
Sex, Alcohol, and Fate?


We were sitting in the audience waiting for Charlies performance, they'd just opened with a group stage which was pretty cool, from what I was aware Charlie had two solo stages and a stage with her friend, I wasn't sure if that was the cast for the other dancers or if she was just better than everyone else.

The next stage started, the main dancer was a guy, I'd seen him around her dance school. I was pretty sure he was a teacher not a student. He was really good, and really attractive, I wasn't sure what he was dancing too but he wore back leather ish pants and a black singlet which was so attractive with his amazing arms.

"Thea, you're drooling," BM mumbles in my ear with a smirk.

"No I'm not, he's not that attractive," I retorted as he finished his dance.

The crowd clapped as another guy made his way to stage, this time Charlie joined him so I was assuming that he was her friend, he was also excessively attractive.

"Now she's drooling," Jae commented.

"I'm not drooling," I huffed, he was definitely drool worthy though.

"Dude, Charlie is kind of attractive," Jae frowned looking a little grossed out.

"Yeah she does that," Sam started, his face changed, I'm guessing he hadn't meant to say that out loud. Bianca frowned at him then looked towards he stage looking annoyed.

"She's always attractive, why do you think guys pay so much attention to her?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because she looks easy," Bianca muttered. I felt the rage rise, and my body started working on its own. BM was quick to wrap and arm around my shoulders and cover my mouth with his hands to stop me from getting up or speaking.

"You're in an audience in public, for Charlie. How do you think she'll feel if you embarrass her in front of her class and their friends and family?" He tried to reason removing his hand from my mouth, but not before giving me a warning look. I knew if I got too loud he would just throw me over his shoulder and remove me from the room.

"You can't embarrass Charlie, and I think she'd first bump me if it was because I was brutally murdering Bianca, especially after she hears why," I glared at her.

"It's Beunka," she rolled her eyes.

"She's antagonizing me," I frowned at BM.

"She's not smart enough, just ignore her and watch the attractive guy," he used his big beefy hands to position my head forward.


"That wasn't very nice," I said quietly to Bianca so no one else heard me.

"It was a joke," she rolled her eyes.

"No it wasn't, you specifically targeted Charlie, the conversation had nothing to do with you and there was no need for the comment,"

"Why are you defending her?"

"Because she's my friend and I don't like it when people insinuate things about her that aren't true," I sighed.

"You never defend me," she pouted.

"You're there to defend yourself, you took a cheap shot at Charlie while she wasn't hear to hear it or defend herself," I stated, not really wanting to admit she was right, I don't normally defend Charlie either. I'm just tired of them attacking each other.

I turned my attention back to the stage, it was just Charlie, she was in blacked ripped shorts and a red and black striped long sleeve crop top. Thea and Jae were right, she was very attractive tonight and the way she danced could seduce the whole room. She wasn't even trying, there weren't the usual moves in her routine that most girls used to appear over sexy, it was just her, the way she danced and emerged herself in the music.

"Do you like her?" Bianca's voice cut through my thoughts.

"Not anymore," Jae muttered.

"Anymore?" She frowned.

"Seriously?" I sighed frowning at Jae.

"Sorry, I didn't think she'd hear me," he shrugged.

"What does he mean by anymore?" She asked.

"Can we do this when we're not in an audience please?"

"Fine," she sighed crossing her arms over her chest slouching into her chair.

I was trying to avoid a scene, but I was also kind of hoping she would forget Jae's comment by the time the showcase was over.


"Dude, where is the guy you were dancing with?" Thea asked mid conversation.

The showcase was over and they had come backstage to see me, I'm pretty sure Thea had come backstage just to see the guys not actually me, and Jae felt like making fun of me but that was Jae. Bianca looked annoyed and kept glaring at both me and Sam which was a little different to normal, usually she just glared at me.

"Hey," Hansol, the guy I did the duo stage with, came up to me. He was a little awkward when he wasn't on stage and really only talked to me and two other people in our class.

"Hey," I nodded.

"Everyone Hansol, Hansol this is Thea, BM, Jae, and Sam," I introduced, intentionally leaving Bianca out - she didn't seem to notice though.

"Hi, so where is he?" Thea waved him off.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Because he was attractive," she gave me the 'are-you-stupid?' face.

"Thea, he's literally wearing the same thing," BM pointed to Hansol who got very confused and awkward when he noticed he was he one being pointed out.

