
Movie Night and Early Wake Up Calls


"Stop it," I frowned at Thea who was straightening up the magazines on the coffee table.

"I can't help it, I'm bored," she sighed sitting back in the chair bouncing her leg instead.

"You were bored at home too,"

"I could have gone to school, other than that I have nothing to do during the day, I'm like looking for a second job, I swear," she sighed.

I had only called past her house to get my dress shirt she had ironed for my meeting this morning and to make sure she remembers she had a dentist appointment. She had a habit of trying to avoid going to her orthodontist appointments, especially when they involved getting her braces tightened.

She had been re-organizing the shelves, for the second time this week when I got there. She gets like that when she is bored, she just cleans or rearranges things, I figured it was best for her mental state if I brought her with me. Besides, the second I left she would probably have gotten ready for school and missed her appointment.

It had been almost two weeks since the bar opened and we were doing okay, but we weren't doing great. We didn't have many nights as busy as opening night but it was a new bar and I was still building a reputation and clientele so I was happy with how it was going right now.

Mark, the investor from Drew's club and friend of Thea's new love interest, had asked me in for a meeting about investing in the bar. He seemed pretty interested in it which was great but I don't think I'm at the point where I want to start taking money from other people.

"Thea," I hissed as she started pacing around the room.

"I'm just looking at the photos," she frowned at me.

I realize bring bored Thea to a business meeting was probably a bad idea.

"He'll see you now," Whitney, I think her name was. His assistant came to lead us to his office.

"Thank you," I smiled getting up, Thea followed next to me.

"Behave," I whispered to her.

"I'm not a four year old," she rolled her eyes.

"Could have fooled me," I retorted.

Whitney leads us into a large corner office, it was simpler than I thought it would be, large windows, a lounge, his desk, and a few pot plants. There were no picture frames or bookshelves, clearly, this room was for nothing but business.

"Thank you, Whitney,"

"Is that all sir?"

"Can you run and get me a coffee? And something for lunch,"

"Of course sir, the usual?"

"Sure," he nodded signing a form, closing the folder it was in holding it out for her.

"Can you take that to Jess in HR?"

"Take a seat," Mark gestures to the lounge as he got up handing the folder to Whitney.


"How is the business?" he asked coming over and sitting in the armchair facing the lounge BM and I were seated on.

"Not bad," BM nodded.

"Have you give much thought to my offer?"

"I have, and don't get me wrong, it's a great offer and probably not one I should turn down. That being said, I've only been in business a week and realistically I'm doing better than most new businesses. I might not be doing as well as I would like but as I said I've only been open a week and a half and I think it's too early to be asking for help. I was able to get this far on my own and I would like to try and build my business on my own as well. I don't mean any disrespect because what you've offered is a great opportunity and maybe somewhere down the track I might need help but right now I would like to try and do this on my own two feet," BM had started to ramble or rephrase things he had already said.

I nudged him to get him to shut up. I'd watched Mark the whole time BM had been speaking and for the most part, he had kept a poker face which I guess is a good thing for business. But he seemed surprised when BM said he didn't want his help. I was guessing being a CEO to a big marketing company he would probably get hundreds of proposals a day asking for help with various amounts of money. I don't think he was expecting someone who he'd offered a deal to, to turn him down. I think he actually respected BM for it.

"Okay," Mark nodded thoughtfully.

"I'm sorry to have wasted your time, I've thought it over several times and I just think I would feel better if I tried to succeed on my own first,"

"I completely understand that, it was no waste of time. I got a night out and my friends had a lot of fun," Mark smiled.

"I bet," they both gave each other a look I didn't quite understand.


I knew he knew about Jackson and his friend, and I was pretty sure he knew I knew. But I don't think he had told her based on the confused look that she had.

"Thank you for your time," BM nodded filling the silence that hung in the room.

"It's no problem. Look, the offer still stands, if in the future you decide you want a little help just give me a call or come by," I shrugged.

"I'm sure we'll see each other around," BM stated.

