "You see something?"

QJ nodded."See that dark spot a few meters before the far bank?"

"Could be a rock or..." Ringo stopped speaking; her ace student had removed most of his clothes and jumped into the water. He swam quickly to the far bank and then submerged. She could tell it was an entrance since he completely disappeared from view.

Lilly walked over, bending down; she splashed her face with cold water. "He does things so suddenly."

A few minutes later, QJ resurfaced; he trod water momentarily as if considering different possibilities. "Stow the horses and follow me."

"We going off the trail? It's not a bad idea," Ringo agreed. "I've been feeling exposed.

A few minutes later, the three companions were standing in a vast underground cavern. The hidden underwater cave entrance led to a small room. From the small room, there were several flights of stairs leading down.

[Group: Ringo] We could be onto something big.

[Group: QJ] I think so too. Alert the troops?

[OP: Ringo] QJ and I are neck-deep in a Major Event Quest. We may need some backup soon. Please wrap up whatever you have going on.

[Group: QJ] You've played on the Legend Server?

[Group: Ringo] Yes. How'd you know?

[Group: QJ] I didn't. It was just a guess. Is Morbin a big deal on Legends?

[Group: Ringo] Yes.

Lilly trailed the two heroes while carefully maintaining her balance on the steep, moss-covered stairs. "These steps are carved from solid rock. Who could have done such a thing?"

Finally, after several minutes of descent, they stopped abruptly at a cobblestone road. "I've spent a lot of time studying this area; there's no mention of such a place." QJ studied his surroundings. The road was lined with fluorescent stones that cast an eerie light on the travelers.

[Group: Ringo] This could be undiscovered content. How awesome would that be?

[Group: QJ] I have a feeling that the river entrance only exists if you receive the quest from Annabelle and manage to get Lilly away from the caravan.

[Group: Ringo] I bet you're right. We could be uncovering a lost story arc.

"Everything okay?" Lilly stared at the two heroes, who seemed to be muttering under their breath. "What's our plan now?"

QJ summoned Scorch and handed his reins to Lilly. "We stay on that path that we've taken."

The road was perfectly level and straight as any engineer could make it. QJ started streaming the ride to show Remmy and his mom later; they would definitely be interested.

Something slammed hard into his shoulder without warning, knocking him off his horse.

[You have been stunned.]

Ringo pulled her pistols and slid out of the saddle to duck behind some rocks. She grabbed Lilly and pulled the Princess behind her.

Lilly raised the shotgun and sprayed the area around QJ; on the fourth shot, a scream was heard as a figure dressed in black appeared a few meters away.

*Quick Blast*

[A Freeborn scout has been stunned]

Lilly has hit a Freeborn scout for 8,499 damage.

*Quick shot*

Ringo has hit target for 2,500 damage.

QJ rolled slowly to his feet, gasping for breath. "Hold your fire; stop shooting!"

He dived at the assailant and knocked it to the ground, pinning the small figure beneath him. "Stop attacking; we don't wish to fight you."

As soon as he spoke, the person beneath him stopped struggling. QJ carefully stood up and moved a step away. The figure sat up and stared at him.

The scout was the palest person QJ had ever seen. His albino skin and hair were offset by eyes that were as black as night.

His features were finely chiseled, and when he finally got to his feet, it was discovered he was only about five feet tall.

"No fight?" The scout had fangs that made QJ immediately think of Ringo's vampirism.

[Group: QJ] Please don't be a nest of vampires...

Ringo laughed and approached the scout with her hands open. "I'm Ringo. We are explorers from the surface."

The scout seemed to study them carefully. "Explorers from the surface? I apologize for attacking without cause. I'm Dagmae."

QJ bowed slightly. "Nice to meet you, Dagmae; I'm QJ, and this is Lilly."

Lilly stepped forward, "I would be interested in meeting your leaders."

Dagmae shook his head. "Our leaders are all dead. You must leave at once."

QJ glanced at Ringo, who shrugged at him. "We have enemies behind us; our only path is forward."

"You're sick, aren't you? I can sense it." Lilly stepped closer to the scout and pressed a hand to his forehead.

*Lilly has cast Purify*

[Dagmae had been cured of his ailment.]

Dagmae's dark eyes widened in surprise as his hands touched his skin. "Blessings of the Goddess?"

"Take me to your people immediately, Dagmae." Lilly's demeanor instantly changed as her aura took on a regal feeling.

QJ and Ringo followed Dagmae as he led Lilly down the cobblestone road.

[Group: Ringo] Did you feel that?

[Group: QJ] Yep, her royal blood is influencing him.

