
Sam and Fiona Stanley


"We'll take my car," I stated, my mother mode had kicked in.

I was good like that in a crisis, there would be time to freak out later, for not I just shut off everything else and just focused on what needed to be done, which was something we definitely needed in situations right now. Charlie had turned into a mess, not crying on the floor but she couldn't focus and she was shaking like crazy. Jae was quiet not really sure what he was supposed to do considering 90% of his personality was making jokes so things like this were a little too real for him, and BM was no good in a crisis, not when it involved someone he cared about. He could only think of the person, not what needed to be done or how to help,he was in a consistent state of borderline meltdown.

"What do we need?" BM frowned looking around the room.

"We don't know what's going on, so just go get in the car, I'll lock everything," I ushered everyone out.

Jae started slowly moving towards the door, BM not far behind him but Charlie just sat there, completely oblivious to what was happening, she was stuck in her own head not really hearing what was going on.

"Charlie," I called, she kind of looked over but she wasn't really listening.

"Jae, BM," they didn't say anything but they came back.

"Take her to the car," I nodded towards Charlie who was staring at the wall.

The helped her to her feet and directed her outside, I made sure all the windows were closed and the animals had water and fed them early, I wasn't sure how long we were going to be at the hospital.

They wouldn't tell her anything else over the phone, just that he was in ICU which left everyone imagining the worst. The first thought was car accident, but we won't know for sure until we get to the hospital.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and left, locking the door behind me. All three of them were sitting in silence, I didn't bother saying anything, I just started the car and drove. The hospital wasn't too far away, it was about 20 minute drive which didn't normally seem that long, but it a completely silent care it felt like hours.

When we finally arrived at the hospital, Charlie was still basically shut off, she walked between the boys who watched her like she would fall apart at any moment, which wasn't that far fetched.

We got to the front desk where a lady with a smile greeted us.

"Good afternoon, how can I help?"

"Yeah, hi, we're looking for Sam Kim, he was brought in not long ago, we were told he was in ICU,"

"Are you family?"

"He's out brother," I nodded.

"Okay, let me look him up for you,"

"I can't find his name, are you sure it was here he was brought?"

"The lady on the phone said Fiona Stanley and ICU," I stated trying to squash the ball of panic rising from my stomach into my throat.

"Okay, just take a seat and I'll call the ICU to see if they have him, sometimes they don't have time to put them in the system," she stated.

I bit back my anger, I realised now was not the time or place to blow up at someone but the fact we didn't know what happened to him or why he was here in the first place was driving me insane.

We were there for almost twenty minutes before someone could tell us where he was. the lady at the counter finally stopped with her string of phone calls, and called me over.

"I'm so sorry, he isn't actually in ICU anymore, they're so busy up there today they didn't have time to update the files on system," she stated. My heart dropped and tears started to build, my nose started to sting.

"What do you mean he isn't in ICU anymore?"


"So last night was fun," Jackson stretched, we'd only woken up ten minutes ago, well I had, he only came out of his room about a minute ago.

"It was fine," I shrugged.

We ended up drinking with Drew for an hour or so, Jackson got a little towards the drunk side but not to the point he was a handful, I had a few drinks but was for the most part fine.

"That girl was crazy," he stated.

"Which one,"

"That BM guy's friend, I wonder if they got home okay?" he questioned thoughtfully.

"Who knows, she seemed like a psycho, girls like that shouldn't drink," I shrugged.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked sipping at my coffee.

"I was going to take a drive out to see if another store had my phone model in stock because I won't have time to do it tomorrow before they shut and I need to make some calls today for work, but then I realised it was Sunday and they would be closed, so I'll just find the numbers in my contacts on iCloud and use the landline," he shrugged.

"What calls? It's a Sunday,"

"Roster and payslips," he shrugged, picking up the phone from the kitchen bench.

"And our landline is dead," he sighed sitting it in it's cradle to charge.

"Just use my phone," I shrugged throwing it too him.

"What is wrong with you?" he panicked as he reached to catch it.

"What if I had of dropped it?" he frowned at me.