"You are helping Drew," he added with a slight smirked.

"Right," I nodded. I think he enjoyed the fact he knew about Jackson and his friend didn't.

"Okay, come on you, you've got an appointment," he stood up talking to his friend.

"Yay," she pulled a face clearly unhappy with the idea.

"Thanks again," he held out his hand for me to shake.

"See you around," I nodded.

"You know you don't have to babysit me. I'm quite capable of going to the dentist by myself," she mumbled as they left my office.

"You hate getting your braces tightened, you would have just rescheduled," he replied.

She seemed to disagree with him but they were too far away for me to hear what they were saying. I hadn't noticed she had braces but I'd never seen her up close, I could see that she was probably going to drive Jackson nuts. Whitney came back fifteen minutes later with my soup and coffee. She looked a little cautious.

"What?" I frowned.

"Don't get mad, but the person who usually makes your coffee doesn't start work until two,"

"Seriously?" I frowned.

"I forgot it was a Wednesday," she nodded.

"They work every other morning, what's so important they don't work Wednesday morning?"

"I can ask?" She shrugged.

"So their other barista made this?" I raised the paper cup, she simply nodded. I sighed, it wasn't like this coffee was bad, it just wasn't right.

"Thank you, you can go to lunch," it was 11 but I had a meeting at 12:30 and there was some things I had to prepare for it.


"Okay bro, you can leave now," I dumped my bag under the counter.

"Thanks, oh that assistant came in this morning, she was seriously disappointed I was working and told me to tell you that she would be back at exactly 2 for one of your coffees," he rolled his eyes, voice full of resentment.

"Okay," I nodded looking up at the clock; 1:56 p.m. Whitney was very punctual, and her boss sounded like an honest pain in the ass. She'll probably be here before 2.

"I don't understand how it's possible for us to make coffee so differently, it's the same machine, the same beans," he rambled.

"No idea," I shrugged.

"Are you going to make it now?" he raised an eyebrow at me as I started to get everything ready.

"Yeah, her boss doesn't seem to be the type of person who likes to wait,"

"Oh cool," he nodded looking over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I frowned.

"I'm just watching you, don't mind me,"


"To see what you do differently,"

"Dude, there is nothing wrong with your coffee, I drink it which is saying something. So what if one pretentious CEO doesn't like your coffee? Everyone else loves it,"

"He's besmirching my emasculate record," he frowned.

"He's not besmirching anything, you're being overly sensitive," I rolled my eyes as Whitney walked in.

"Long day?" She looked tired.

"He's had meetings all day, he was kind of bummed he didn't have your coffee this morning but he's been in an okay mood I suppose," she shrugged.

"Before you leave do you think you could make me a coffee?" she looked over to Jae with a small pout.

"You want one of my coffees?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I need a strong coffee, looks like we're working late today. Haven't done that in a while,"

"And what's wrong with my coffee?" I faked hurt.

"It's too sweet for me," she shrugged.

"Seriously? What do you do differently?" he huffed.

"No idea," I shrugged.

"You make it first, you have to go and meet Sam," I ushered him to the machine.

"Right, he's probably already setting up."

"I can't believe you made him drive all the stuff up here,"

"It's a few guitars and a couple amps,"

"It's not like we could have carried it,"

"I hope you're paying for parking,"He made Whitney's coffee and rushed out the door forgetting that he was trying to figure out what we did differently. Once I knew he was gone I pulled the container of cinnamon powder from under the counter.

"You add cinnamon?" Whitney smirked.

"That's the only difference, and I don't make it really strong unless requested," I shrugged.

"How hasn't he figured that out?"

"We aren't generally put on the same shift and he doesn't drink my coffee,"

"Rude," she smiled.

"I get it, I don't like other people making my coffee, except him actually,"

"Well my boss doesn't seem to like anyone else making his coffee except you, thus the ten-minute drive for coffee," she sighed.

"Why do you drive ten minutes for a coffee?"