[Group: Ringo] Why did you stop us from attacking him?

[Group: QJ] I felt we were making a mistake.

[Group: Ringo] You have good instincts.

After traveling down the road for a few minutes, they branched off on a well-worn path. Another half hour of walking and the group finally stopped.

"Holy shit." QJ stared in amazement. An entire city seemed to be carved into the side of the cavern walls. Women and children were gathered around dozens of cookfires. "It's an entire civilization."

"Or at least a city." Ringo whistled softly; "thousands... just hidden away."

Dagmae took them to the largest fire in the center of the others.

By this time, the other Freeborn had noticed them and crowded around. Finally, the scout stopped before a young woman breastfeeding an infant. "Tanu... I bring guests." He bowed slightly toward the young woman.

"Dagmae? Why have you endangered these people? Please take them away from here at once." Tanu's dark eyes glanced at each guest before resting on the scout.

Lilly shook her head. "I've come here on a mission of great importance. I'm Princess Lilianna Strom. My father rules above this domain."

*Princess Lilianna has cast Purify* [Area of Effect]

QJ felt the power of the cleric spell push him back a step; his hud was scrolling the names of the instantly healed people.

Tanu looked down at the child she held in her arms. "Y-You healed my child also?"

A golden light enveloped the Princess as she walked through the settlement casting. The sickly would approach, and when there was enough, she would heal them.

[Group: QJ] Isn't that just a standard purification? Why is it so effective?

[Group: Ringo] Good question.

Finally, Lilly stopped her journey. QJ quickly stepped forward and caught her before she collapsed from fatigue. He picked her up and discovered that she was surprisingly light.

"Is the Princess alright?" Tanu and Dagmae had been following them the entire time. The reverence they showed Lilly had both QJ and Ringo scratching their heads.

"Yes, she's exhausted herself by healing so many. But, she'll be fine." QJ glanced at his guild leader. "We need to finish this quest soon."

Ringo nodded and then addressed Tanu. "We will be continuing on our journey. We are being pursued by the enemies of the Princess; we must arrive safely in Maelstrom."

"Someone is trying to hurt our Princess?" Tanu's black eyes turned cold.

[Group: QJ] Um... since when was she their Princess?

[Group: Ringo] Just go with it.

"Yes, QJ and I are tasked with protecting and delivering her safely to her father, the King." Ringo wasn't above laying in on thick. "It is a mission fraught with danger."

[Group: QJ] Damn... you actually used fraught in a sentence.

[Group: Ringo] Jealous, right?

QJ nodded at her with a straight face, then turned to Tanu. "We cannot be delayed if the Freeborn wishes to aid us; then, by all means, lend us your strength."

"Where does the road we were on lead?" Ringo brought up her hud map, showing they had traveled far to the north.

Dagmae studied the map for a moment. "Here, this lake must be the North exit."

Tanu was peering over QJ's shoulder; her soft breasts pushed against his back. "I believe you are right."

His hud blinked at him, and QJ quickly answered it to see Anna's pretty face. "Right on time, Nan."

Anna grinned at him; she was in her bedroom, and the lights were turned down. "I wanted to check in on you."

"Hey, there's a lake far north of Magna Forest. It looks quite large on our map. Is there anything nearby?" QJ noticed that Anna looked tired and promised he'd treat her to something nice.

Anna studied her hud while they spoke. "That would be Barli Lake. It's only twenty miles from Maelstrom."

QJ smiled at her. "Seems like our luck is holding."

Anna shook her head. "It's also the stronghold of Prince Morbin. In the past, when this quest failed, that's where the crown would be delivered to."

"Shit... All roads lead to Morbin." QJ glanced at Ringo, who had a big smile on her face.

[Group: Ringo] I am so glad I tagged along for this.

[OP: Ringo] All Guild Members report immediately to Barli Lake east of Maelstrom; this is a Guild event. Two hundred academy points for all participants.

[Whisper/Ringo: Dessi] I'm calling a Guild Event at Barli Lake east of Maelstrom. Any backup you could provide will be appreciated.

[Whisper/Dessi: Ringo] Awesome!! I can muster about twenty.

[Whisper/Ringo: Dessi] I'll have QJ start forming the raid, cya soon.

Anna watched her hud with interest. "Going to take the stronghold?"

QJ nodded. "Yes, thanks for the help, Nan."

[Group: Ringo] The Freeborn are assembling.

QJ started counting rows. "How many of them would you say?"

Ringo watched the Freeborn as they donned black armor that covered their alabaster skin. Their dark eyes were intense behind full-faced helms. "Looks like they have outstanding blacksmithing skills. I'd say there are about three thousand."

