
Bar Opening


"Thanks again for helping," BM thanked me for the fifth time today.

I'd taken him up on his offer to work for him at the bar but I was still looking for another job. I didn't like being handed things I didn't earn.

"Well, you're still kind of short-staffed," I stated.

He hadn't had the money to hire a lot of people and he didn't think he should be hiring too many people until he knew how well the business would do which is fair enough. So now it was opening night and we were a little short staffed, only with the bar staff, the kitchen I think might have a little more staff than needed but it was his business, not mine and half of them doubled as wait staff.

"If Austin doesn't get here soon I might have to put you in the kitchen," he sighed.

Austin was his chef, personally, I thought the guy was kind of sketchy but he could cook and BM seemed to trust him.

"The kitchen hands have got all the prep work done already, I checked," I mumbled the last part.

"You mean you went in and directed?" he raised an eyebrow.

"No, I know how annoying it is to have someone who isn't your chef or boss come in and tell you what you should be doing. I just checked the prep list and wondered around the kitchen being nosy," I stated.

"Do you want to help in the kitchen?" he sighed.

"No, Austin and the other two have it handled. You need me out the front serving,"

"You're a lifesaver," he stated placing the last of the menus in the holders on the tables.

Everything was ready for opening, which was at 2 p.m. so we had just over an hour. We had brought the boys stuff over this morning and BM had been in what I liked to call Boss Mode since; checking and triple checking everything was ready, making sure all the staff knew their jobs and what exactly he expected from them.

"Okay, breath. Go up, shower and get changed. I'm going home to do the same, make sure you wear something nice," I winked.

"Make sure you wear something nice, not too much boob," he stated seriously.

"How do you expect me to sell alcohol to guys with no boobs?"

"I didn't say no, I said not too much,"

"Yes boss," I saluted walking out the door.


"Is everyone ready?" BM asked standing in front of the door, there was a small line outside waiting for the opening I don't think it was as long as he was hoping for but it's better than nothing and BM has always been an optimist.

"Let's do this," Thea clapped her hands together once. She wasn't generally an optimist but she was rather enthusiastic today, I was assuming it was because BM was freaking out and even though he was trying to hide it, everyone could tell.

"Hey sorry I'm late," Coco came rushing in the back door.

"You're not late, we don't open for a few more minutes, go put your bag upstairs."," BM nodded towards the stairs that had a rope strung across it with a 'staff only' sign hanging off it.

Pretty much everyone had offered or been recruited to help tonight. Jae was playing live music, I was supposed to help him but I still wasn't really feeling up to it. Not that that would have mattered anyway, I have been forbidden from doing anything remotely strenuous. Thea was working front of the house, Coco was helping her and Charlie was going to come down after her dance class to help out as well.

I tried to help but BM insisted that he was okay and Charlie told me over her dead body. I didn't like the idea of sitting here all night watching them work and not helping.

"Okay I'm here," Coco came jogging into the room. Jae who was tuning his guitar dropped it a few seconds later.

"What are you wearing?" BM frowned.


"Barely," he raised an eyebrow at his sister.

"It's a skirt and a top,"

"It's a very short"

"It's not, and besides you won't see behind the bar," she shrugged.

"No, not even the girls wear skirts that short,"

"Hey," Thea frowned at him.


"And yes we do," Thea added.

"You're just playing protective brother my skirt is fine,"

Normally I would agree with her, but he wasn't really wrong. When people started getting drunk they would definitely say something to her and not that she couldn't handle herself, because she can, just BM will get very mad at someone sexually harassing his sister. He doesn't really need any bad reputation on his first day being open.

"What if someone drops something just to make you bend over?" BM raised an eyebrow.

"Then they'll see this," she rolled her eyes griping the front of her skirt lifting it in the air.

"Coco!" BM snapped.

"Dude relax, she is wearing shorts," Thea stated. Everyone but Thea had turned their heads to avert their eyes.

"I'm not stupid," Coco sighed.