"I would have just bought a new one tomorrow,"

"It must be nice to have to time to go to the phone store and just buy a new phone while you're supposed to be working. I'm going to have to use my lunch break," he huffed.

"Again, working is your choice. But I'll pick your phone up tomorrow so don't worry about it," I stated.

"Seriously?" he smirked slightly.

"Yeah, whatever. Just write the exact model you want and I'll pick it up from you tomorrow," I nodded.

"You're the best," he smiled.

"It's no issue," I shrugged.


A nurse came to direct up through the hospital. The lady at the front desk had explained that he wasn't on the system in ICU because he was in the middle of being move out of there and into a private room, apparently he had private health insurance.

He was stable and no longer needed to be in ICU, which was good but Thea almost climbed over the desk and killed the lady for wording it like he had died.

Charlie was still in her own head, Jae and I walked either side of her as a precaution as the nurse explained the situation to Thea, she'd tried to talk to Charlie but she wasn't listening. She most likely wouldn't actually be able to function until she sees for her own eyes that he is okay. We got to his ward, Bianca was sitting in the waiting room when the nurse directed us down to Sam's room. She frowned as she seen us and got up.

"What are you doing here?" she frowned at Charlie who didn't even seem to register she was being spoken to.

"Charlie is his emergency contact, they called us," Thea stated.

"You can't go in his room," she crossed her arms over her chest defensively.

"Yes we can," she stated.

"I'm not aloud in his room," she defended.

"You're not his family," Thea retorted.

"I'm his girlfriend," she snapped.

"You're his play thing, now go away," Thea was getting angry, honestly her handle on her emotions was probably starting to wear away, she could only shut it off for so long.

"He loves me," she frowned.

"Lead the way," Thea ignored Bianca, turning back to the nurse.

"Unless Sam say's otherwise, you get to stay out here," she threw over her shoulder at Bianca.

"You can't do that,"

"I can actually," she nodded and we continued following the nurse down the hallway towards the room they had put Sam in, while Bianca just stood there frozen.

"I thought she would follow," Thea muttered more to herself than anyone else.

"She probably feels guilty," the nurse commented.

"She should, she gave him food poisoning," Thea shook her head.

"She is also the reason he had to have his stomach pumped, she gave us the wrong information and with the information she gave and his vomiting, we thought he had alcohol poisoning,"

"So he didn't need the pump?" I frowned.

"No," she shook her head.

"She is seriously the dumbest person I have ever met," Thea rolled her eyes.

"This is his room, I'll let the doctor know you're here and he will be by shortly to explain everything better to you," she smiled gesturing to the door on the left.


We piled into the room, Sam was sitting up right in the hospital bed looking exhausted but there weren't any tubes sticking out of him, just the IV so he looked fine. The numbness faded and was replaced with concern, relief, and anger.

"Hey bro, you okay?" BM asked.

"You look like shit," Jae chimed in.

"Looks better than you do," Thea stated.

"You idiot," I shook my head. Sam gave a smile and laughed a little, he reached for his stomach and winced. The other three frowned at me.

"Don't laugh," I frowned sitting on the end of his hospital bed, kicking my shoes off I crossed my legs and kind of just glared at him while he talked with the others until the doctor came in.


The doctor walked him holding a clip board with what I assumed as my information on it. He frowned down at it and hummed over it before looking up.

"Mr Kim, how are you feeling?" he asked. Charlie's face had relaxed slightly but she still glared at me.

"Exhausted, like someone vacuumed my stomach and not in a good way," I shrugged.

"Is there a good way to vacuum someone's stomach?" Thea frowned. BM hushed her which resulted in her glaring and pouting at him.

"I apologise for that, we were lead to believe you had alcohol poisoning, so your stomach was pumped as protocol. We were misinformed, you were actually suffering from salmonella poisoning and a lactose attack. The reaching and vomiting from that caused a tear in your stomach which is where the blood was coming from," he explained.

Thea frowned at me, Charlie glared, and both boys rolled their eyes.

"But he's okay right?" BM asked.

"He's alright, we're just going to keep him in for a couple days for observation and to make sure the tear gets better and not worse,"

"Thank you doctor," Thea gave a small smiled, the doctor nodded and left the room.