QJ guessed a similar amount. He kept his eyes on Lilly. They had given her Ornate black and gold armor. She sat on a creature called a liraptor that the Freeborn used as mounts. Tanu had also given the Princess a melee weapon, so Lilly had returned QJ's weapons to him. The mount reminded him of an oversized ostrich, but rather than feathers; it had scales. It also had a beak and claws that were wickedly curved. It was like nothing he had seen in GnG.

Once assembled, they set out for the North entrance. The liraptor mounts were swift; QJ and Ringo rode hard to keep pace. During the ride, QJ slowly assembled the raid. There was fifty total combining the 3rd year and 1st year GnG classes.

He had completed the task by the time they arrived at the exit. Tanu moved her liraptor close to him, "The platform on this side will rise up; the water won't rise much higher than your knees before we break the surface."

The platform she mentioned was large enough for everyone to get on at once.

QJ shook his head in wonder. "There must be a hell of a counterbalance."

Tanu pulled the lever, and a moment later, the entire floor shifted beneath them and started to rise upward. At the same time, water flooded in, but most ran off the platform and down the road.

The starlit sky greeted the force as they surfaced. Then, quietly and efficiently, they moved toward the shore.

[Raid: QJ] I've separated everyone into groups of five. Counting our off-heal classes, we have nine healers in all. The tenth group will be all Riders; we will place them on the perimeter, where they can provide sniper support. My group will be the Command group since we are escorting Lilly.

[Command Group]

QJ: Wrangler

Dessi: Medic

Ringo: Slinger

Jigsaw: Wrangler

Lotte: Slinger

Tanu and her Lieutenants gathered and approached QJ while he began laying out the battle plan.

[Raid: QJ] Pay attention, please. Hold your questions until the end.

[Raid Brief]

We will be going through the Main Gate to the stronghold. Our operative will open the Gate from the inside. At this time, the raid will push into the courtyard and break off into skirmishes. The Freeborn will come in immediately after. Expect heavy resistance; you will have sniper support from the perimeter. Yell out in Raid chat if you need them to focus fire. Finally, the Command Group will push into the building and attempt to find Prince Morbin. Questions?

[Raid: Tempest (Maya)] What happens if the Gate isn't opened?

[Raid: Ringo] Then it becomes a very short raid.

[Raid: QJ] Be ready to move. Use group chat unless the information is vital to the raid.

The assault force moved quietly to the edge of the woodline. They would have to cover about four hundred meters of open terrain to reach the stronghold.

[Group: Dessi] Too bad it isn't cloudy.

[Group: Ringo] Good luck, QJ.

[Group: Lotte] Wait... QJ is the operative?

[Group: Jigsaw] How will you get there without being seen?

[Group: QJ] How else? One step at a time.


You have faded from view.

[Group: Lotte] Dang... Share your toys, neighbor!!

[Group: Jigsaw] Hey! Did you drag me to safety a few nights ago?

[Group: QJ] Yes, now focus.

QJ covered the distance to the Gate at a slow jog; the walls surrounding the stronghold were quite impressive. They were five meters high and thick enough so three men could walk along the top side-by-side. It was a solid gray stone structure with a steel portcullis and a massive drawbridge that would extend over the moat when lowered.

He waded slowly into the moat, careful not to make noise, and was finally forced to swim when the water became too deep. He pressed against the side of the wall, looking upward. The positioning of the torches made it possible for him to see the shadows of the guards. There were two stationary guards and one roving. QJ guessed the rover was walking half of the wall before turning around and retracing his steps; there must be a second rover on the other side.

He mirrored the rover's movements for a few seconds and then took out his rope. It took two tries to lasso the battlement. Finally, he scampered up the side of the wall and pulled himself onto the walkway. He left his rope tied securely; in the low light, the guard probably wouldn't see it.

On schedule, the guard returned to his position. QJ waited until he passed by and then drew his pistol.

QJ slammed his pistol onto the back of the guard's neck.

[A Roving Guard has been stunned]

QJ picked up the end of his rope and wrapped it twice around the guard's neck before tossing him over the side. A sudden crack sent a shiver down QJ's spine as the rope was stretched taut.

[A Thunder Roving Guard has been slain]

QJ left the rope and moved toward the nearest guard. They were both standing in front of the battlements. QJ sprang onto his back and wrapped his legs around the man's waist, pinning his arms to his sides. He locked in a rear naked choke and struggled silently while the guard kicked his legs in vain.

[A Thunder Stronghold Guard has been slain]

QJ restealthed and headed for the last guard, aware that time was working against him.

[Raid: QJ] Move now! I'll have it down in thirty seconds!

