
Day One (part one)

QJ woke before his hud alarm went off; stretching his six-foot length, he covered a yawn and rolled out of bed. He quickly slipped on his running gear before walking quietly toward the hall.

A short while later, he started down the sidewalk toward the development's exit, his steady stride seemingly effortless as his mind focused on his class schedule.

[Group/Raid Tactics ] 0700, MWF Lab Th 1800-2100.

[TAP History] 0800, MWF.

[Theoretical Physic, Advanced] 1000, T,TH Lab T 1300-1600.

[Beginning Grappling (TA)] 0900, MW.

[Intermediate Grappling (TA)] 1000, MW.

[Small Arms Range] MW, 1300-1400.

"At least there won't be any surprises this term." QJ was well acquainted with his Instructor's, Bo Jangles (Tactics), Lady Saffron (History), Naomi Gajendra (Physics), Grappling with Kora, and of course, the small arms range with his mom.

After working out, QJ enjoyed a quick breakfast consisting of a bagel with w/peanutbutter, a glass of orange juice, and a bowl of oatmeal.

The VR chamber made a quiet hiss a while later as QJ entered, his dark hair still damp from the shower. He preferred the comfortable isolation of the chamber to the ceramic discs that Orion media developed.

QJ arrived at the Ravenwood platform, immediately glancing at his feet with a wide grin. He wouldn't put it past Angel to try and grease the platform on him. Although it was still early, he decided to head to the Academy.

The Ravenwood Courtyard was deserted except for one person sitting casually on the fountain's ledge. The figure was dressed in black with a cloak drawn over their head, masking the person's identity.

"Good morning," QJ called out. He could tell the person was female. Given her attire, his guess said it was one of the Songbirds. "Coming back from an important mission?"

The woman glanced up, her pretty pale face showing a melancholy mood. The dark brown eye's stared for a long moment. "I was supposed to, but it didn't work out."

QJ approached and took a seat next to the rogue. "Tell me all about it."

The woman's mouth curved in a small smile. "It's embarrassing," Robin tucked a stray strand of orange hair behind her ear. "For a moment, I thought you were going to grease the platform again."

QJ chucked. "Come on... That was years ago." He returned her smile, giving her the feeling that he might have considered it.

Pulling back her hood, she smoothed her hair with both hands. "I always skip the jetpack missions..."

"Oh?" QJ scratched his chin, suddenly remembering something. "Since when?"

Robin sighed heavily. "A few years ago, I crashed several times in one afternoon. I thought it was fine, but a few weeks after that..."

QJ scooted closer until their legs touched, then grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly. "Keep going," he encouraged."

The Songbird moved toward him slowly as if testing something out before leaning her head on his shoulder. "If I fly for more than a few minutes, I get anxious."

"How anxious?"

"Cold sweats and muddled thinking," Robin replied. "At first, I tried to push through it. Then, two or three missions went by; I found myself making stupid mistakes. So now I opt out whenever we're using jetpacks."

QJ listened to the details of the first few missions, his mood souring until he felt riddled with guilt. "Want to meet up later? I may be able to help."

Robin's mood swung suddenly. "Like a date? How old are you now?"

"Seventeen." QJ shrugged slightly; Robin enjoyed teasing him a bit. "Eighteen hundred at the river fork. Bring your jetpack."

Robin nodded. "Is this a secret, or can I tell Ren?"

"Definitely a secret," QJ released her hand and stood up. "Time for school."

Robin nodded and watched as he walked toward Ravenwood's platform.

/Songbird: Robin: I have a date with QJ later.

/Songbird: Ren: Really? A date, date?

/Songbird: Lark: You're too old for him.

/Songbird: Robin: I don't think I am.

/Songbird: Thrush: Woah... Is that OK?

/Songbird: Wren: Not OK, wait another five years.

/Songbird: Robin: Five years is too long.


