I'm not sure if anyone remembers me, but I am SaltyTank, the original translator of AD back on Gravity Tales. I have read a few of the comments that seem to bash QI for copying my chapters and making them premium while they are completely free on GT, and thus I would like to give my opinion on what they are doing.
Before I continue, do note that I willingly passed over the novel to the current translator and left QI for many reasons that have already been explained on my GT post.
QI has all the rights to my chapters (at least up to c90), so technically they're not stealing because I was paid for my work. The only grey area would be c91-96 because I posted them after my GT contract expired and wasn't paid for the work, but the chapters were still copied over (with very minor edits) to QI. I honestly couldn't care less at this point and I would have handed them over anyways if they asked.
Regarding the chapters being free on GT, I believe QI was supposed to take down the novel on GT once it hits the QI library, but apparently they couldn't be bothered to do it for some reason. So yes, enjoy the free chapters while it lasts, you never know when they will go down ;)
Anyways, that's all I have to say. I'm sure more chapters are on the way, and hope you all enjoy the series even though I no longer work on it. (I'm not a big fan of the premium chapters either welp)