"No, he's adorable, it can't be him," she shook her head.

"Dude, look at his face, he's the guy," Jae stated.

"I wasn't looking at his face, where is the dancer with the attractive moves and the penis?" She turned back to me. Hansol frowned then rubbed the back of his next clearly very uncomfortable with Thea referring to his genitalia.

"Have you met Shawn?" I pointed he Shawn who was currently changing his shirt, by that I mean he currently wasn't wearing a shirt.

"No I haven't, he wasn't the guy you danced with,"

"The guy I danced with is off limits, go talk to Shawn,"

"I'm not going to just go up to him, that's weird,"

"You were going to do it with my dance partner,"

"Yeah but did you see the bulge in his pants?"

"Thea," BM nudged her.

"Sorry, she has no filter,"BM apologised to Hansol.

"It's why she has barely any friends," Jae agreed.


"Just stay here and don't speak for five seconds," Charlie sighed walking over to the half naked guy Thea had been interested in while watching the show case, until she had seen Charlie's friend. They talked for a moment until put his shirt back on, it wasn't really a shirt though it was more like a singlet. He followed her back over to us were we had been standing quietly not really sure what to say to Hansol.

I didn't really like him, I don't see how a guy can be so confident on stage and be this socially awkward off stage, he was clearly faking one, I was betting the awkward. It's much harder to fake that amount of confidence.

"Thea this is Shawn, I was just telling him how you liked his moves," Charlie gave her a look.

Thea just sighed rolling her eyes.

"Hey," she looked him up and down before nodding slightly, most people wouldn't notice but most people weren't ware of the girls level of perverted behavior.

"So now that Thea has been dealt with, why don't we go eat something?" Jae asked.

"We have to be at the club by 10," BM stated.

His friend was opening an underground club tonight and the minute a club had been mentioned Thea was in, which meant Charlie would go to stop her from doing something stupid and Jae would go because BM and Charlie would be there, also in case Thea manages to do something stupid, so basically we were all going.


"You're friends opening a club?" Shawn asked, I kept getting distracted by the fact I could see into his shirt at his dancer abs.

"Yeah, you're welcome to come if you want," BM nodded, he glanced at me so I was assuming he was hoping to keep me distracted with Shawn.

"Sounds like fun, I'll let the guys know," he nodded walking over to a group of other guys.

"Is that," I frowned looking closer.

"Yes," Charlie nodded.

"Seriously?" I sighed.

"Dude, he dances at my school, this is a school showcase. Did it not cross our mind there might be guys here you've been with?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"Not really,"

"How many of them have you slept with?" Jae asked.

"You make me sound like a hoe," I frowned at him.

"You do that to yourself," Bianca spoke for the first time in about 20 minutes, I honestly almost for got she was here. It was also the smartest thing she had said.

"B," Sam warned.

"She's not exactly wrong," Jae shrugged.

"Shut up idiot," I rolled my eyes,

"I can't really get into a club wearing this," Charlie stated.

"Didn't you bring clothes with you?" Sam asked.

"I forgot, and my performance clothes are covered in sweat," she stated. I was pretty sure she had done it on purpose, I had also figured she would so I planned ahead.

"Good thing I remembered, I have a change of clothes for you in Sam's car," I smiled.

"Oh course you do," she nodded.

"You micromanage everything," BM shook his head at me.

"Because she is micro," Jae shot.

"I'm going to hit you,"

"With your micro hands?" He raised and eyebrow.

"I would literally have to just hold my hand out and you wouldn't be able to reach me," he added.

"Yo, she's a micromanaging midget," he laughed.

"You might want to run," BM shook his head.


"Are you ready? The Uber will be here in 5," Mark called.

"We're not taking a car?" I asked coming out of my room buttoning my shirt up.

"No, we'll get an Uber, in case we both end up drinking," he shrugged.

"You're extra dressed up for a underground club," I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, this is a business thing for me, I need to be dressed up,"

"You just promoted the club,"

"I also invested in it," he stated.


"Yeah, I told you, it sounded cool and honestly it sounded like a good investment, there aren't really any underground clubs around, the hype in itself will create exclusivity and so the business will boom," he explained.


We grabbed our things and locked the apartment making our way down stairs to the Uber which was waiting for us outside the door. We both got in the back seat and Mark gave the driver the address.

"So what do you think her name is?" he turned to me.

