
My Property

At Kai’s mansion,

He froze at the sight of what he saw then slapped his forehead, “Becca?” he called but there was no response. He found her laid on the cold floor and at the same time on the bed, her head was resting on the bed.

He stood for a moment and carved his brows at the sleeping beauty before him, “Seriously?” he scoffed lowly before he made his way to her and tapped her shoulders but she didn’t respond.

“Now this makes me wonder how long you have been in this position.” He said lowly as he lifted her off the ground to lay her more properly on her bed. Touching her skin, he sensed how cold she was and just then, she sneezed.

Her hair was wet and the part of the bed she rested her head on was soaked, “What in the world did you do here?” he asked her even though he knew she was asleep.