
Chapter 10 - Family

So, it's time for yet another chapter. Which brings the total of chapters up to 11 (including the prologue). Now, you may think that this is the end, but I have way more content that I need to fix up and post when I get the chance. In fact as of right now, I am at 83 pages on the master file (which doesn't include my little intros) and has 1 inch margins on the side. Even with all that, I am still no where near done!

Which is great because it means that this story will keep on going for a while! From the date of the 1st posting, Oct 24, I have added 9 chapters with way more to go. I have nearly reached 50 followers and have a small, but dedicated group of reviewers. To which I am truly grateful. I know that I write for myself, but I do try to make it enjoyable for you, my reader. I hope that I have succeeded in that matter.

As always, keep following and reviewing!



Chapter 10 - Family

Minato returned home late that evening. He found dinner in the fridge, waiting for him. There was a note sitting on it. It read: Minato, make sure you eat. Knowing you it's been hours since you last ate. IF you remembered to eat at all! So, eat this then come to bed. - Kushina

He smiled as he read the note. He had a wonderful wife. She was truly thoughtful. He loved that woman with all his heart.

Minato warmed up the food. He was hungry and he wanted to go to bed. So, he ate the luke-warm food quickly. Once he was done he headed upstairs towards bed.

He never got there though. The moment he reached the top of the stairs Naruto started to cry. Moments later Kushina appeared in the hallway. Sleep was still in her eyes. It took a second for her to realize that he was there. She greeted him then started towards Naruto's room.

Minato stopped her quickly. "Go back to bed. I'll take care of it." She started to argue but his kiss stopped her. "I am his father after all."

Kushina gave in without another word. Perhaps she was too tired to argue. Either way it didn't matter. This was his son and he wanted to be a part of his care. He wanted to give his wife a rest. She was with him all day. She has to be tired. Besides, she's still recovering.

Naruto's continued cries broke Minato out of his thoughts. My son needs me. He entered Naruto's room and found the infant in his crib. He cried his little head off. Carefully, Minato picked him up. Immediately Naruto stopped crying. He cooed as his father held him. He looked so happy. Minato couldn't find it in his heart to put him down.

He had gotten so close to losing this little life. This tiny, precious, little life. He had almost failed his son. If things had gone the other way Naruto might have died. He couldn't let that happen again.

Minato walked around the room. He rocked his son as he walked around the room. Then he sang to him. Finally, he returned him to his cradle once Naruto fallen back asleep. Once Minato was certain that he was comfy, he kissed him. Minato whispered, "Good night my son."

The next morning Minato was up early. He had another full day of work ahead of him. There was a lot still to do. He wanted to know the latest on ANBU's investigation. He wanted to know if they had found the one who did this. He wanted to feel like he was doing something. Minato hated all this waiting. As long as the Masked Man was free the village and his family were at threat. He had to protect them.

He had already failed them too much already . . .

Sadly, he wasn't going to get what he wanted that day. Nothing had come back from those who were hunting the man. They had nothing to report. Not a single trace. It was like he was never there! The trail had gone cold. He had evaded them for now. His only hope of finding him was through Fugaku. But Minato was uncertain as to what he would find. That is if he found anything at all.

As much as Minato hated it, there were other matters to attend to. Missions that needed to be given out. Students to care for. The work of the Hokage was never done. For now, he would have to wait and see what is discovered. He couldn't investigate the mater himself. As Hokage he lacked the time and the ability to go into the field whenever he pleased. It was an adjustment that Minato still struggled with.

Still, his village was doing well and his family was safe for the moment. It was all he could ask for. Yet he yearned for more. He wanted to be in the field with his men. He wanted to be at home with his son. However, being the Hokage meant that he couldn't really do either. He was a prisoner of his office. Sadly, there was no way to break free.

He noticed a familiar presence in the outside the window. "I do have a door." He told the young man behind him.

The boy said nothing as he entered. Minato knew that it was Kakashi even without looking at him. He wasn't easily fooled. Still, he was curious as to why he was here. Minato hadn't summoned him and he didn't have a task in mind for him. He wanted the boy to rest. He had to be still worn out from guarding Kushina. He always pushed himself too far.

"Sensei, forgive me."

Minato faced the boy. He was on his knees, crying. Minato didn't expect this at all. "For what?" he asked. Kakashi had nothing to be sorry about. He had done nothing wrong.

"For failing you. I should have protected Kushina. I should have . . ." His words were cut off by sobs.

Minato shook his head. "No. It's not your fault. I thought that Kushina would be safe." He looked out the window at the village below. "I was wrong. And that mistake almost cost them their lives. I failed them." The words hung in the air. They stung but they were true. Minato had failed his family. "I failed them when they needed me most."

Kakashi flew to his feet then shouted, "You didn't fail them, I DID!" Minato looked at the boy in surprise once more. It was the first time that Kakashi had shown such an emotional display. It wasn't like him, especially lately. He had been so cold, so distant that it had worried Minato. He certainly never expected this.

Kakashi seemed embarrassed. It was unlike him, after all. He continued in a hushed tone, "I should have been there. I should have known . . ." Tears overwhelmed him once more.

Minato couldn't take much more. This wasn't Kakashi's fault. He didn't blame the boy. I am responsible for this. I failed my family, not you. "Stop it." He commanded. Kakashi's sobs stopped. Once he had control of himself, Minato continued, "You did not fail me. I failed. Rin, Obito, Kushina, Naruto and even you. I failed when it mattered most. But I will make it up to you. Even if it takes the rest of my life."

Minato sighed when he looked into the boy's eyes. He did not believe him. He would not budge. "Kakashi, If you truly believe that you failed. Fine. Then do something about it. I plan to."

"You do?"

Minato nodded. He planned to hunt that Man until he was found. To stop whatever plans he had. He would protect his family and his village from him. No matter the cost. It was his vow. Minato didn't care about revenge. All he cared about was protecting what mattered most to him. Minato wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Kakashi this, but it seemed that it was what he needed to do. Kakashi needed to hear this. Perhaps, it would help. Maybe it would make a difference.

"Then I will help you!"

Minato was shocked. He hadn't told Kakashi anything yet! How could he help him? He didn't know what Minato planned to do. Perhaps, it doesn't matter. Minato thought. Kakashi doesn't care. Whatever it is, he'll do it. Minato smiled, That little fool. You think I'll really let you take this on yourself? I won't let any of my sons shoulder my burden. Not if I can help it.

"No, this is something that I must do." Kakashi was crushed. He truly wanted to help. And he was going to help, just not in the way he thought. "I have something more important for you to do."

Minato made him Naruto's guardian. Kakashi would watch over him and protect him. He would act as a big brother. At least until he was old enough to stand on his own. Hopefully that would help both of his sons grow. Maybe it would help Kakashi heal.

Only time would tell if Minato's plan would work . . .

That's the end of Chapter 10. I hope you enjoyed it. See ya next time!

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