
Such a Lady as Wife!

If you want to make someone spill their secrets or thoughts, just push their emotions and let them talk. If the person before you is impulsive, then you don't even have any need to do something to trigger them!'.

He patiently waits for Maya to speak out so that he could predict her intentions thoroughly! 

Maya for the first time gathers all her courage to reply him at his face "I came to this country because I wanted to. Now I want to stay here because...I want to".

She couldn't help fear about his reaction for her audacity. Yet it is important to be said to him! In his face!

Kalki frowns subtly at her answer and gets displeased. Still his face didn't show any emotions while his eyes were on the things on the table.

'You are here only because of me! I brought you here! There is nothing called your wish in My decision! This is My Realm and everything happens because I Want them to happen in the exact way I want it to happen!'.

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