
Calm Before the Storm

When it's time once more to leave, I ended up leaving my two new peerage members for various reasons.

One, they are still acclimating to their new powers. I am a firm believer that one must know how to use a gun first before buying one. It is why I spent over two years just to train up my abilities.

Two, they are still learning about their new roles and responsibilities as my peerage members. As part of the peerage from High Nobility, it would be no good if they did a faux pass even by accident.

So I asked my father for tutors.

I can still remember the sweet tears of Justeaze~

Lastly, it makes it easier for me to move freely in the next world.

Remembering my next destination, I couldn't help myself but frown.

Earth Bet. A dying world.

It was a world of superheroes, wherein people with powers fight other people with power with regular people being mooks. A world wherein three (of twenty) unbeatable beast would attack a major City once every three months. Behemoth the Hero Killer. Leviathan the City Killer. Simurgh the Hope Killer.

A world where murderers run amok because the heroes were too powerless to stop it.

A world driven by violence and hostility.

And it's not their fault.

The Entities. Massive Space Whales that moves from civilization to civilization, seeding them with their Shards, the source of powers, push the hosts into conflict, before harvesting them, just to gather data.

And their doing it all to prevent the Entropic Heat Death of the Universe.

Similar to the Incubators, but less cute.

And with the arrival of the Warrior Scion and the Thinker Eden, this dimensional cluster of Earth was doomed to the Cycle.

If not for one traumatized teenage girl. And a fedora wearing woman with the power of 'Lol nope I win'.

Shaking my head, I stepped into the glowing portal. I have already talked to Rhyme and Justeaze.

And then I stepped out in a dark alley.

I have three objectives in this world. Recruit Taylor and Ciara, Eliminate the S-class threats, and screw with the PRT.

As my Power Manipulator comes from a Worm CYOA, it's only fitting that I'll fix this broken world.

So I tried writing Kiss Shot, but I can't characterize her well enough! (ToT)

If I finish through recruitment and still no progress on that part, then I'll be forced to select another one.

That means scrapping a few Arc in my story (mostly what I planned for the vampires)

For now, I'll skip her and move to the next arc

WatcherOfWorldscreators' thoughts
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