
Black thorns

"....I would do anything to be like her..." I was about to step out of the door when the neck at the back of my hair raised sharply. That was my cue, humans were so shallow and greedy that they would do anything to have what others had that was their hamartia, that was what made them easy prey. "Anything..." I whispered loudly the room becoming colder as I took slight silent footsteps towards her. She stilled obviously she must have forgotten I was still here,"Who's there?" I made myself seen staring at her with a slight smirk on my face, "Oh new girl its just you... Aren't you supposed to be in class?" "Anything?" I whispered/asked "What?" "You said anything " I blinked fast eyes becoming darker as it shifted to its usual red color when someone made a deal with the devil or was about to. "I can make it happen you know... You want to be like her I can make you just like her maybe even better you'll have the cars, the curves, the teeth, the beauty, and of course the men" Her eyes focused directly on mine staring deep into the empty closet were my soul was once locked in. "H-How..." "All you have to do is shake my hand and I'll make your wildest dreams come true if you want" I smiled sweetly too sweetly like saccharine glucose cavity causing sweetly and she didn't seem to notice my canines sharpening like knives, only focusing on my shining red eyes She nodded her head quickly,"I do .. I do" I raised my hand slowly as if I wanted to give her a high five,"So do we have a deal "

frozenvoltage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Class 6A

"This is your student pass, you will be given your schedule later in the day,  your first class is on the second floor...  Class 6A... Goodluck "

My first day in school,  well it wasn't my first per se, but it's my first in like two centuries.

I smiled at the small woman taking the name tag with my false name and fake image from her frail hands I mumbled a thank you and turned to leave.

"OK now all I have to do is find my class... Class 6A... That should be easy.. "


This is not easy!!

I had been searching for what felt like minutes for one class I've seen Class 1A

Class 11B

Class 20C

Even Class 6B

But I haven't found any class 6 freaking - fracking A

Tell me to find a water in the desert I'm your girl

Tell me to find a lost soul in limbo

Tell me to find a virgin succubus I'm your girl

Tell me to find a needle in a freaking - fracking haystack I'm your freaking - fracking girl

But to find a class, in a large building,  I'm as useless as jelly in a burger.

I don't know how I keep missing it,  the hall had already been emptied and I was left to myself, not a good first day not that I cared really,  but still it's the principle.

I had scanned every nook and cranny of this place I was practically accustomed with the gum on the wall, it wasn't helping that after 5A they seem to have just stopped labelling the classes only sometimes numbers popping out of nowhere.

I had even given up looking for the number and just entered any class that would  call my spirit.

I bowed my head to the ground glaring at it cursing my dear cousin for ruining my afterlife, I flipped the bird and forcefully pushed it to the floor while in my head I planned ways to punish him,  after all I was the duchess of punishment.

I heard someone clear his throat behind me causing me to freeze my middle finger still up like a boner.

"Hello Miss... Are you lost? "

No I'm not lost the scrunched eyebrows tight lip and the look of pure anguish is just how I usually looked.

Is what I wanted to say but I decided I wanted to make a good first impression,  after all he already probably thought I was a nut job.

I ground my teeth,  my lips curved into a tight lipped smile at the dark haired boy approaching me.

"Yea I'm lost and I'm looking for my class... Could you perhaps help me" I asked playing the part of lost helpless human very well,  I wasn't playing for half of it.

I handed him the piece of paper he wrapped his long fingers around the paper softly taking the piece of paper  from my extended hand, I took the time to examine him, he was attractive but not my type,  the black hair which looked like he ran his hands through it a lot fits his brown eyes with pink plump lips which seemed to draw me closer to him, my gaze flickered back to his eyes before he noticed me staring like a creep.

He raised his head up from the paper staring at me straight  in the eyes"Um... Ms... "

He was obviously asking for my name which I forgot cause of his alluring eyes, my hand instinctively squeezed the badge in my hand "Christiana Grey... But my friends call me Chris"

I chose this name for more comical reasons,  one of them being that I was in my room shoving popcorn down my throat watching one of my best movies,  fifty shades of Grey before, my idiot cousin summoned me to find a human.

He smiled extending his hand which I took in mine,  shaking his callous yet comfortable hand,  he was warm which was different from what I'm used to feeling

I cleared my throat"Yes so do you know where my class is? "

His eyes shone with amusement,"Have you actually looked at this piece of paper... Where's your schedule? "

I shrugged "No... The nice old secretary said I can get it later in the day"

His face molded into one of understanding, "Mrs. Harriet... She's getting too old I'm surprised they still let her work here I think the principal just doesn't have the heart to fire her..."

