
Chapter 17- Like a graveyard of bliss

Without exchanging a word, the two walk to their rooms and have the most relaxing nap they had ever had, tired from the 13-hour journey they had just completed. They had finally reached Illinois… now they were really getting somewhere.

Back at the Krishna's, Tanvi was growing restless. Raj had refused to talk to her for so long that it had gradually become painful to bare. She finally decided to leave to her friend's house for the night as the atmosphere at the mansion wasn't so suitable for the time being.

After realising that Tanvi had also left, Raj was starting to feel his world slowly fall into the depths of an ocean. All he had now were memories, but as he had fought through so much more than this… he was quiet accepting.

The chef lost his motivation to serve his special. The guards felt as though they were guarding none in particular. The cleaners felt like fools, making spotless a place which had lost its soul. The mansion remained a painful silence which deafened the people it held. It was no longer the mansion of the Krishna's… it was something else. Something unexplainable, like a graveyard of bliss.

Few hours pass, back at hotel Viceroy, Illinois...

Archie slowly awakens from her slumber from the sun hitting her on the face through the gaps in the blinds. The calm colours of orange and yellow shades escaping through the semi-transparent curtains were just so soothing and magical that Archie couldn't help but lay for a few more minutes, thinking of all the things which happened so suddenly before she hears a knock on the door.


The door opens and there stood Augustin, his hair dripping wet and his cloths changed from a suit to a casual T-shirt and shorts.

"Let's go out for a bit and make use of this journey."

"Ah.. okay."

After she got ready, Archie met with Augustin who was waiting for her outside the room and before they knew it, they were on the streets of Chicago, on a white Jeep Wrangler, enjoying the view. The sun was starting to set by the time they arrived. Illinois Botanical garden.

It was a sight to see, natural beauty. Archie stood gazing below her from the bridge, inhaling the scent of roses which came from the bush aside her. Moments later, Augustin joins her.

"Nice view, miss Krishna."

"I think it maybe time you called me Architha."

"I guess that would be more convenient."

They stood like so for what felt like years until it came to their attention that it was almost 7 pm. Again, without exchanging a word, they make their way towards the car, glancing at the plants and inhaling the variety of fragrances around them as they walked.

That night was spent peacefully before they continued their journey early next morning just as it turned 6 am.

'14 hours and 57 minutes (1,004 miles) Hotel Viceroy, Illinois, Chicago to Grand Hyatt Denver, Colorado.'

Augustin reads from the navigator

"Another 15 hours…" Archie complains as she sighs quite loudly.

"It's torture, having to spend that much time in a car with you." Augustin scoffs while trying to control his laughter.

Archie smirks before pinching his arm


4 hours later, it was 10 am. Archie woke up, having finished catching up on her sleep.

"Stop sleeping and keep me company."

As Archie sits up, she notices the view outside. Cattles grazing in the open field. Mountains of Greenland behind them, making the sight even more beautiful.

"Stop here."


"I said stop here."

"What. Why?"

"Just stop the car, Augustin."

The jeep came to a stop near the wooden fencing. The view couldn't be explained in words. It had to be seen to be believed.

The tarred road was the only body which was of a different shade. All the rest was of a mild green. They were surrounded by greenery. She just couldn't get enough of it, when she remembered Tanvi's phone which she packed in her suitcase. Archie opened the boot of the car and took the device from the luggage and brought it to Augustin.

"Huh…? Where did you get this from?"

"It's Tanvi's. I took it away so that she doesn't try calling my father."

"Oh..." He says before taking it from her

"It doesn't have a password."

"That's convenient." Archie says with a smirk.

He turns the camera on and changes it to selfie mode.

He brings Archie closer with his right hand and extends his left arm, holding the phone.



"No need for that." Augustin says, giggling


It was now 1:30 pm, yet they were still in the countryside, sharing each other's life experiences although Archie didn't have much to say other than of her life in the mansion.

After reaching the city, they stopped inside the parking lot of another restaurant. This time, it was modern and luxurious rather than vintage and cosy. The marble stairs lead them into a beautifully designed hall in which their orders were taken before they followed the waiter to a balcony view seating. It was splendid to say the least.

Taking their time and enjoying the view around them of a waterfall, they talked to each other. Their relationship was no longer formal. They were besties. Archie had never experienced such a feeling. The only one she had talked to in a similar manner was Tanvi but she was her sister. But between Augustin and herself, they both had to work hard to develop their bond. Understanding likes, dislikes, perks, and behaviour. It was a task Archie enjoyed. Now, she trusted him. Meanwhile, Augustin couldn't even think of having to spend another day without her. They were almost inseparable. He saw her at her lowest moments, but it didn't change the respect he had for her. From miss Krishna to Architha to Archie.

Whilst in the middle of their conversation, Archie couldn't help herself from zoning out once in a while. This was a completely different life style and as much as she loved exploring it, she missed her father and sister deeply.

"You should contact your father." Augustin says, noticing the reason behind her idleness.

Archie looked up from her plate, surprised at those words coming from Augustin's mouth.

"No, no. I can't do it." Archie says as she looks outside.

"Yes you can. I'll call him…"

Archie never thought of such an idea. But now that she thought about it, it didn't sound so bad.

"I guess that'll put my mind at peace."

"Exactly." Augustin says sternly before walking to the main hall of the hotel, grabbing Archie by her forearm.

After paying, Augustin makes his way outside, positioning himself on top of the jeep. He takes Tanvi's phone from Archie's handbag and searches through the contacts when he stops suddenly. As a moment passes, Archie grows eager to see what Augustin was looking at but before she could question him, he proceeds to scroll.

Augustin puts the phone on loud speaker and they both stay quietly, listening the ringing on the other side.

Raj picks up

"Hello?, Tanvi where are you? Why haven't you returned from your friend's house? It's been so long since you left… come back, I can't handle the silence anymore."

Archie couldn't help the pain that stung her chest and definitely not the tears which came running down, unwelcomed. She takes the phone from Augustin and walks to the distance.

"Father, it's me, Architha."

A long pause occurred. Neither Raj nor Archie spoke.

"Architha… Where are you?"

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