
I Am Not Everyone!

Kalki's chamber.

"You are not listening, Xav".

Kalki's sudden statement got Xavier out of his daze.

Ever since Xavier entered Kalki's chamber, he didn't pay his complete mind to Kalki's words.

He kept on frowning and thinking about something while Kalki was talking about the country's situations. Xavier's worried face didn't go unnoticed by Kalki.

Kalki 'asks' calmly "Something is really bothering you recently".

As an understanding brother, Xavier knows that was a question!

Xavier asks confused and worried "Don't you feel that... our lives are changing?".

Kalki looks at him with a raised eyebrow "What change did you see?".

Xavier speaks reluctantly "For instance, this marriage. Now I have to seek your permission to enter your chamber. I-I am not complaining but... I feel distant but I understand-".

Even though he knew everything happening around him is normal, he couldn't be at ease while watching everything happening.

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