

"noooo no no"...

"whyyy..y.yy..yy" *sobbing*.

As I was hearing that melodious voice crying and sobbing, I was thinking what that got to do with me?.






"You can't spin it, can you?"- said the mystical voice.

*siigh**spins the wheel*

Then it happened. The rage in her voice(her cuz it is a female voice) was endless and omni-potent. As she was raging and cursing me for tricking her(*in a sarcastic voice*like I have an idea how I tricked her) I was just thinking "What the hell just happened?"

*present situation*

"Oi, Voice in my head, can you please calm down. because if you don't calm down MY HEAD IS GOING TO BURST"-I said.

"....how..di..DID YOU JUST SHOUT AT ME??!!!, THE MIGHTY GODDESS OF FATE!!!"- She retorted.

"heh... such a goddess if you can get tricked by a mortal"- I retorted back.

"y..you..you punny mortal, how dare you to disrespect me. Just so you know I can wipe your existence from this realm in a snap of my fingers"- She threatened me.

"Ok. Enough of this fars and Thanos vibe. Let's pretend that this conversation never happened and start anew. Now I'll start first-Hi, My name is Felix and it is nice to meet you... now it's you turn."

"... ... ... *sigh* Hi, My name is Devi, Goddess Of Fate and Retribution.*in a frustated tone* It's niiccee to meettt youuu."Devi said.

"See, isn't it's nice have an enjoyable conversation*in my head*( Like anyone can enjoy speaking with this bitch)"- I said.


"Ok, you said(roared) something about specimen and reincarnation and... influence thing."


Fine, I'll explain it to you(while Punishment of that old man hasn't come)...

Ok, First - the time I said Speciment you should have guessed that you are part of some expirement, right?"- Said Devi.

"Well, I've figured out that much"- I said.

"Hehe, That's because we designed you all to be smart at least that much.

Ok, Second - You have died because you were near breaking you limits that the original design had. So fate has played some part in your death, hehehe"- She said laughing in a weird (but still pleasing sounding) way which is very irritating.

"Wait, You said you are Goddess of Fate and some other kind of shit, soo... It was YOU WHO CAUSED MY DEATH!!!!"- I roared at her.

"Calm down, Calm down now, I already said that I had to ki*ahem*... that it happened because of you nearly breaking past your limits that We designed. And that is extremely hard, I mean nearing breakthrough in your limits.

Aaaaand because you have worked so hard we decided to award you-"She said.

"Giving me some luck wheel shit??!?" - I cut her off.

"Nooo no no no. The luck wheel is only part of it. You see, there are thing called world laws/limits. And those limits are restricting organisms growth on that plane. And you my dear friend, was restricted, as all other organism on that planet uhhh.. Mud was it? "

"Earth 🌍" - I said.

"ah yes, Mud."- Devi said like she didn't acknowledge my existence-"Well, I am a ghost right now"- I tought.

"...And because of those restrictions, organism can't get stronger than they are supposed to. And We can lift those limitations and restrictions, how you Ask?"

"I don't..."- I tried to deny with my persuasion power.

"Well, by killing you of course"-She said.

"It did not work *sigh*"-I tought

"...And reincarnating you in another plane/universe, whatever you may call it, that has a lot higher limits and higher tier existences..

Of course you will get to choose in what kind of race you will be reborn. I mean a chicken can't conquer a world no matter how hard it tries. So that your data* ahem* I mean meaningful life will not get wasted by accident, We will make it so that you will not get reincarnated in some kind of rabbit because it would be a pity"-She narrated in a tone that you could think she actually have some brains.

"Of course reincarnation is not my forte. So you will have to talk with that bitch* ahem* I mean goddess of Reincarnation and Karma.(author: you get it right- Karma=Bitch)

Me with my still buzzing head from all that information said:"Ok, so I get the Limits and Reincarnation stuff..."

"..Buuut..."- she teased.

"But what's the point of that big ass wheel right there"- I said.

"ugh" - She grunted.

"And here's where the problem arrives that you created you prick. You see, this wheel is specialized to help you speciment get an easier life when one of you nears the limit breaking point and gets squashed by truck-ku* ahem* gets send here" - Devi said.


"Well this wheel will get you three different gifts from three different sections. First will be additional talent that will help you excel others in respectitive area, like singing that could mesmerize peoples hearts or speed that could rival something that's supposed to be very fast"

"...you are not very good at naming, are you?"

"Shut up and listen. Second section will give you some kind of item that will help you conquer the world, that grows up with you. We call it Thalias. It can be a pet or a weapon, anything really.

And Last but not least-The third wheel. But this one is a bit special. Not all people are Fated to spin it. It..."- She was still narrating, but I cutted her off.

"But you are goddess of Fate, aren't you. So you should be able to make it so that Fate allows it to spin it."- I said.

"Hehehe. As you said, I am indeed Goddess of Fate and that's why I know some things in which is better not to meddle in. So as I was saying, Third section/level of the Wheel grants something kinda unique. It grants a Guide. A System if You may call it. But what kind of System, is completely random, and there is billions of separate and unique Systems. Even The goddess of Knowledge does not know every last one of them. That's how many Systems there is. And it can range from Apple Eating System to FiendGod System."- She said.

"Aand what all that have to do with you influencing the wheel that I supposedly tricked you into doing.???"- I asked.

"Well, While I don't have direct contact with luck element, fate is still tied to it, so that means that my luck is really high."- She started.

"Then who have the direct contact with luck element?"

"The Goddess of Luck of course, you silly."


"Well, anyway, what I am trying to say is that the wheel got influenced by my huge luck, while the rewards will be given to you. And that is strictly prohibited."

"Ooh, I see, Then what will happen to me? "- I asked.

"To you? Nothing, while i will probably be given a demotion."

And during this whole conversation The Luck Wheel was still spinning, tought very slowly right now(Author: In the end of conversation.).


Welp. That's the second and last chapter I am gonna write.


Ok im kidding.

Just slight update(and reminder for me) what you should expect next chapter.

1) Prize reveal

2)Slight info(very slight) on why i kept repeating "We" and not simple "we"

3) Introduction to semi-endgame-boss character(maybe)

4) Some almighty teasing power to defeat the future puss*ahem* goddesses.

OrdealOfMccreators' thoughts
Next chapter