
TAP Academy

The two jetpack pilots flew in single file, close enough to the surface of Raven River to leave a wake behind, while Angel flew overhead using her Ba'Avriel form.

Multiple changes had occurred in the twelve years since the trio had first gotten their hands on the schematic. Their jetpacks were sleeker, quieter, and much faster than the ones used by TAP elites. In truth, either Remmy or Tal could have made more improvements had they focused on it, but the engineers had their hands full with the various tasks associated with building a nation.

[Spider: Angel] I don't understand why you have to attend TAP Academy.

[Spider: Jacob] Me neither, QJ. How are we going to survive with you gone?

[Spider: QJ] You'll be fine. This is a deal I made with my parents. If I attend for three years and post the top marks, they'll enroll me in the Exodus GnG course.

[Spider: Angel] I've been researching GnG. It has a lot of potential. Unlike the other Exodus games, they have multiple… What's the word?

[Spider: QJ] Servers. The GnG player-base population is higher than all of the other Exodus games combined.

[Spider: Angel] Won't you be the youngest student at TAP?

QJ nodded, at seventeen, he'd be a few years younger than anyone else.

[Spider: QJ] The minimal requirements for entry are a high school diploma and two years at an accredited institution. Given the mature content, there's also an age requirement of 21.

[Spider: Jacob] Unless you're an LAI.]

[Spider: Angel] Or the son of the Nemesis.

[Spider: Jacob] Shit... This is about the grease, isn't it?

QJ chuckled but left the question unanswered. The three of them had coated the Ravenwood portal platform with a thick layer of grease. Nearly everyone who arrived that day ended up on their backside.

The trio landed in an orderly fashion just outside of a small clearing that boasted a single and very worn tent. QJ slipped out of his jetpack and sat it down before assisting Jacob with his.

"Thanks," Jacob cocked his head to one side, causing his dark red hair to fall into his face. "You updated your avatar."

"Just realizing that now?" It had been a few years since the last update, so until this morning, his appearance in Ravenwood was his twelve-year-old self. Unexpectedly, a few months after turning fifteen, his growth spurt started.

Angel sighed heavily; she missed the days when he looked up to her. "Will you be as tall as the Nemesis?"

"Doubtful. I'm probably done growing," QJ stated. "Mom's around six feet. Not sure what Dad is, maybe five or six inches past that."

"He's a tall one," Angel agreed. She fixed him with a long green-eyed stare. Her companion wore his dark hair short, his easy smile and bright blue eyes were pleasing to look at. "Strictly speaking, you are more handsome than the Nemesis."

"Yeah?" QJ let the compliment run off him. Angel usually said whatever she was thinking. "Sorry for cutting today short. I promised Kora I'd report this afternoon and help her set up for class."

Dressed in loose-fitting sweatpants and a sleeveless hoodie, QJ arrived at TAP Academy a short while later. All entries came through a central platform that was bordered on three sides by a transparent wall. He paused for a moment, taking in the view. A few floating clouds did nothing to obstruct the panoramic landscape below. The academy followed a slow route around Fora, always in stealth mode, completely undetectable by the inhabitants below.

[TAP Academy System Message] Logging in TAP Avatar.

Quinn James Riley


Academic: 1st year

Level: 1


Strength 20

Endurance 24

Intelligence 72

Agility 26

Luck 9

Charisma 15

QJ took a moment to glance at his hud. The stats displayed were derived from a fairly intensive set of medical scans along with multiple written and practical tests. Student Avatars were trainable, but the levels were capped off according to academic progress; 1st years could advance to level 10, 2nd years to 15, and 3rd years to level 20. Upon graduating, players who continued in the TAP world are obligated to choose a base class.

Stepping off the platform, he started walking down the cobbled path leading to the front gate. Brightly flowered gardens and carefully manicured shrubs lent an elegant backdrop to the wrought iron gate that spanned the entrance. The TAP Academic grounds were bordered by a red-bricked wall that stood a daunting ten meters in height and spanned the circumference of the thousand-acre campus.

"Identification, please." A high elf male, dressed immaculately in a blue uniform, stood in front of the gate with one hand raised in warning. His blond hair was cut short, piercing green eyes stared at the new arrival.

"Hey, Rift." QJ grinned at the gate guard before fishing his ID from the gym bag he had slung over one shoulder. Rift had been one of Saffron Daybreaker's personal guards. Lady Saffron was someone that stopped by their house on occasion.

Riff's stern demeanor faded into a grin before glancing down at the ID he'd been handed. "Did I sound professional?"

QJ nodded. "Very. Let me congratulate you on a very authoritative tone."