"Just so you know if you weren't hospitalised I would hit you," Thea stated.

"Thea, be nice," BM stated.

"Why? He was stupid enough to eat something he knows his stomach can handle on top of eating something someone who has zero experience in cooking made him, that's self inflicted,"

"Thanks for the sympathy Thea," I nodded.

"She's just being mean so she doesn't cry," BM stated.

"I can hit you," she warned.

"With your little feather punches?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Both of you knock it off," Charlie rolled her eyes as there was a knock at the door.

"Sorry, there is a Beunka out here who says she's your girlfriend and is wanting to see you," the nurse popped her head in.

"No," both girls stated as I nodded.

"Ignore them, they're just mad. She can come in," I nodded.

"Why would you do that?" Thea frowned. Charlie just rolled her eyes.

Bianca rushed into the room to my side, she glared at the girls, mainly Charlie for sitting at the foot of my bed, but there was no way she was going to move especially if it was an issue for Bianca.

"Oh my god, baby are you okay?" she looked my over grabbing hold of me hand.

"I'm fine," I sighed.

"No thanks to you," Thea snapped.

Charlie looked like she wanted to kill Bianca, but she stayed quiet, probably biting her tongue. Thea wasn't exactly capable of doing that. I think if Charlie opened her mouth things would get ugly.

"Me? You let him drink and get alcohol poisoning," Bianca defended herself.

"He didn't have food poisoning," Charlie seethed through clenched teeth.

"How do you explain him throwing up blood and needing his stomach pumped," she asked full of attitude.

"First of all, he didn't need his stomach pumped, secondly, he didn't drink enough to get alcohol poisoning, thirdly, he is a grown ass man, no one lets him drink he's an adult capable of making his own dumb decisions, and finally you fed him dairy when he was lactose intolerant and you used either bad or under cooked chicken or eggs and gave him food poisoning. So don't act all high and mighty when you almost killed him,"

"He's not lactose intolerant, and even if he was I didn't put lactose in it, so it wasn't my cooking,"


The way Bianca said it insinuated that it was Thea's cooking that had almost killed Sam. Thea was quiet for a moment, her teeth clenched, her fist in balls, her eyes fixed on Bianca. Out of the many moods Thea has, this one was both the scariest and hardest to predict, the calm before the storm, or at least the silence. Silent Thea only meant a handful of things, she was asleep, she was in pain, she didn't have a response to the insult because it had actually hurt her, or she was trying to calm herself so she didn't physically assault you, the restraint never lasted long. It didn't take a genius to figure out which one fit the situation.

"Thea knows how to cook, and he has only eaten food you've cooked in the last 24 hours," Charlie defended.

"Sam can you please tell them it wasn't my cooking? And clearly Thea messed up somewhere," she rolled her eyes turning to Sam.

Thea took a deep breath. Usually a sign that the restraint she had was about to slip.

"How else would she know it was egg or chicken. She knows it was her and she's trying to blame me," she continued.

"Why don't we go and get coffee, who wants coffee?" I stood up dragging her with me.

"I'm good," Charlie and Jae stated at the same time.

"God no," Sam shook his head.

"We'll be back," I stated lifting Thea off the ground as she went to lunge herself at Bianca.


"It wasn't my cooking," Bianca stated again.

"It sort of was," Sam grimaced.

"But I didn't use lactose. Where do you even find that vegetable?" she frowned.

"Oh my god," Jae mumbled.

"Lactose is in milk genius," I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you sitting on his bed?" she turned to me and frowned.

"Because I am,"

"You have a habit of sitting or sleeping in his bed," she stated.

"What is your point?"

"He's my boyfriend, not yours,"

"That's fantastic, do you always try to kill your boyfriends?" I asked emotionless.

"I didn't try to kill him,"

"Okay," I nodded not really want to make Sam anymore uncomfortable that he already was.

"Get off his bed," she frowned.



"Beunka, she's not doing anything wrong," Sam sighed.

"She is trying to take my place,"

"She's just sitting there," he sighed again.

"Yeah it's not like they're sleeping together," Jae stated. Both Sam and I glared at him then Sam avoided looking at me.