"What?" I frowned.

"The soup girl,"

"I have no idea," I sighed.

"Do you think she think's I'm ignoring her because she took so long to reply?" I asked.

"Maybe she hasn't even noticed, or doesn't care" he shrugged.

"Thanks," I sighed again.

"I mean you did soup the girl," he stated.

"No I didn't, I was the one who was covered in soup, she didn't have a drop on her. Then she felt me up, I'm the victim," I defended.

"Yeah, an attractive girl felt you up with no effort on your part and let you have her number, clearly you're a victim,"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get pouty," he teased.

"I'm not pouty," I glared.


We'd been at the club for almost two and a half, I hadn't seen my friend for more than thirty seconds when he let us in. The club was pretty full, Thea was well on her way to drunk and I was pretty sure she had already slept with Shawn, they had disappeared for some time and he was now keeping an eye on here and trying to keep her out of trouble sitting in our booth with her. Jae had somehow made his way up to the DJ booth and they'd let him play around for the last twenty minutes, he was actually pretty good at it, which was probably why they'd just let him continue. Sam and Bianca were also sitting at the booth, she kept trying to get him to dance and when he declined she would get up and slutty dance where she knew he could see her but he was too busy watching Charlie who was just off in her own little world.

She stopped dancing and made her way over to the table.

"Why wedges?" she frowned at Thea who was dozing off on Shawn's shoulder, she get's like that with alcohol, she either gets tired and sleeps straight away or she gets tired, drinks more, does stupid things then passes out, it just depends on her and the alcohol she's drinking.

"There are flats in the car," she mumbled.



"Then why am I wearing wedges?"

"They went better with the outfit," Thea yawned opening her eyes and sitting up properly picking up her half full glass, Shawn tried to convince her to let him have it but she wasn't giving it up and downed it quickly.

"Keys," Charlie held her hands out towards Sam.

"Do you want some help?" he asked.

"No, it's just a pair of shoes, and I'm the only sober one here," she frowned at him. He handed her his keys and she left.

He watched her as she walked away, I internally sighed. Sam has had an on again, off again crush on Charlie since probably high school, at least he thinks it was, he likes to go through stages where he is practically in love with her and other stages where he thinks he's over his crush. Honestly, I don't think he ever stops liking her, he just finds things to fill the void with and project his feeling on to or to distract himself with, like Bianca.


She's been gone for about ten minutes, I was getting a little worried, we were at a club with a bunch of drunk guys and she's gone outside by herself making herself an easy target.

"I'm going to go and check on her," I stated getting up from the table.

"Dude, she's fine," BM frowned at me.

"It's been a while," I stated walking towards the entrance.

She was half in the back of my kombi, she was still searching the back of the van muttering to herself.

"Hey, do you need a hand?"

"Yeah, I can't see anything in here," she nodded.

"Probably because the light wasn't on,"

I reached over her to flick the roof light on, I must of knocked Charlie because she stumbled, I reached one arm around her waist and used the other to brace our fall so she didn't land on the steps. She bruises easily and if she hit the stairs she would both be hurt and have severe looking bruises across her back. Her arms wrapped around my waist, probably from instinct to protect herself.

We were extremely close, I'm not sure what came over me, but I lent down and kissed her.


"Do you guys want a drink?" Drew asked.

"Sure," Mark nodded.

"What are you doing?" the BM guy called to a girl who was walking away from the bar.

"Sorry, she was persistent and I wasn't sure what to do," a tall guy frowned looking at BM.

"Yeah she's like that when she drinks, you think she's going to sleep and then miraculously has the energy to keep drinking," he sighed.

"Hey, why don't you go sit back down with Shawn," he reached out to stabilized the girl who was swaying, she tried to step out of reach and ended up bumping into me spilling the drink in her hand on the both of us, mostly herself but somehow managed to soak the bottom of my shirt.

"Girls really like to spill things on you,"Mark smirked at me.

"Shut up," I sighed rolling my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," BM frowned at his friend handing me some napkins.

"Ew, I'm wet," the girl cried.

"Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom to dry myself," she yelled not looking back. Her voice sounded familiar but I couldn't get a look at her face to see if I actually knew her.

"Where's Charlie?" BM sighed.

"Her and Sam still aren't back," the other guy shrugged.

"Just go get Bianca, if she goes to the bathroom by herself she's likely to hurt herself," BM told him. He nodded and waled off.