Rift's smile widened considerably; he wouldn't have stopped QJ from entering even if he didn't have an ID. Young Riley's face was well-known among the TAP NPCs. "That's what I'm aiming for!

QJ glanced over his shoulder before looking through the gate; classes wouldn't start for another week, so the academy was mostly empty. "Give it to me straight, Rift. What was the 'QJ' briefing?"

"Heh," Rift laughed nervously. His narrow face was expressionless, but the tips of his pointed ears turned red. "Not sure what you mean."

QJ's eyes narrowed slightly. "We play cards together; I know when you are lying."

Riff muttered a curse under his breath. "Do I have a tell, QJ? That's bullshit... Why wouldn't you say something earlier?"

"Because I enjoy taking your money," QJ laughed. "Don't stall. Was it Leah?"

Riff sighed loudly. "Not a word. Right?"

QJ nodded, "of course."

"Mojo briefed us. Anyone who looks at you sideways gets apprehended and questioned."

"That's a bit overboard and possibly against Academy rules," QJ stated. "I assume security isn't going to comply."

Riff shrugged noncommittally. "Campus security will act moderately."

"I hope so," QJ pocketed his ID and entered TAP Academy.

QJ whistled softly. Despite having been here many times, the view was still impressive. Modern architecture, coupled with gold-veined white marble sidewalks, large courtyards with tiered seating for students on break, and even a market square where you could buy just about anything, provided you had the necessary funds.

QJ bypassed the colossal four-story building that served as Admissions and faculty offices. Only department heads were allowed offices in their respective buildings; everyone else could be found here.

"Hmm?" QJ slowed his pace as his path brought him past the Aquatic Center. Normally windows next to the pool were in mirror mode, but today, the setting was transparent.

A dark-skinned woman with slicked-back brown hair winked shamelessly at him while cupping her full breasts in a gesture that went way beyond flirting. Within a heartbeat, she was joined by several other females.

QJ tilted his head slightly, his logic processing through a handful of different scenarios before settling on the most likely. He stopped suddenly, and pretended to look over his shoulder before fixing his hair. "They think the windows are set to reflect. Normally they would be, but since classes haven't started yet..."

He smiled at his pretend reflection, ignoring the laughing females while they obviously made fun of him. A few of them started getting bolder, pressing themselves against the window, some of them kissing the glass; inadvertently they put on a nice show for QJ. Since he could only pretend to fix his hair for so long, he made direct eye contact with the ringleader and waved before continuing toward his destination.

The next facility after the Aquatic Center, was the Martial Arts Center (MAC). QJ was still smiling when he entered the building, he removed his shoes and then bowed towards the center in a show of respect.

"Someone taught you well," a familiar voice spoke from behind a pile of mats. A moment later, a blond-haired woman with spiked hair stepped into view. Kora covered the distance between them and greeted the young man with a hug that demonstrated how strong her whipchord body was. "Thanks for coming, QJ."

QJ tossed his gymbag toward the nearest wall. "Wait... Did I have a choice?"

"Maybe," Kora snorted. Stepping away, she gestured at the wide-open martial area. "These mats should have already been placed."

"Let's blame my dad," QJ glanced around the facility.

A large circular ring in the middle marked where the martial art instructor gave demonstrations. Afterward, classes would break off into smaller groups in any of the eight rectangular practice areas that lined the perimeter of the room. Including QJ, there would be four TAs and Kora.

Even with both of them working hard, attaching the mats to the floor took the rest of the afternoon.

Kora brought up her hud and sent QJ a copy of the semester's different classes along with his schedule. "You'll be assisting my beginning and intermediate grappling classes from 0900-1100, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."

"Cake," QJ answered with a grin. "I thought you were gonna work me hard."

Kora shook her head and tossed her arm around QJ's shoulders as they walked toward the supply room. "The faculty is taking bets on how long it will take you to erase your mom's records at the shooting range. No one has touched them since she started working here."

QJ raised an eyebrow. Kora had been teaching him grappling since he was five. She was someone from the inner circle of the Riley family. "What makes you think I can?"

Kora chuckled like he had said something funny. "Give me something... Two or three weeks? Or longer?"

Although he loved his parents dearly, competitive endeavors in the Riley household were always no-holds-barred. It was kill or be killed in everything from dominoes to platform diving. "Is money going to change hands?"

Kora wrinkled her nose. "Yes, but I banned your dad from betting since he always ends up winning." She squeezed his shoulders. "Not gonna give me a tip?"

QJ considered keeping silent but crumpled when she feigned disappointment. "Day one, but don't tell anyone."

Since this is a GnG story and not TAP Academy, I won't be spending more than a few chapters on this part of QJ's story. Perhaps a mini-arc of three or four chapters then another time skip to GnG.

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