"You realised he probably doesn't want to deal with an argument, What with getting sick and almost dying," I stated, she just rolled her eyes and ignored me.


Thea and BM had come back not long ago, Thea looked like she'd been crying so I was getting whatever emotional block she had put up to get everyone here had dissipated. But I was thankful for them being back, I felt a little less trapped.

Bianca had sat coddling me while simultaneously glaring at Charlie, and Charlie had refused to move and ignored anything Bianca said to her. Which irritates her and Jae wasn't helping with his commentary that just annoyed her more, sometimes I swear Bianca pretended to be dumb, but I think it's more the case she is only some what smart when it comes to certain things, like jealousy because there is no way someone can fake being that dumb for so long.

"Yo, what's the time?" Jae asked as he was pulling his phone from his pocket.

"Oh I've got work," he continued.

"I'll take you," Thea offered, it wasn't really weird for her to offer/mother. But it was a little strange that she was being nice to Jae, their relationship is literally built on insults and making fun of each other.

"Why?" he frowned skeptically.

"Because by the time you leave here by bus and get home to get change and then leave for work, you'll be late," she shrugged.

"So you're going to drive me all the way to work?"

"I was going to just drive you to the house but yeah I guess I can do that," she shrugged.

"Are you okay?" Jae raised an eyebrow.

"I'm fine, I'm going to the bathroom while you make up your mind," she stated leaving the room.

"She's weird today," Jae frowned.

"She's been crying, she's probably feeling a little too drained to fight with you," BM stated.

"Why was she crying?"

"Because the rest of is suck in situations like this," I shrugged regretting the movement.

"And she cries at everything," BM added.

"She deals with you lot no wonder she cries," Charlie stated.

"How has she managed to make this about her?" Bianca sighed rolling her eyes.

No one said anything, it looked like Charlie wanted to but she just rolled her eyes and kept quiet, which I was thankful for. I honestly didn't want to lay here and listen to them arguing.

"Dude, where's your necklace?" Charlie frowned.

I reached up to my neck suddenly feeling the absence of the chain and pendant that usually hangs around it and there was nothing.

"I don't know?" I said slowly.


"They took it off you when you were brought in," Bianca shrugged as if it were nothing.

"Why?" Sam frowned.

"Dude it's protocol, relax, I'll go ask for it," BM stated trying to keep the piece.

Everyone knew how much that necklace meant to Sam, you didn't even need to know why to know; I mean he has never taken it off.

"It's just a necklace, it's not important right now, Sam should be resting," Bianca stated.

"Charlie why don't you come with me?" BM stated before I could say anything. Usually I wouldn't have gotten off the bed, but I needed a minute or two away from Bianca before I peeled her face of her skull.

"You don't need to play guardian all the time," I sighed as we walked down the hall way towards the reception for this wing.

"I like playing guardian," he shrugged.

"How are you doing?" he asked after we were quiet for a moment.

"I'm fine," shrugged.

"Really? Because you seem kind of mad," he hummed.

"Because she infuriates me, she's ridiculously dumb and she annoys me,"

"Okay," he nodded.

"So you slept with Sam?" he gave me a side glance.

"What's your point?" I raised and eyebrow as we got to the desk.

"I don't have one," he shrugged turning his attention to nurse.


"How can I help you?" the nurse smiled at us.

"Our brother down the the hall had his necklace removed when they took him through. We were just wondering where we would get it from?" I asked.

"What was your brothers name?"

"Sam Kim,"

"Oh, we handed that straight over to the girl that came in with him, she should have all of his stuff,"

"Bitch," Charlie mumbled turning around heading back towards Sams room.

"Thank you for your help, that wasn't directed at you," I gave her a smile before chasing after Charlie.

She was already half way back down the hallway, to be fair it wasn't a long hallway but Charlie was livid.


Jae and I walked back through the halls. We'd gotten half way back to the house when he'd realised he'd got his days mixed up and didn't actually have work so we turned around and came back. As we turned the corner we seen Charlie in Bianca's face a few meters away from Sams door.