I nodded my head even I wouldn't be able to do anything to that old woman she was too cute and fragile like an ant.

"Anyway... You've had the paper upside down... This isn't 6A... " he turned the paper and shoved it in my face, "...its V9 the printer must have malfunctioned and made it look like an A... "

My jaw unhinged falling on the floor like a cartoon character, at least that's what I felt when I just stood there gawking at the brunette in front of me.

I gritted my teeth,  well all ants are pests,  I take back not hurting the woman she successfully made it to my list of people going to hell, all I had to do was wait for her to make a little mistake.

I snapped my mouth shut and glared at the young man who had already began to fidget under my gaze.

Poor thing he was just trying to help me...  Too bad I don't care.

"So do you need help finding your class? " he asked his eyes holding an unknown emotion.

I lips curled into a half smile, "Yes... I would like that"

He extended him hand once again, "I'm Conner by the way... Conner Bartholomew Lawrence Kingston the iv... But my friends call me Conner"

I couldn't help but smile at his attempts to be cute.

I nodded my head and took his hand, i shook it briefly then stopped,  but he had other ideas,  his eyes were stuck on mine refusing to let go of my hand,  either he hadn't noticed I had stopped shaking or he just didn't care.

He was an adorable little thing maybe I'll have some fun here after all.

I cleared my throat, "Um... Conner? "

He shook his head clearly coming out from whatever deep thought he was having, "Yea.. " he mumbled

I smiled

So cute he's like a puppy

"My class..."

"Yea... Yea!  Your class this way"

He turned sharply leading my towards my class, it was hard keeping up with his longs strides, I was short even in my real skin I've always been short,  and keeping up with him was hard but I wasn't going to admit that. I was practically jogging next to him,  and he must have noticed it because a slowed down and a smile appeared on his face.

"So Chris...  What brings you to St Montague? " he asked

My face scrunched what was I going to tell him

Oh nothing much,  I was just here to find a human that broke my cousins heart and drag her to hell with me.

PS.  I'm the princess of hell,  what about you?.

I decided against that and just settled with a a simple answer, "I just moved in newly into town and my parents wouldn't let me go to any public schools,  so here I am"

He nodded his head in understanding and scoffed, "Parents you know what I mean? "

No not really

I shrugged and continued  walking in silence, I never really had parents,  so this was a subject i couldnt talk of,  I pursed my lips and continue to walk silently,  he must  have noticed my change in mood so he kept quiet.

He stopped abruptly causing me to smack face first into his back,  luckily it didn't hurt.

He turned to me, "I'm so sorry... Are you okay?, "

I nodded my head giving him a thumbs up.

He smiled, "You don't talk much do you" it was more of a statement than a question

I shrugged smiling also.

We stared into each others eyes, brown against blue,that's when i noticed it my eyes scrunched in confusing,  I don't understand I  couldn't see anything...

I couldn't see anything?!

He was blank to me,  I couldn't see anything,  no past experiences,  no sin,  no regrets,  no nothing,  he was blank, I couldn't even see his first lie.

Let's say everyone in the world was a book in a library,  from its prologue to the middle to the end or epilogue,  every bad deed, every sin, every lie, every regret,  I'm supposed to be able to access everything like that in a person,  but if Conner was a book,  he would be empty,  like a blank flip book,  the only information I have on him was his name,  and I still had nothing on him.

This only happened once the most innocent child I had ever met,  he had no file with me, my most precious object but he was only human and he fell like the rest.

He was strange, it couldn't be possible could it, he had never sinned since he was born till now no that's impossible,or maybe he didn't exist I almost couldn't stop my self from reaching out and running my hands through his brown hair I had begun to obsess over.

He shook his head blinking rapidly, "Um... Yea,  this is your class...  Class 9V.. Um goodbye" he said rapidly and turned sharply to leave.

I sighed,

He truly was a mystery,  one minute he was staring deeply into my eyes,  the next he was hurrying away from me.

I turned to my class door my hand on the knob ready to twist when someone stopped me mid twist.

"Chris I'll see you after class,  wait for me OK we'll get your schedule and I'll take you to your next class okay? "

I shrugged once again before nodding my head in agreement.

He smirked this time,  which was kind off hot, "OK see you later Tiana"

He turned and left, this time I watched him leave, he was truly a mystery.

And I will solve him