"Yeah we don't wear shorts under our skirts," Thea chimed in.

"I'm not convinced you wear anything under your skirts," Jae commented.

"Why would I?" she retorted.

"Ew," he pulled a face.

"Are we opening or do I have time to have a smoke?" Austin asked.

"You only got here 10 minutes ago," Thea frowned at him.

"We're opening," BM stated after giving his sister another frown.


It was slow. There were a handful of people that came in as the doors opened and they seemed to be pleased with everything but for the past two hours, the only people that have come in seemed to be stragglers or people that were just curious about the new building. Only some of them stayed.

"Relax," Thea stated from behind the bar, she had dragged a bar stool around to sit on while she waited for customers.

"It's a total flop," I sighed.

"It's a Friday, and you opened at 2, people are still at work. If t was a Saturday you would probably be full. Just wait until 4-5 and I guarantee the place will fill up," she smiled encouragingly.

"Where was that advice when I told you we would l be opening at 2?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't worked in a bar for a few years, I figure you knew better than me," she shrugged.

"You literally cook food for a bar," he frowned.

"Yeah and room service and the restaurant, the same kitchen for all three, that doesn't mean I know the numbers. I don't see inside I just cook the order," She defended.

"What's the time now?" I sighed.

"Almost 4, people will be getting off work soon, there are flyers everywhere, I know I put them up. People will start piling in, trust me," she stated.


"Are you ready?" I called.

"I got home 10 minutes ago," he called back.

I knew he wouldn't be ready, I also knew that JB and Jr would be here any minute and if I didn't hurry him along he would take forever, consistently changing his mind.


"I just got out the shower?"

"Well then just get dressed and we can just go,"

"You're so pushy, do you have a hot date or something?"

"I have a possible investment, that's basically a hot date," I shrugged.

"You get off on business deals?"

"Who gets off on business deals?" Junior asked waltzing through the door, JB right behind him.

"Mark," Jackson stated walking out dressed, towel drying his hair.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Almost, I just have to fix my hair," he nodded.

"No," Junior stared.


"You're not wearing that," he sounded horrified.

"Why?" Jackson looked down at his blue denim jeans and a plain tee shirt.

"Because it looks like you just got off work,"

"I did just get off work,"

"So? Are you going to see a girl you like?"

"She's not going to know I'm there,"

"But what if she sees you?" Jackson didn't have an answer, he just frowned and gave junior a shrug.

"Come with me," Junior sighed grabbing Jackson's arm and directing him back to his bedroom.

"No funny business you too,"

"Is this the type of bar you can go shirtless too?" Junior called out.

"No," I sighed.

"How are things?" I asked more to be polite than anything else.

"Busy, thanks for inviting us out, it's the first kind of date we've been on in weeks," JB stated.


"Mm, he's working on his summer line, I have clients looking for new stuff. It's kind of chaos at the moment, how's your business going?" He changed the subject.

"Good, I barely have to do any footwork these days,"

"What about Jackson?"

"Complaining about having to be stuck working in the city,"

"But he could just make one phone call?"

"That's what I tell him," I shrugged.

We sat down on the couch waiting for Junior and Jackson to be done. It took them almost twenty minutes but eventually junior came out seeming happy with his handy work, announcing;

"Okay let's go,"


Ten past four was when everyone started to arrive. The bar wasn't exactly full but it was still busy, there was a nice flow of customers and so far they all silenced pleased with the atmosphere and the service.

"Hey, I'm looking for Sam," a tall brunette, he was pretty attractive.

"Why?" I asked focusing on the drinks I was making.

"He's a friend of mine,"

"I know all of Sams friend, I don't know you,"

"Then you don't know all of his friends," he retorted.

"Why don't you call him and ask him where he is if you're such good friends?"

"His phone is off, do you know where he is or not?"

"Of course I know where he is. Are you going to buy a drink? Because if not I'm busy,"

"You're kind of rude," he smirked taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Coming from the guy that came in here looking for Sam but not even introducing himself,"

"Can I have a whiskey neat," he nodded thoughtfully.


