
We have an Accord

"So let me reiterate," a masked man in a pristine white suit said as he leaned forward on his desk. His hands were intertwined in front of his face, much like a certain Commander. "You will enhance my power and that of my subordinates for the price of the production and distribution of these flyers?"

He motioned his hand to the sheet of paper on top oh his desk. To which I nodded.

"And this chair." I said in between sips of Coffee.

"Pardon me, but I find it had to believe."

This man is Accord, a villain with Thinker powers. His ability is proportional to the size and scope of the problem. The greater the problem, the faster he can devise a solution.

It also give him the ability create objects with multiple interlocking parts and sense of aesthetic harmony.

Just like the chair I am currently sitting on. It adjusts based on the weight of the one sitting on it to give the greatest comfort.

However, this power comes at a major drawback. He becomes hyper-aware to disorder and things that are out of place, so much that even the minor details can drive him into a homicidal rage.

By his side was one of his Ambassadors, Othello. A man wearing an elegant black suit and an expressionless black-and-white- mask.

"Hmmm... What will I do to make you believe me?" I tilted my head.

"Aha!" After a minute of silence, I suddenly exclaimed. "I'll give this one as a freebie."

Power Manipulator originally exists as a power for Worm CYOA. It's active powers includes the ten charges that I can mold into other abilities.

Power Manipulator also has a secondary use. The ability to copy, change, or remove Shards for free as long as they are within my range.

With a thought, I dived deep into Accord's Shard. Then, I removed the part where it gives him Hyper-Awareness.

Only a few moments have passed in the real world. As soon as I smiled, Accord stiffened and his subordinate immediately went on full alert.

"Do you like it?" I ask.

"You..." Accord took a deep breath and signaled Othello to relax. "It seems that there is a measure of truth to your words. Let us bargain."

"I have said my demands and price. If you want more, then we'll have to make another deal."

"Hmmm... Tell me, what else can you offer?"

"I can give you anything, for the right price." I took another sip of coffee. "And that includes immunity to a certain Cauldron."

Accord and Othello stiffened before looking around in panic. As if afraid that a certain Fedora wearing woman will appear.

"Relax," I raised my empty cup of coffee that was refilled with a blink of an eye. "They will not, cannot, and shall not know of anything that has happened while I'm here."

"I find that hard to believe." Accord eyed me warily.

"That is what you have said a few moments ago." I smirked smugly.

"So," My smile turned feral. "Do we have an Accord?"

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