"I was running late for work one day and I live around here so I just called in here on my way, and now he requests that I come here and only here for his coffee," she shrugged.

"Well here," I handed her two cups.

"Jae already made mine," she held the cup in her hand up slightly.

"I know, but when he wants another coffee in an hour or so just put this on in the microwave and give it a stir,"

"Why didn't I think of that before?" she shook her head.

"It's your fault if I call ahead and order like five tomorrow morning," she warned picking up the drink tray and wondering towards the door.

"Oh wait, I haven't paid for this one," she turned around.

"It's on me," I waved her out the door.


"Dude, hurry up," I'd already been standing here for almost 20 minutes.

"Sorry, missed the train,"

"I told you I would get you from work," I sighed. I knew this would happen, Jae is always late.

"No, you didn't,"

"Yes, I did,"


"Last night, you asked if I wanted to come busking with you I said yes and asked if you wanted me to get you from work,"

"No, you asked if I wanted you to meet me at work,"

"Same thing,"

"I didn't see the point dragging the gear to work then into the city,"

"In the car?"

"That bit of information evaded me,"

"Of course it did," I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes max, why don't you get a coffee or set it up?"

"I have set it up, I've already been here 20 minutes,"

"Then take a phone of the setup, post it to my Facebook page letting people know where we are and play a song. You can be my opening act,"

"Fine," I sighed hanging up.

I took a step back to take a photo, posting it to his music page on Facebook. I was plugging in the guitar when I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Leo smiling in the group of people who had started to gather.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I frowned tuning the guitar.

"My partner works up here, we went to lunch," he shrugged.

"I didn't even know you were dating," I nodded thoughtfully.

"You never asked," he shrugged.

"This is true,"

"So you're up here busking?"

"No, I just carry the equipment around with me everywhere,"

"Right, stupid question," he laughed.

"Can I join you?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea, most of this isn't my stuff and he doesn't really like other people using his guitar,"

"I'm sure he would be cool with you using it and I can use yours,"

"That's also his, I don't bring my guitar out,"

"Scared it will get damaged?"

"Something like that," I nodded.

"Well, I'll just watch them," he laughed again rejoining the crowd.


I walked it into the waiting room pouting at BM. I spoke to the receptionist about my next appointment before wandering over to him slightly glaring.

"Come on let's get you something to eat before your teeth start to hurt," he wrapped an arm around my shoulders directing me towards the door.

"You're not my friend," I huffed.

"Yes I am, look on the upside, it's getting towards the end, you can get them off soon,"

"Why can't they take them off now?"

"Ask them not me. Did they tell you when you could get them off?"

"Mm, they should be able to come off at the next appointment,"

"That's great,"


"Why aren't you more excited?"

"I'll be excited when I'm not in pain,"

"Are you in pain already?"

"Yeah they put in a thicker wire as well so I'm going to pass on the food and go to the chemist instead,"

"You can have soup,"

"I don't want soup, I want the stuff to numb my mouth, and for you to not tell Jae,"

"Tell Jae what?" He shrugged.

Jae likes to bother me when I was sick or in pain. If he knew that I got my braces tightened today he would likely hang around the house and making fun of me. It didn't help that the stuff I use to numb my mouth made me drool slightly. Then again it doesn't recommend numbing the whole mouth, you're supposed to put some on a cotton ball and put that where the pain is, the problem with that is the pain is in my entire mouth.



"What are you doing home? Didn't you have class today?" Jae frowned at her.

Thea just nodded, she had been sitting on the lounge for the last two hours alternating between a heat pack and the numbing liquid. She currently had some in her mouth and by the look on her face, her mouth was numb and she was trying to control the muscles in her face to stop herself for dribbling.

"She finished early,"

"No she didn't, if she had of finished early then she would have walked past us, I know because I purposely set up there for that reason,"

"She walked past me while I was setting up," Sam stated.

"Why do you purposely set up where she walks?" I frowned.

"So she can bring me home," he shrugged.

"You could just ask?" I suggested.

