
Comments of chapter undefined of Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos




How did he know all this things? He understand things that he shouldnt have known, know concepts that should have been unkown to him. You didnt even mention if they let him study, write, read or have the basic common the populace has. He practically grew up in a lab, without ever seeing the sun and the greeneries of the trees. Yet knows some thing a normal human wouldnt. Anime don't explain things that deeply, it shows the results but not the process. And familial love should be a stranger to him, he never did experience umit, so Im having a hard time understandjng the love he has on his deceased mother that he havent even met. I know what Im saying, I grew up without knowing my who my parents is. That love is too baseless and forced.

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Yeah all that hatred in him disappearing like that just cause he missed his mother? Not possible, maybe he would calm down but he would for sure be hella pissed and he would desire the power to be truly free. Maybe I'm just petty/grudgeing, but I can not relate to his actions in the slightest


I think this concept of "good and bad" is too narrow minded. Saving a life gave him that much positive karma? Good and fine. But he may have saved the life of Hitler or Trump, or x other bad people, which should give him A LOT of negative karma in my opinion. Granted, he had no control over which life to save, so it would be kind of unfair... Him having so much potential for darkness and negative karma? I think if he had begun to slaugher bad people he should have been rewarded positive karma for that! Slaughtering innocent people would have been another matter, but why should he even slaughter innocent people in the first place? I hope he hasn't forgotten his past and still carries this anger with him to deliver punishment where it is due...


How come he gets positive karma for inadvertedly saving that 1,3mil? Pretty sure 99% of them were rich criminals/politicians/<etc> that could afford to pay up for his blood; the remaining 1% were usual civvies used to gain positive PR. So yeah, I'm sure his blood caused infinitely more harm than good.


bro he could cure anything with his blood and only saved approx 1,000,000 people... he can cure ANYTHING and only around a million out of about 7 BILLION! I kinda had higher expectations.

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well, I think the author made a great effort in keeping things logical. Nicely done :)

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Holy ****!!!! That was sooooo good.....i love this mc!!! Mother is always the best choice!!!!

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Bro u got me I was thinking that at the end he would wish or attempt ask if he could kept his bloodline that was the only thing his mother left behind

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Wheel of karma... Well.. Its more like mirrors of karma.. Honestly.. In buddhism and Hinduism.. Where Karma was originated from, everyone can get reincarnation after their death.. But before you reincarnate you will get sent in a vacuum space.. Where there will be thousands of mirrors around you.. And each of these mirror will show your diffrent past selves.. Your good deed, ypur bad deed, your suffering your happiness etc.. Why? Because you need to let go of past selves acknowledge your mistakes etc. Then you have the qualification to reincarnate..but you will still get your memories wiped out.. 6 path samsara comes after that, which path you will get to be born it all depends on the karma of your past life.. But if you commit suicide then you will likely break the cycle of fate..and trust.. No amoubt of good karma can save you if you do that, because you will be stuck in that mirror dimension that i mentioned earlier..


Im surprised the kid wasnt even a little angry at the goddess/gods. He didnt even ask why they didnt come to save him sooner, etc.


That’s oversimplified karma. If I drag a paralyzed guy around and literary move his hands to defuse bombs, by your logic, he get karma for saving lives. Also, the evil doctors get tons of good karma for saving millions of people and a bit of bad karma for making one kid suffer. However the real concept of karma is not “the end justifies the means”. If a doctor makes a cure to get rich, he gets bad karma due to his selfish reasons regardless of how many it saves. Intent is important in real karma. The kid would get some good karma because of the result but, despite being a victim, not nearly as much as say someone who consciously chose to suffer for others.

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hmm...his hatred is thin lol!~

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I hope he come to tsubasa.hxh.gundam And i think most suit him is doraemon world 😂😂😂 peace ✌✌✌


actually I think I would have preferred that due to his experiences he believes taking advantage of and causing pain and suffering to people as normal and becomes a demon lord type. it would make much more sense as he has never experienced love or kindness, knowing only pain, suffering, torture and exploitation. suddenly having loving thoughts towards an unknown mother literally makes no sense at all and if anything he should hate her for causing his own situation. the goddess even said she knew she probably would not survive and that could be interpreted as willful abandonment, as he wasn't even allowed to choose to die (suicide attempt) whereas she 'poped him out' and moved on and is now living happily (after her death that is). if he were to reincarnate with his memories there is literally no way he could naturally become a 'good' person.




Yeah, no. People like Pasteur saved lives. Diplomatic envoys that work tirelessly to prevent wars from breaking out or people that work towards a swift(er) resolution of a war, arguably saved lives. Our protag didn't do jack **** to save anyone. Not only is his blood "magic" is something that he has not earned, but even the distribution of said miracle medicine is something he didn't do jack **** to put in place to ensure the success of. He is as much a savior of 1+million lives as I am a hero for NOT going out to the closest town and start a random public shooting.

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Yessss a fkin good goodness no that sht egoist and arrogant

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Btw if goddess of dream really exist she might be the most powerful of them all..

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Thanks for the chapter