"I'm so sorry about her, I'll pay for any dry cleaning," he apologized again.

"Don't worry about it, it's not that bad," I shrugged dabbing at my shirt with the napkins.

"She would usually apologize, she's just, well drunk right now," he shook his head staring after her.

"She your girlfriend?" Mark asked, mainly out of polite conversation than actually interest.

"God no, she's my best friend,"

"She seems like a handful," he nodded thoughtfully.

"She can be, she isn't normally that bad though," he shrugged.

"She is when she drinks," Drew stated.

"Yeah but she doesn't actually drink that often," BM defended her.

"Wait until you open the bar," he smirked.

"Tell me about your bar," Mark stated sipping at the drink Drew had just placed on the table in front of him.


"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I heard her voice before I saw her.

"Why are you here?" I frowned at her, trying to pull the paper towel from the container thing to dry my outfit.

"I'm here to help you," she caught my elbow as my legs almost gave out.

"Where's Charlie? I don't want your help,"

"I don't know," she grabbed some paper towel and started dabbing the alcohol out of my skirt and cardigan.

"Stop,"I stated, I was suddenly feeling like I was going to throw up.

"Just let me help,"

"No, I'm going to be sick," I tried to make my way to the toilet.

"Don't be dramatic, I know you don't want my help, but none of your so called friends are here," she grabbed me as I reached to close the door over, I didn't want her of all people to see me throw up.

"Let me go," I tried to hold back the lumpy forcing its way up my throat.

"Stop, I'm trying to help," she sighed.

I couldn't hold it down any longer and it came up quicker than I could control, I threw up all over her skirt and legs.

"Ew," she let go of me just as fast, I fell to the floor next to the toilet and continued to throw up, this time in the bowl as Bianca cried and squealed immediately trying to clean herself.

Once she had cleaned herself and pulled some kind of spray from her back and doused herself in it, it only made me feel worse, she left the bathroom.


Everyone was gone from the table, Jae was still up at the DJ booth, BM was at a table with Drew and two guys in red, he wasn't really paying attention to them though, he was too busy staring in the direction of the bathrooms. Shawn was dancing but he was also focused in the same direction, of which Bianca was now coming from looking both annoyed and upset. I couldn't see Thea so I was assuming she was in the same direction.

"Sam," she cried as she reached us.

"Did you throw up?" he scrunched his face up at the smell.

"No, Thea just threw up on me,"


"I was trying to hep her because no one else was around and she threw up on me,"

"Where is she now?" I frowned.

"In the bathroom," she shrugged.

"You left her there alone?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Good job at helping her," I rolled my eyes making my way over to the bathroom.

"Yo, Charlie," BM called, I turned back to look at him.

"Thea," he started, I held my hand up cutting him off.

"I'm already on it, next time probably don't send Bianca,"I stated turning back around.

Thea was basically asleep, her head resting on her arm which was lying across the toilet bowl. I let out a sigh and made my way over to her avoiding the puddle of vomit on the floor from where I assumed she'd thrown up on Bianca.

"Thea, I can't lift you, wake up," I sighed.

I didn't have the upper body strength to lift her off the floor and walk her outside and none of the boys could come in and help me.

"Why are you so drunk tonight?" I sighed.

"Mm," she mumbled turning her head towards the bowl.

"I don't feel good," she mumbled again.

"That would be the alcohol,"

"I don't like alcohol,"

"Let's go home,"

"My legs don't work," she muttered nuzzling her head into her arm going to sleep.

"Dude, I can't lift you," I sighed.

"Move your butt," BM came in behind me.

"Dude, what are you doing?" I frowned at him.

"Relax, Drew is by the door," he picked up a now sleeping Thea, bridal style. The last time he threw her over his shoulder he had vomit down his back.

"Do you still have Sams keys?" He asked.


"Give, I'll take her home then come get everyone else,"

You can't leave her at home by herself, she'll chase her own cat and hurt herself," Thea overly loves her cat when she's drunk, Shire however doesn't like drunk Thea one bit.

"Alright get your stuff,"


I woke up to Shire meowing, wanting out of the bed room. I felt exhausted and all of my muscles hurt, but that was probably from dancing not drinking, I didn't tend to get hung over, I don't actually think I've ever been hungover, maybe I just haven't drunk enough to actually get to that point.

