
Capable enough to harm Him!


Maya jumps in shock hearing the huge door closing with loud noise.


None is needed to tell her whose were they.

Maya checks out the mini knife that she has been hiding in her robes and tries to focus by hiding her fear.

'How did he hear me from there?! Did I think loudly?! He can hear sharply too?! Just like me..This man can be dangerous, Maya. .but you are dangerous than him as you have magical powers! So stop getting scared of him! Huh? This man too has Powers, Maya! He can hurt you!-'.

"If you are finished panicking, do you have any intention to explain something to me?".

Maya turns to face the aloof face of none other than The Crown Prince Kalki! 

'That was ..calm? He can talk normally?'

She shakes her head in confusion "Explain?".

That was the only word left her mouth after hearing his lengthy question!

Kalki leans towards his side and grabs a sack.

Next chapter