The guard must have felt his presence; he turned toward QJ with his sword raised. QJ mercilessly kicked him below the belt and tossed him over the wall into the moat.

Picking up the sword that the guard dropped, he severed the rope holding the drawbridge counterbalance, causing it to slam across the moat.

QJ ran down the stairs, grabbed the portcullis wheel, and started turning it. Slowly it began to rise, creaking and groaning in the night air.

"The Portcullis is being raised. Sound the alarm!"

[System Message] You are attempting to take the Thunder Stronghold belonging to Prince Morbin. You have thirty minutes to successfully capture the fort by slaying half the guardsmen.

[System Message] King Quilyn is aware of the hostile actions between his children and has dispatched a mediator to your location.

QJ swore under his breath and continued to raise the portcullis. He glanced at the wrought iron gate; it was currently at shoulder height. He gritted his teeth and pictured Cleo in his head.


A moment later, Cleo appeared.

[Command: Defend me]

*Cleo has cast summons.*

QJ smiled as the two Cider Spiders appeared and immediately attacked the guards closing in on him. He rotated the wheel twice before the first horses charged through the Gate.

He quickly locked the portcullis wheel in place.

[Command: Retreat]

Cleo moved back to QJ's side; both Cider Spiders had been killed while holding off the guard. The stream of horses quickly stopped, only to be replaced by the flood of liraptors entering the fortress.

[Raid: QJ] Break off into skirmishes. Focus on bringing down guardsmen. We have thirty minutes to take this fort.

[Group: Lotte] Impressive work.

[Group: QJ] Find me quickly.

QJ watched the minimap while his group closed in on his position. They needed to enter the stronghold and find the prince. He scanned the health bars of the ten teams, they were fluctuating a bit, but the healers were keeping up. Ringo, Lilly, and the rest of the group found him almost immediately.

The path to the keep door was open, and all the guards were currently occupied. QJ broke into a trot and moved quickly to the keep steps.

[Group: QJ] Wait a moment. I'll check inside.

The keep doors were two solid wood doors reinforced with metal strips.


You have faded from view.

QJ quickly opened the door and immediately dodged to one side as a spear was thrust into the opening. He grabbed the spear with both hands and rolled backward while kicking up with his feet. The guard refused to let go until a moment before he was sent crashing against the wall.

[An Elite Thunder Guard has been stunned]

[Group: QJ] Come in quickly.


An Elite Guard has been slowed by forty percent.

*Cleo has cast Arachni Predator*

All Allies receive + 40 ATK, 30 percent Haste.

[Group: Jigsaw] Holy shit... Whose spider is that?

[Group: QJ] Mine, don't shoot it.

*Quick shot*

Lotte has hit target for 5,252 damage.

*Quick shot*

Ringo has hit target for 5,144 damage.

*Aimed Shot* [Head-Shot Bonus x Critical Hit]

QJ has hit target for 14,450 damage

Fire scorches your target for 2,890 damage.

*Aimed shot*

Jigsaw has hit target for 3,200 damage

[An Elite Guard has been slain]


You have faded from view.

QJ walked through another set of double doors and left them open; no one attacked him this time when he stepped through.

[Group: QJ] Jigsaw, six guards are in this room; come pull one of them.

Jigsaw stepped into the doorway but didn't enter the room.


An Elite Guard Captain has been roped and is closing in on your position.

QJ made sure there were no adds, and then he followed Captain.


An Elite Guard Captain has been slowed by forty percent.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Lotte has emptied her gun into target for 1,600 damage, 1,380 damage, and 1,517 damage.

*Six-Gun Fan*

Ringo has emptied her gun into target for 2,214 damage, 1,874 damage, and 2,111 damage.

*Medical Kit* [Area of Effect x Critical Heal]

Dessi has restored 4,500 health to all group members.

[Group: QJ] Keep clearing this room, Jigsaw. Use Feign Death if you pull more than one. I'll find us the fastest path to Morbin.

[Group: Jigsaw] Understood, be careful.


You have faded from view.

QJ ignored the rest of the guards and entered the hallway behind them, it led to the kitchen and the mess hall. He retraced his steps and went through the west door just as Jigsaw pulled another guard. This led to a storage area and then downstairs to a cellar.

He returned to the entrance hall, where his group finished the last guard. Then, without stopping, he headed through the east doorway. This led directly up to a flight of stairs and a long hall.

Most of the room doors were left open; a glance showed they were empty. Red luxurious carpeting lined the hallway and the rooms. It was extravagant for a residential hall. QJ checked each room as he proceeded down the aisle. It ended abruptly with a set of double doors.

