
Chapter 11 - Children

Chapter 11 - Children

Minato was visited by one of the Chunin Instructors later on that day. Sara Tomoshiki came to his office to make a request on behalf of her students:

"Lord Hokage, my students have been asking about you and Kushina." Sara was embarrassed, "They . . . They . . . have been worried . . . about you . . . and your family."

Sara was quiet for a moment then she chuckled a little, "They seem to think that you're really hurt." She paused to collect herself again. Then she got to the point, "If you have time: Could you stop by the classroom? Put their fears to rest. Maybe tell them a little of what happened? I know that you can't provably tell them much but something would be better than nothing! They really do care about you, Lord Hokage!"

Minato was touched by the children's concern. He had never thought of how what happened was effecting other people. Minato, you idiot! He admonished himself. Don't you ever think of other's people's feelings?

It was true that Minato was extremely busy today. He did have a lot to do, but the children were just as important. No, they are more important. He corrected himself. "I would love to. I'll try to find some time later on this afternoon, okay?" Sara brightened then left.

Minato worked hard to find carve out some time for the children. There was an amazing amount of paperwork to do. There always is an amazing amount of paperwork. He thought as struggled to get all his work done. He handed several squads their missions. He met with the elders for a rundown on what he was doing to find his family's attacker. Which included a complimentary dressing-down while they were at it. They made sure that he understood how dangerous a Shinobi with his abilities were. They made sure that Minato understood how much he failed. Not that he didn't already know that.

Finally, towards the end of the school day Minato finally found time to see the students. When he entered the students crowded around him. They tried to hug him all the same time. Which didn't work very well. It was sweet and Minato was loved it. He really did feel like a father to them.

It was tricky getting into the room with all the children in the way. Moving through a wall of kids while simultaneously not hurting them was hard. He was about to use his Flying Rajjin when Sara saved him. "Everyone back to their seats!" The class groaned but did as their teacher commanded.

Once they were settled back in, she continued, "Now, I know that you have all been concerned about Lord Hokage lately. As have I." She looked at Minato with incredibly sad eyes, " We all were saddened by the attack on his family." She faced the class again, "But, my children, we did not lose our beloved Hokage. For which we should all be grateful for."

She paused then finally got to the point of his appearance, "I know that you have questions. Lots of questions. Questions that I can't answer. So, I've asked Lord Hokage to come here and try to answer at least some of them."

Minato thanked the Chunin then addressed the students. Afterwards, he took them all outside. This wasn't a lesson, so-to-speak. He wanted to just talk to them. He guided the children to a shady spot on the grounds. Where they sat around him in the shade.

Minato preferred to talk to students in a more informal environment. To him they were family, not simply students. It was true that these children were not directly his pupils but he thought of them that way. They were the future of the Leaf and it was his job to help guide them.

He stayed with them for over an hour. The students peppered question after question at him. Minato tried to answer as many as he could, but they were insatiable. They wanted to know more! They just didn't want to know about the attack. They wanted to know about Kushina and their baby.

Some of the questions they asked were:

"What is the color of his hair?"

"Is he talking yet?"

"How is Lady Kushina?"

"Are you going to have more kids?"

"Who attacked you?"

The questions went on and on. Minato couldn't keep up. He never thought that the kids would be so concerned with details like this. Is this how Naruto will be one day? Minato smiled at that thought. He imagined his young son peppering him with questions. Always wanting to know why. He couldn't wait for that day.

What will you be like? For the first time since the birth Minato found himself imagining what the future would bring. He was fantasizing about the young man his son would become. He was looking forward to the future, not dreading it. He was starting to heal. And he had these children to thank for it.

They reminded him that something wonderful had happened: he had a son! Naruto was finally here and he belonged to them. No one would take him away. Minato would protect him with his life. He would keep hunting his attacker, but for now he could live again. His family was safe. That was something to be grateful for.

Minato was lost in his own thoughts when a little girl climbed up on him. She was a cute, little girl with big, brown eyes and brown hair. She was covered in cuts and bruises with signs of jutsu recoil on her hands. You're a little clumsy, aren't you? It reminded him of himself. When he was a kid he was a terrible clutz. He was always getting hurt. This girl was no different.

The little girl wanted his attention in the worst way. She kept trying to get into his lap. Minato picked her up. As soon as she was in his arms she asked, "Did Naruto like my bear?"

Minato almost cried when he heard that. This little clumsy girl made that ugly little bear. It must have been so hard. He was so grateful. He had no choice, we was going to have to work harder. That way little ones like her were safe. He was the Hokage after all.

It's official, the events surrounding Naruto's birth are over as of this chapter. Next up will be a little time skip and brawl at birthday party. Don't know what I am talking about? Read the next chapter!

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