"Where is the fun in that? Why are you so quiet today midget Hulk?" he was baiting her on purpose, which probably meant he already knew.

"Tired?" Sam suggested, Thea just shrugged getting up from the lounge, probably to go and spit the liquid from her mouth.

"Dude I was talking to you," Jae frowned at her.

"Technically you were talking to BM," Sam pointed out.

"Didn't you come here for the keys?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but Thea will make food," Jae shrugged sitting down on the couch.

"She has burlesque tonight," I stated, she wasn't going but he didn't know that.

"Why aren't you at the bar?" He frowned changing the subject.

"Coco is opening for me, I have enough staff to not have to be there all the time," I shrugged.

It wasn't a lie, I did have enough staff and Coco was opening for me but I had planned to go there after I'd brought Thea home and made sure she had everything. But then the boys showed up looking for the keys because they'd left there's inside and now it looked like I was going to have to save Thea from a night of Jae tormented.

She came back into the lounge room sitting back in her seat still not saying a word. Probably because while her mouth was numb she sounded like she had a lisp and that would definitively give her away.

"Are you really trying to give me the silent treatment? Don't you remember how that needed last time? You lost,"

"I didn't lose," she closed her eyes and let out a sigh as Jae laughed and settled properly into his seat.

"I knew it! Oh, this is going to be a fun night,"

"You can't stay," she frowned looking to me and Sam, Sam's attention was on Volk who was settled on his lap.

"Yeah, I can,"

"No actually you can't," I stated, trying to form an excuse in my head.

"Why not?"

"Because Drew wanted me to ask if you would DJ for him again? His is out sick,"

"DJ or sit here and watch drooling Mac numb face? I'm going to pass on DJing,"

"He said he'd pay you,"

"Really?" he looked at me skeptically.

"Yeah," I nodded. Sam watched me then frowned knowing he was being dragged along.

"But we have to leave soon and if you want to get changed we'll have to call past the bar,"


"I'm going to kill you," Drew sighed shaking his head at BM.

"You were complaining about your DJ quitting a week ago, what's the big deal?"

"I hired a new DJ two days ago, the same DJ I have just rung and told I didn't need tonight and still have to pay anyway so he doesn't quit,"

"It's one night, and you owned me one anyway,"

"I didn't think that would mean having to pay two DJ's when I only had one working,"

"Who said you had to pay him?"

"You did, you told him I asked him to help out and I would pay him,"

"I never said you would pay him cash, just give him some free drinks. But don't tell him until he's finished working,"

"Why do you need me to do this exactly?"

"It's to help Thea,"

"So technically, Thea owes me a favour?" Drew raised his eyebrow.

"Well, you kind of owe her for the advertising she did for you,"

"We'll call it even considering she threw up in my bathroom and caused a scene on opening night,"

"Throwing up in the bathroom wasn't technically her fault," BM stated.

"And you got good reviews from the scene she caused because it was handled quickly and safely, people think you're reliable," I added.

"Really?" Drew asked.


"Fine, he can DJ. But Thea still owes me,"

"She's not going on a date with you," BM stated.

"Ew no, that girl is way too much drama," Drew pulled a face. He wasn't wrong.

"So what do you want from her then?"

"For her to stay out of my club,"

"We both know that's not going to happen," BM laughed shaking his head.


The house was pretty quiet when I got home which usually meant the boys weren't here. I put my bag away and found Thea laying on the couch half asleep. Judging by the bottle of numbing liquid and box of painkillers her dentist appointment wasn't fun.

"Hey," she sat up yawning.

"So the dentist went well?" I nodded to the table.

"Just great," she nodded.

"I half expected Jae to be here annoying you,"

"BM convinces him to leave, they're all at Drew's club,"

"I got sushi on the way home but I'm guessing you're not in an eating mood,"

"God no," she yawned again laying back down.

"Want to watch a movie?" I suggested.

"I can do movie night," she nodded.