There was an arm wrapped around my waist holding me firmly against whoever's chest my back was pressed too. I sighed looking down at the arm feeling a little better when I saw the person was wearing the bracelet I bought BM for his last birthday, and the watch from Coco. So unless someone stole his things, it was BM, which left me both relieved and annoyed. I tried to move away from him but he wouldn't budge.

"Let me go," I groaned.

"Oh your awake," he let go.

"Why were you spooning me?" I moved away from him.

"Because your were more of a handful last night than normal,"

"So you thought you'd spend on me as punishment?"

"I was making sure you didn't throw up and roll in it," he sighed. He did look like he'd barely slept so I probably was a bit of pain last night.

"I don't throw up,"

"You threw up all over Bianca," he stated.

"Really?" I smirked.

"Mm, then you passed out in the bathroom. I thought it was going to be easy to get you in the car but you woke up as we walked outside and started struggling and wanting to go back for another drink. It took me and some other guy that is friends with Charlie to get you in the car and then you threw up again,"

"In Sam's car?" I frowned.

"You were in the car, but you threw up in someones bag, it was either your own or Bianca's," he muttered rolling over.

"Do you want a coffee?" I yawned.

"Nope, I want some sleep," he stated.

"Didn't you sleep last night?"

"No, I was worried you would throw up and lay in it, also you tried to get up a few times to drink more, I thought you might get in your car,"

"I'm not stupid,"

"No, you were drunk,"

"Get some sleep grumpy,"

"Sometimes I wish you would get hung over just so you were quiet,"

I got out of bed, stretching, Shire ran out as soon as I opened my bedroom door. Jae was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal.

"Hey drunky," he nodded.

"Shut up,"

"Someone is in there," he stated as I walked towards the bathroom.

"Sam or a Charlie someone?"

"Sam's not here,"

"Kay," I nodded turning towards the kettle instead.


I pulled into the driveway, and made my way inside. Bianca had made me breakfast and insisted on making me lunch but I still smelt like the club so I'd told her that I would come home shower, change and come back which surprisingly she was okay with, it gave her time to cook apparently. That in itself was terrifying because she had never actually cooked before, at least not since we'd been together and we were almost at eight months. Breakfast had been horrible, she'd made and omelette or tried too, I'm pretty sure she used too much milk and cheese, and it really just turned out to bee scrambled eggs with stuff in it.

A shirtless guy was coming out of the bathroom, I would have assumed it was a guy Thea had brought home if I hadn't seen him last night helping BM get Thea into the car. He was Charlie's friend, and apparently a little more than that. Thea was in the kitchen making coffee, she looked up and frowned at the shirtless guy as he made his way to Charlie's room.

"Hey," she pointed at him looking horrified. Jae looked up thinking she was talking to him.

"Hey," the guy nodded and kept walking.

Charlie came out as he went in, she paused for a second when she seen me.

"Did you sleep with him?" Thea asked drawing her attention away from me.

"Yeah," she shrugged sort of side glancing at me.

"Seriously?" Thea look mortified.

"Yes, why are you freaking out,it's too early in the day," she frowned.

"Because I've also slept with him,"

"Seriously?" Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my god," Jae slapped his hand down on the table, we all stopped and looked at him, I thought he was making fun of the girls until he looked between me and Charlie, he pointed at her then at me then back at her.

"You two slept together," he stated.

"What?" Thea raised an eyebrow.

"How do you even know that?" Charlie frowned.

"Wait you two actually slept together?" Thea looked between us.


Sam hand left almost two hours ago and Thea was still kind of carrying on about my sex life. Turns out we had both slept with Yuri, my friend, a few moths back, in the same weekend. But that is as much information as we would push for and we swore him to secrecy to never tell us who slept with him first. It's bad enough knowing we've both slept with the same guy, we do not need to know who got the other persons seconds.

She also gave me a sort of lecture about sleeping with Sam while he was dating Bianca, she might not like Bianca but she found it morally wrong and felt the need to point that out to me. My phone started ringing, I didn't recognize the number, frowning down at it I debated whether to answer it or not before picking it up.


"Hello, I'm looking for a Miss Charlie Flynn,"


"I'm calling from Fiona Stanley hospital, we have you listen as an emergency contact for a Mr Sam Kim,"

"Okay?" my blood ran cold.

"We've just had him come through the emergency department and is currently in ICU,"


Next chapter