
Secret Plots!

Kalki is seated on one of the chairs placed beside the huge table in his chamber. He has been staring Maya's unconscious image while the Royal Doctors are treating her 'properly'. 

Even though Maya had treated her injuries with right medicines, that would not do any better than the doctors of The Royal Infirmary. 

Kalki is constantly tracing every motions of the people in his chamber. He can't be ignorant of anything. The years of war aleady made him so alert and never missed to note any single thing happening in front of his eyes. But everything took him by surprise while he felt the same weird sensation from his past.

Even though he remains so calm, his mind had an another state. He can't believe and digest any of these things which he saw and discovered today.

After the incident with that strange and Majestic lion, he had been in search of anwers to his questions about his Magical powers.

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