"Leo," he stated.

"Sagittarius," I retorted.

"No, my name is Leo," he laughed.

"Are you hitting on customers again?" BM came out from the kitchen with a few wine bottles, we seemed to be selling a lot of wine.

"Ew no, but can you let Sam know that there is a Leo looking for him," I stated, placing the glass of whiskey in front of Leo.



We walked into the bar, there was quite a buzz of people in here. I could see her behind the bar pouring drinks while talking to some guy seated on the end. I was guessing they were friends or she didn't like him very much judging by the eye rolls and faces she was pulling at him.

BM spotted us and came over to see Mark.


"You weren't wrong, it is the kind of place you have to seen," Mark stated, looking around, he had his business voice on.

"Yeah were busier than I thought we would be but there is a booth over there if you guys want to stay have a drink or some food," BM shrugged.

"Okay," he nodded.

"Menu is on the table, take a seat, enjoy the music I just have to run upstairs, then I'll be back if you have any questions," he rushed out gesturing for us to sit before heading to the back of the room.

"This place is kind of nice," Junior nodded as we sat down.

"So who is this girl you like?" Junior smirked looking around the room.

"She's behind the bar," I nodded.

"Thea?" he turned back to me raising an eyebrow.

"You know her?"

"Yeah, she is my photographer, she's really good," he nodded.

"What else do you know about her?"

"Can we get something to drink before you two start to discussing your new love life?" JB asked looking at the menu.

"And food," Mark nodded in agreement.

"Jackson can go order," Junior wiggles his eyebrows.

"No, I don't want her to think that I came here because she told me about it, we haven't even met in person properly, she might think I'm crazy," I shook my head.

"You go, you know her," I added nodding towards junior.

"What is your point?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my god, I'll go," JB rolled his eyes.

"It's fine, I'll go. I need to talk to her about my new line anyway, what does everyone want?" Junior patted JB's shoulder getting up from the booth.


"Can I get two beers and a bottle of wine with two glasses please barmaid?" I familiar voice asked.

"Barmaid?" I turned to see Junior.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?"

"You plastered my office with flyers, I figured I would come and check it out," he shrugged.

"You're here by yourself?" I asked pouting beer into glasses.

"Yeah, and I want all those drinks just for me," he nodded.

"Bad day?" I joked.

"No, I'm actually going to be ready for a new line in about two weeks, so your skill set will be required," he stated.

"Of course, so are you here with your boyfriend?" I smirked.

"And a few friends," he nodded pointing to the booth in the back. There were three guys sitting there, I recognized the Mark guy for Drew's club but I couldn't see the other two they had their backs to me.

"Did you want any food?"

"2 pizzas, a burger, fish and chips, and chicken wings," he handed me his credit card.


"Always," he winked.

"Do you want a hand with these,"

"I already have two,"

"Are you sure?" I handed his card back.

"Let me help," a tall dark haired guy I'm pretty sure I had seen around Junior's office came up behind him grabbing the bottle of wine and empty wine glasses.

"Speak later," Junior smiled walking away with a beer glass in each hand.

"Is Sam going to be here any time soon?" Leo asked tapping his fingers on the bar.

"Can one of you help Coco man the bar for a moment? I need to use the bathroom" I called into the kitchen. One of the wait staff nodded and came out, I can't remember her name, Riley? Rachael? I don't know.

"That's really annoying," I pointed out.

"I know,"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a bottle of cold water from the fridge making my way from behind the bar to the stage Jae was still playing on.

"Here, your notes are sounding raspy, it's hurting my ears more than your singing usually does," I placed the bottle down at his feet before walking away.

I made my way upstairs to the boys' apartment I guess you could call it. BM was on the phone it looked important, Sam was sitting inter his bed listening to music.

"Hey, some guy named Leo is downstairs looking for you," I poked my head into his space.

"He's just trying to get me to join his band," he nodded.

"Do you want me to tell him you're asleep or does something?"