[Group: QJ] Go through the east door and come up the stairs. I found our guy.

A minute later, his group caught up. They stood outside the double doors staring at the entrance.

[Group: Ringo] That could be a hornet nest.

QJ nodded and then headed into the last room before the double doors. It was a large room with a canopy bed.

[Group: Dessi] This was a soldier's room?

QJ went to the far window and opened it up. "Bingo."

Lilly moved in behind him. "Did you find anything?"

QJ nodded. "We can reach the balcony."


You have Faded from view.

[Group: QJ] Stay here for a moment.

QJ climbed out the window and jumped to the adjacent balcony. Two large glass doors hung wide open, leading into a huge suite.

Four Elite Guards were standing by the heavy doors. A young man in fine silk sat behind the desk. Two small chests were in front of him, and both were glowing.

[Group: QJ] Found him and some quest items. Come through the window but stay next to the railing. Do not approach the glass doors.


Prince Morbin has been roped and is closing in on your position.

QJ retreated to the far edge of the railing.


Prince Morbin has been slowed by forty percent.

[Group: QJ] Hold him here.

*Feign Death*

QJ has died and lost all aggro.

[Group: Lotte] What are you doing, QJ?"

[Group: Jigsaw] He's resetting aggro to use stealth again. Keep attacking.


You have Faded from view.

QJ quickly snuck back inside and grabbed both chests from Prince Morbin's desk.

[System Message] You have obtained proof that Prince Morbin has attempted to assassinate Lilly.

[System Message] You have obtained proof that Prince Morbin has bribed several members of King Quilyn's inner circle.

"IN THE END, YOU WILL GAIN NOTHING!!" The prince screamed manically and took something out of his pocket.

He pressed it, and a moment later, an explosion wracked the balcony.

[You have been slain]

[Group: Jigsaw] Shit, QJ died.

[Group: Ringo] The Prince has become a non-combatant. Hold him down.

[Dessi has offered to resurrect you. Do you accept?]

"Yes," QJ replied.

[You have lost ten percent of your current level progress]

QJ quickly recovered as he examined the aftermath of the explosion. "That damn fool killed his men."

[System Message] You have captured Thunder Stronghold.

You have leveled up.

You have leveled up.

[Group: Dessi] I leveled up twice.

[Group Ringo] Everyone in the raid did.

QJ smiled as the cheers from the raid members reached the balcony.

[Raid: QJ] Great job, not a bad night's work.

"Cease all aggressive action immediately!" A tall woman dressed in gold robes approached them through the charred remains of Morbin's office. "I'm Chancellor Ivy, representing the crown's interest in this matter."

Lilly bowed her head respectfully. "Chancellor! Prince Morbin has attempted to assassinate me. Therefore, I enlisted the help of these heroes to defend myself.

Prince Morbin staggered to his feet. "Lies! You invaded my stronghold in an attempt to eliminate me. You brought a foreign army into my territory!"

Ivy studied the two royals with a keen eye. She was convinced that Morbin was lying; however, he had a valid point.

"A moment, please, Chancellor Ivy." QJ bowed deeply and handed her the documents he had placed in his inventory.

[System Message] You have turned in 'Proof of Guilt.'

[System Message] You have turned in 'Proof of Treason.'

Ivy carefully studied the documents she had been handed. Then, after a moment, she turned toward her guard, "place Prince Morbin in chains and return him to the palace."

Lilly's eyes were wet with tears, "QJ and Ringo, thank you both so much. You have defended me in my most dire moment. I can't thank you enough."

QJ grabbed Ringo's hand and pulled her beside him before bowing. "We will escort you to Maelstrom."

Ivy shook her head. "Thank you, heroes, but I will take it from here. Several things must be kept secret. Your mission has been accomplished."

[System Message] You have completed A Major Event Quest.

Escorting the Crown Jewels

Quest Type: Major Event

Escort Cousin Lilly from Laredo

to Maelstrom.

You have leveled up.

You have leveled up.

A new six-gun has been placed in your inventory.

New armor has been placed in your inventory.

[System Message] Guild One Problem has been awarded Thunder Stronghold as their Guild Base.

[System Message] New Content has been uncovered. Phoenix Server will shut down in ten minutes.

QJ didn't have a chance to say anything further as Ivy ported out of the Stronghold with Morbin and Lilly.

[Group QJ] Let's log out and figure out things after the server resets.

[Raid: Ringo] I recommend everyone port to the nearest town. There is no telling what changes will be implemented because of new content.

[Raid: QJ] Thanks for the hand, guys. I'm out."

Things are heating up in GnG.

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