
The Girl In The Saree

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  • 38 Chs
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  • NO.200+

If she weren’t brown, her red cheeks would have been evident but her thudding heartbeat couldn’t hide.

Chapter 1Chapter 1- Some back story

Standing amidst the candles in her room, shining brightly from the darkness in front, Architha stood. Her eyes reflecting the fire of struggle… The struggle to recollect the rest of the very vague memories which casually made their way into her mind that night.

This was nothing strange as her sister, Tanvitha and herself received many of these memories from their childhood which was safely locked away from their father who refuses to admit that there was life for them beyond the mansion and there would be in the future. But it was no big concern. They were satisfied with how things were… no questions asked and no answers given.

Archie, Architha Krishna, was one of the daughters of Raja Krishna, a famous business man known for his very success in the business industry known all around the US. Although from South Indian nativity, the Krishna's never had a close bond between their mother country, other than their religion which all three were very fond of… at least that's what Raj made it sound like. He never mentioned of their childhood or what it had been like. Just the mansion. This was all they knew.

Brought up together, it was beyond obvious that Raj cornered Architha and kept her under supervision and control far more than Tanvitha. The reason was unclear to both of them but their assumption remained that it was simply because she was younger. Archie's elder sister, Tanvitha was the complete opposite to her.. an extrovert, always out with her friends without Raj knowing and taking risks that Architha could never, although they both agreed on one thing. The death of their mother wasn't just as simple as what their father insisted. From time to time, they would ask him in hopes of allowing him to reconsider as they were growing every day and once, they were to know but Raj never budged from his story. She was simply killed. She couldn't have been 'simply killed' as the sisters were aware that if so the case, he must have had the heads of those even closely responsible hanging on the hooks above his bed, but he expressed no enmity of that manner to any of that kind… Which was very suspicious indeed.

As a result of never being outside of the mansion, Her father was the only man Archie ever freely talked with. What was love? She had never heard of it in the 17 years of her life. Archie read books about it, sometimes under the stars sitting in her balcony. It seemed like a beautiful feeling. Butterflies ad fireworks, affection and intimacy but she couldn't relate, and never felt the urge to. She was going to live under her father's wings for as long as she existed, and not to her objection.

Where is this destined to bring her?

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600 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1