"No I'll come down, he'll just stick around until I do,"

"Okay," I nodded.


I watched her make her way out of the room and seemed to disappear. She was a little different from the way I had pictured her. I saw her as a short and sweet, someone who would need protecting. But she seemed to be able to protect herself, she was still sweet though. Everyone who had offered to buy her a drink she had from what I'd seen, decline politely.

"Earth to Jackson?" Junior waved his hand in front of my face.


"Do you want another drink?"


Junior really hadn't told me much about her, she was good at taking photos and she was pretty professional. Which didn't give me any information I wanted, I think maybe he's holding out on some information but he has always been the type of person to keep business and personal lives separate. I was just disappointed that he didn't know more or won't tell me more.


It seemed more full than it was before, maybe because I was seeing it from a different angle. Either way the waitress seemed to be struggling a bit and Leo was sort of just making fun of her.

"Thanks," I nodded as I reached the bar. She looked relieved.

"She was so bad at that,"

"Good thing she is a waitress, not a bartender," I frowned at him.

"Where did you go?"

"None of your business," I raised an eyebrow.

"What can I get you?" I turned to a customer.

"Can I get four beers and two shots of tequila?" he asked looking me up and down.


"Why four beers but only two shots?" Leo asked.

"Because the shots are for us," he waved his finger between myself and him.

"I don't drink tequila, and I'm working so I'm not actually allowed to accept drinks from customers,"

"Oh come on, just one shot?"

"Sorry, I can't. Do you still want one for yourself?" I placed the beer glasses on a serving tray.

"Yeah, I'll have four," he sighed handing me his card.

"Would you have taken the shot if it wasn't tequila," Leo asked sipping at his drink.



"Because I'm working, and be as not attractive," I shrugged.

"He had a weird nose didn't he?" Leo agreed.

"That's one way to put it,"

"You're kind of okay," he nodded taking another sip.

"Where are you from? I know your accent but I can't place it," I frowned.

"Born in Busan, raised in New Zealand for most of my childhood,"

"New Zealand?" I raised an eye skeptically.

"Yeah, I can even do the haka," he nodded.

"You can not,"

"I can,"

"Do it then," I challenged.


He placed his glass down getting up from the stool, he stood back a little where there was some more space and started actually performing the Haka. Everyone in the room stopped their conversation to watch him, Jae even stopped playing for a moment, probably because he was laughing.

"Told you," he states smugly sitting back in his stool.

"I'm embarrassed for you," I poured him another drink.

"That one is on me," I shook my head.

"Yo Haka, nice job bro," some big guy came and high fived him.

"Thanks, man,"

"That's your name now," I nodded more to myself than to him.




"Because I can't call you Leo,"

"My Korean name is Do Joon,"

"But I like Haka,"

"Why can't you call me Leo?"

"I have an ex named Leo and now I despise the name," I shrugged.

"I've been called worse I guess,"

"I bet,"


Leo was sitting at the bar talking with Thea, that was the last thing anyone needed. Those two joining forces, the girls together were mean enough, but I swear Leo thrives on insults whether he was the one giving them or receiving them. He appreciated a well-executed insult, especially aimed at him.

"Leo," I greeted sitting on the stool next to him.

"Can we get my friend here a drink?" he turned to Thea.

"Of water," she nodded.

"No, of..." He hummed looking through the shelf.

"He can have water neat, water on ice, bottled water, or water on tap," she stated seriously.

"You know he is a grown man?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"You know he has a stomach tear," she retorted.

"Seriously?" he frowned turning to me.

"I thought you were great friends?" Thea stated sarcastically. He just rolled his eyes ignoring her.

"Yeah it's only minor but I can't drink,"

"That sucks," he nodded thoughtfully sipping at his glass.

"Tell me about it,"

"So have you thought about coming to band practice?" he side way glanced at me.

"Not really,"

"Why not?"

"Because I've never really seen myself in a band, the closest I get to not being a solo act is performing with Jae and that's rare,"

"You busked with him last week," Thea raised an eyebrow.