Charlie look furious, Bianca look terrified and was failing at trying to show she wasn't. It was weird, I mean we don't like Bianca, and sure we make comments at her or about her and I've almost smacked her once or twice but, not Charlie. Charlie had an amazing hold on her temper, she generally just let things go because she didn't see the point in getting so worked up over something, it was probably a lot to do with her growing up with her brothers. I looked at the scene, clearly Bianca had pushed it too far, I noticed the necklace hanging from Bianca's hand, I couldn't be sure but from where I was standing it looked broken. Charlie snatched the necklace from her and slapped her across the face.

BM was quick to snake and arm around her waist and pull her away from a cowering Bianca, Jae jogged down the hallway, me not too far behind.

"Dude," Jae frowned, clearly I wasn't the only one confused by her mood.

"Put me down," she snapped at BM who was unsure if he should do it or not. He looked to me for help.

She wasn't me, she'd already got a smack in and was done, she probably just wanted to be alone right now. I nodded and he placed her back on her feet.

"Can I have your keys please?" she asked, I didn't think twice I just handed her my car keys and she made her way down the way Jae and I had just come.

"Are you going to explain what happened?" I turned to BM.


Jae, BM, and Thea made their way back into my room. Their mood was different from when they left.

"Where are Bianca and Charlie?"I frowned.

Bianca had left not long ago to go to the bathroom I was a little worried she'd got lost.

"Bianca went home and Charlie had to go do something," Thea shrugged.


"Don't know, she just said she'll be back," she shrugged again, Jae rolled his eyes at her, it wasn't his normal Thea eye roll and this wasn't really a situation for it anyway but I didn't think too much into it.

"Okay, did you find my necklace?" I turned to BM.

"Yeah, they have it locked away there getting a someone to go get it and bring it too you, everyone is just busy right now," BM stated not really looking at me. Jae rolled his eyes again.

"What?" I frowned at him.

"They don't have your necklace," Jae started. My heart stopped.

"What?" I felt like ice.

"Jae," Thea frowned at him.

"What? I'm not going to lie to him," Jae shrugged.

"Where is it then?" I asked a little worried about what they would say.

"Are you going to explain what you saw or do I have to tell him from what I was told?" He asked


"Charlie is going to kill us both," BM sighed.

"She'll get over it," Jae shrugged.

"Can someone tell me what happened to my necklace?"

"They gave it to Bianca when they took it off you, Charlie and I were coming back down the hall after being told this and Bianca was standing outside your door with it in her hand before we reached her she pulled it until the chain snapped, Charlie, I assume, has gone to get it fixed," BM explained.

"You assume?"

"She got mad and slapped Bianca which is why Bianca left, then asked for Thea's keys and left without another word, she has your necklace now," BM continued.


I'd walked in and out of three different jewelers, none of them could fix it on sight they all had to send it away and I couldn't do that, I could let someone else look after something so important so I just kept looking for someone who could fix it on site. It wasn't like it was be actual chain that was broken, it was just the clasp.

I was walking into another jeweler when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I figured it was either Jae or Thea trying to see where I am.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?" an elderly Scottish man greeted. It was an old school jeweler, privately owned not one of the big name chains so I was hoping he wouldn't have to send it away.

"I have a necklace with a broken clasp that I need fixed today,"

"What kind of clasp?"

I pulled Sam's necklace from my pocket and hesitantly pasted it too him, he lent over the glass display cabinet full of antique jewelry.

"When was the last time this was maintained?"

"I'm not sure, it's my friends, he got it from his grandmother a few years ago, I don't think he's taken it off since, so at least 4 years," I shrugged.

"Mm," he nodded.

"Can you fix it? Without sending it away,"

"Lass, look around you, this isn't the type of place that sends things to others to do their job, I can have this fixed for you in 10 minutes, if you don't mind waiting,"

"I don't mind," I shook my head.

"Take a seat then lass, back in a moment," he gestured to and old style lounge.

I sat down, and checked my phone.

(1) New Message(s)

Sam: I can get it fixed later, so calm down and come back to the hospital. Thea's mothering me and won't go away, come save me.

Charlie: Let her mother you, it makes her feel better. I'll be back soon just have to do something first.

Next chapter