
A Load for me to carry

Becca was pulled from behind towards Kai’s room, she grabbed his hands as she tried to freed hers from his grip but he was just too strong for her.

“You better stop misbehaving or you won’t like what I will do to her.” He warned her sternly but she ignored and kept slapping his hands.

“Let me go!” she screamed and as soon as she got to his door, she was finally able to pull her hands away from his and attempted to run away but the next second, she was lifted from the ground by her waist to his shoulder.

He hung her on his shoulders as he walked into his room while she kept shaking, Kai walked to his bed and laid her down in the middle of his bed. Becca made an attempt to get up but he went over her and locked his eyes with hers, a stern look was plastered on his face and she gulped down, at this point, her heart was already beating like it was ready to jump out of her chest.