"Come on, it's one band practice, if you don't like it then I'll leave you alone, what do you have to lose?"

"Fine, one band practice,"


"I'm serious, one band practice and then you drop the whole me joining your band thing,"

"Deal," he held his hand out to shake.

"You just have to wait until his tear is healed," Thea stated.

"Who made you his mum?"

"She's known for acting like everyone's mum," BM came up behind him.

"I already have a mother, I don't need another one," Leo stated.

"Who said I wanted to be your mum? Who wants a son called Haka," she retorted.

"His name is Leo," I frowned.

"No, it's Haka," she stated.

"Apparently she can't call me Leo because of an ex-boyfriend," Leo shrugged.

"Oh, I remember him," BM pulled a face.

"I don't remember a Leo," I frowned.

"Probably because she's had so many boyfriends," Jae joined the conversation.

"Shut up, forever virgin," she rolled her eyes.


The bar was fairly busy when I walked in and it seemed like a few groups of people had been here for a while, they were either drunk and well on their way. Jae was up on stage with some guy I didn't know, Sam was sitting on a stool by the bar. Thea and Coco were busy serving drinks behind the bar and BM was at a booth with a group of four guys chatting away. I was guessing he was the promoter/investor BM had been talking about from Drew's club. Apparently, this guy had shown some interest but BM wasn't sure about it. Honestly, the guys just sound like a pretentious rich guy looking to show off his money and potentially make more off the hard work of other people.

"Charlie, thank god you're here, can you take over for me for like two minutes I really need to pee,"

"Can I get changed first?" I was still in my dance practice outfit.

"No, I really need to go,"

"Then go,"

"I can't, we're trying to make sure customers don't have to wait more than two minutes for their drink, we're currently at 27 customers, we have to keep the record," she whined at me.

"Okay, go," I sighed stepping behind the bar.

"Thank you," she practically bolted for the bathroom.

"How was dance practice?" Coco asked.

"It was fine, who is the guy up there with Jae?"

"Leo? Haka? I don't know I was only half paying attention to the conversation he was having with Thea," she shrugged.

"His name is Leo, Thea is just calling him Haka because of an ex-boyfriend and he got up earlier and performed the Haka," Sam explained.

"I remember Leo, he was a tool," I nodded.

"I don't remember a Leo,"

"They broke up not long before BM brought you into our circle," I stated.

"That makes sense,"

"How's the stomach?" I asked.

"Sore," he shrugged.

"Can I get three beers and another bottle of wine?" BM approached the bar,

"What wine?" Coco asked.

"The moss wood ribbon Merlot. And can you put the order through for two more pizza's, on pepperoni, one Hawaiian,"

"Sure thing boss," Coco saluted.

"Send it over to table 4 when it's ready," BM stated taking the tray of drinks back to the table with the investor and friends.

"Okay, you can go get dressed now," Thea came rushing back.

"It's alright, I'm already in a zone, and I don't smell so there's no point changing now,"

"You're good then?" she asked as the Leo/Haka guy sat down on the stool next to Sam.

"Yeah, you can go home if you want," I nodded.

"I don't have my car, I walked over this morning. I'll just wait for you to finish," she shrugged taking a seat next to the new guy.

"Oh, Leo, Charlie, Charlie, Leo," Sam made a quick introduction.

"That's Charlie? You're Charlie?" he looked surprised.

"The last time I checked," I nodded.

"Huh," he stated in one quick note.

"What?" I frowned.

"You were not what I'd pictured," he looked me up and down, frowning slightly.

"What do you mean what you pictured?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sam's talked about you a fair bit, but the way he described you I pictured, I don't know some kind of sex symbol or Miss Universe,"

"Leo, shut up," Sam frowned at him.

"Are you saying she looks like a troll or something?" Thea defended.

"No, I mean she's attractive, I guess. She's just not what I thought she'd be,"

"Yeah well, Sams never mentioned you," Thea stated.