The electronic whiteboard read 'Bo Jangles'; the person in question watched as his students filtered inside. Dressed in black leather breaches and a bright orange silk shirt, the flamboyant musician painstakingly tied a pink scarf over his white hair. He noted that his class of twenty was composed equally of both genders, and half were NPCs. The overly pretty face lit up when a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

"QJ!" Jangles didn't bother to act impartial; as QJ's godfather, the young man spent a lot of time with him and his wife, Jinn.

"Uncle Jangles." QJ nodded politely and took a chair near the front of the class.

"Jangles is your Uncle?" A deep voice from behind him asked.

QJ turned slightly, peering over his shoulder. "Godfather, actually. I just call him uncle." He noted that the speaker was some variant of wingless draconian. "I'm QJ. You're from Asperia?"

The draconian nodded. Except for his face and head, he was covered in light blue scales. Bright blue eyes with verticle irises and fanged teeth gave him an intimidating demeanor. His head was topped with a dozen black ridges that started at his forward and ended near the back of his neck. "I'm Tau. It looks like we will be grouped together."

QJ felt his wrist hud buzzing and immediately glanced at the update. The class was divided into four groups of five. "Interesting combination."

Tau grinned suddenly, showing fangs that would make a vampire cry with envy. "The princess is in our group. How'd we get so lucky?"

QJ didn't answer, his blue eyes scanning the class. His group consisted of three regular students, an Asperian and a High Elf. "Lucky indeed." He laughed at his own joke, not explaining when Tau looked confused.

"Everyone is seated?" Jangles stood with his hands behind his back; as one of the most famous players in TAP, he didn't need to introduce himself. "Hold onto your chairs."

The desks started to move a moment later, stopping once four small circles were formed.

"These are your groups. I may make adjustments if group chemistry is lacking. Take a few minutes to introduce yourself."

"QJ..." The High Elf in the group glanced at him coldly. "I hope you left your barrel of grease at home."

"Hey, Lucky," QJ greeted. "They finally released you from the dungeon?"

"Luca Chamyl, nice to meet everyone." She ignored the question, smiling brightly at the group's other members.

"I'm Tau." The lean Asperian nodded politely.

"I'm Bodeen, and this is my sister Tabitha. We go by Deen and Tabi." Although tall, he was rail-thin with black hair shaved close to the scalp. Deen cast a glance at Luca. "You were in a dungeon?"

Luca's pale face reddened slightly. "No. I was supposed to attend TAP years ago, but my father decided I wasn't ready. He's a bit overprotective."

"Hmm... I heard a different version of events," QJ teased. Unexpectedly, one of the victims of the grease prank was Luca and her older brother Shue.

"I'm sensing history," the girl introduced as Tabi offered them a friendly smile. She wore her red hair in a single braid and played with the end of it while she spoke. "Nice to meet everyone," she added.

"As Lucky mentioned, I'm QJ. Nice to meet everyone." QJ scanned the group, liking the composition. "Going to start a channel. Any name suggestions?" He favored the silver-haired princess with a smirk. "Nothing with flowers or sunshine in it."

"What's wrong with flowers and sunshine?" Luca asked.

"Nothing if you're a gardener." QJ glanced at his group members, except Luca; they gave him blank stares. "Let's go with Resolute. We can always change it later." He tapped his hud a few times and then sent invitations.

/Resolute: QJ: Welcome. Now we can talk without the entire class hearing.

/Resolute: Deen: I just scanned your class bio. Your dad is Q?"

/Resolute: QJ: That's what he claims.

/Resolute: Tabi: You look just like him.

/Resolute: Luca: Can we vote someone out of our group?

/Resolute: QJ: Sure... All in favor for getting rid of Lucky, say 'Aye.'

/Resolute: Deen: Good times.

/Resolute: Tau: This block has all the same classes. I hope this won't be a problem.

/Resolute: Luca: We do?

/Resolute: QJ: Almost. I'm the TA for the 3rd and 4th hours.

/Resolute: Deen: Looks like the rest of us Aquatics 4th hour.

/Resolute: Luca: Thank heaven for small favors.

I won't spend a lot of chapters on this part of GnG.

BotwaCazadorcreators' thoughts
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