"I'll just get changed and make some tea,"


She was responding slower than normal, maybe she'd lost interest in me? She said she was just tired and in a bit of pain but really how much can braces really hurt? I sighed putting my phone back doesn't on the coffee table.

I'm just hangry, or at least that's what I was telling myself. I was seriously hungry and I'd almost ordered food twice but Mark said he would bring dinner home. He was usually home by now though.

Jackson: Did you fall asleep?

I was a little worried that sounded a bit desperate but I was bored and really hungry and talking to her was a great distraction, and I really enjoyed it.

I flicked through some more channels while I waited for a response. Five minutes later Mark finally walked through the door with a couple of pizza boxes and two bags of Chinese take away.

"Hungry?" he asked juggling the bags, dropping his own on the kitchen table before continuing through to the lounge.

"How much food did you get?"

"I couldn't decide what I wanted so I got both,"

"So this is what took you so long?"

"No, I had some stuff I had to get organized for a meeting tomorrow,"

"It must be important if you did it yourself," I teased.

"It is, big-name music label," he shrugged like it was nothing but I could tell he was worried about it. the amount of food he'd bought was a big give away, not that we don't eat a fair amount, but this was more than we normally got just for dinner.

"Are you working next weekend?" I asked.

"I have to go through some paperwork this Saturday but I think I'm free on Sunday, why?"

"No, not this weekend, next weekend,"

"Not that I recall," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Do you want to come with me to lunch?"

"After all these years, you're finally asking me on a date?" he teased.

"No, I mentioned the Idea of meeting Thea in person properly, and she was okay with it, but she is bringing a friend in case I'm some kind of psycho,"

"You did attack her with soup," he nodded stuffing a slice of pizza n his mouth.

"I didn't, that's beside the point," I sighed.

"I just thought that if she has a friend there she'll probably pay attention to her friend or her friend will feel like a weird third wheel, so will you come with me?"

"You want me to go on a blind date with some girl just so you can go meet a girl you attacked with soup in person?"

"It's not technically a blind date, it's more you accompanying me to a meeting with a couple of attractive girls,"

"How do you know she's attractive?"

"I've seen a photo of her on Thea's Facebook page," I shrugged.

"You stalked her Facebook page? No wonder she is bringing back up," he commented.

"I didn't stalk her,"

"Sure you didn't,"

"So will you come with me?"

"Let me see her and I'll think about it," he sighed.


"Oh my god, is that the time?" Charlie stared wide-eyed at her phone.

We'd started a Lord Of The Rings marathon, technically it was only supposed to be one movie because the extended cuts were a little long but according to Charlie that was really the only way to watch them. So we finished the first one and it was only 9:30 and we decided to start watching the second one and now we were about halfway through the third one and it was 6 am. Which wouldn't be an issue is Charlie didn't have work tomorrow, today, in like three hours. She should be getting up in an hour and a half.

"I'm going to have to call in sick," she sighed.

"I'm sure Jae won't mind covering a shift," I shrugged.

"I can't call them until 7 anyway, no one will be in there,"

"Just send Jae a text telling him he needs to cover for you, and we can watch the end of the movie then you can call work and e can sleep," I'd actually been dozing in and out throughout the movies but I had seen them a few time.

They were Charlies favorite trilogy. We finished the movie and finally got up from the lounge, Charlie made her phone call and I made my way into my bed, Shire had already curled up in his bed, he stretched out when he saw me walk in.

I didn't even feel like it had been five minutes before my phone started ringing. I sighed picking it up from the side table. Apparently, I had been asleep for an hour, I didn't check the caller ID before answering, I didn't actually think about it until I had already answered.


"Hey, sorry to wake you up a little early but I kind of need your help," it was BM.

"With what? Shouldn't you be at work?"

"Yeah, but I'm kind of stuck right now, do you think you could come and get me?"

"Stuck how?" I yawned sitting up, forgetting that if I opened my mouth too wide it hurt.

"Uh, well, Sam, and Jae, and me, we're kind of sitting in the police station,"

"Excuse me?"

"We were arrested," he sighed.

Next chapter