"You realize I'm standing right here?"

"Let's all have a drink, to celebrate a successful opening, it as slow in the beginning but in all it's been a pretty busy night," BM interjected in an attempt to defuse whatever he thought was about to happen.

"The night's not over yet," I pointed out.

"Are any of you going to want to have a drink at closing?" he raised an eyebrow, laying glasses out on the counter in front of him.

"He makes a good point," Jae nodded.

"Sam can't drink and shouldn't you be playing something?" Thea stated looking at Jae.

"Oh please, when don't you want to drink?" Jae retorted.

"I barely drink," she defended.

"Yeah but when you drink you get drunk, you can't just stop at a couple," Jae stated smugly.

"Yes, I can,"

"Come one, one drink, Sam can have lemonade or water with Charlie and Coco," he started pouring glasses.

"Are you pregnant or something?" Leo turned to me.

"Excuse me?"

"I know Sam's reason to not drink, the only other reason is you're pregnant,"

"Or I don't drink."

"You're kind of a jerk," Coco commented joining the group after serving a customer, she also didn't drink.

"Who doesn't drink?"

"I don't, what's to point in drinking something that tastes bad?"

"So you seriously don't drink?" he frowned looking at me the same way everyone in this country looks at me when I tell them I don't drink.

"It's not really that hard to believe, I don't like the taste of alcohol so I don't drink it,"

"Here take your glasses," BM handed everyone a glass.

"I know it's been a long road, you've all helped out in more ways than one so that I could get to this point. I'm so great full to have you all in my life and so thankful for everything you've done to help me achieve my dream. I could ask for better friends," he raised his glass.

"That was so gay," Thea smirked.

"To a successful opening," Sam raised his glass to clink BM's.

"To a successful opening," everyone followed suit.


She had been sat with the same guy for the last half an hour since she finished working behind the bar. She had been messaging me, her phone never leaving her hand.

She had a few drinks and was laughing and joking with her friend, or at least she had said she was having a drink with a friend and watching them I had no reason to think otherwise. She got up from her stool to take a drink from the bar over to the guy who was performing on stage. She made her way back and went to sit on her stool, missing she fell on the floor. She just laughed hysterically.

Her friend laughed so much he fell off his own stool. Which made them laugh more.

"How many drinks has she had?" Junior frowned.

"From my count? Five," I shrugged.

"Oh well I guess that's pretty good," he nodded.

"Everything okay?" BM came over.

"Yeah we're going to head off soon," Mark nodded. It was almost 1 a.m.

"Yeah no problem, thanks so much for coming, I hope you enjoyed it," he nodded.

"It was great," Junior smiled.

"Hey, that friend of yours from the club the other night," I looked from Thea to BM.

"Yeah?" He asked slowly not really sure where I was going with it.

"Is that her?" I nodded towards Thea.


"You mean Thea?" I asked looking over at Thea who was sitting on the floor with Leo.

"Jackson, that's not really your business," Junior frowned at him.

Jackson? Like the same Jackson that she has been continuously texting for the last week or so?

"I was just curious," he stated as his phone lit up indicating he'd gotten a message. The name read Thea. Same Jackson.

"Thea isn't an avid drinker, she drinks casually, she's usually too busy to drink," I stated carefully, I wasn't going to go and ruin something before it started.

"Thanks again for coming," I smiled walking away from the booth to Thea who had managed to pick herself up of the floor and was seated on a stool again.

I walked up behind her wrapping an arm around her shoulder pushing her glass away from her. She looked up at me with a frown.

"What are you doing?"

"Trust me, you don't want to drink anymore. Not if you want Jae to be right," I bated her rather than telling her the truth.

"Right, can I have a glass of water?" she nodded.

"Why don't you two go upstairs and keep Sam company? I'll send some food up for you, just hang out there until Charlie is finished,"

"I like the atmosphere down here though," she pouted.

"I wasn't actually asking, just trust me and go upstairs,"

"Okay, let's go Haka,"

Next chapter