
Beach Boys and Beunka


"Yo PineNipples," Jae called.

"Seriously?" Thea sighed.

Thea had bought this new biking with Pineapples on it, the pineapples just happened to be where her nipples were and so Jae had been calling her PineNipples all morning. She was defensive about it in the beginning but by this point she seemed over it.

"What?" she asked rolling her eyes when he said nothing.

"Oh, I didn't want you, I just wanted to say PineNipples," he shrugged.

"You're such a dick," she huffed.

"Whatever, aren't you supposed to go get your girlfriend?" Jae turned to me.

"She's not coming here, is she?" Thea frowned.

"If she pulls into our driveway she can sit in her car, she's not welcome inside," Charlie stated walking out of her room dressed in a pink bikini with random strings and lace shorts which weren't really hiding much

"Relax, I'll pick her up on the way," I said.

I couldn't really blame them, they don't like her and honestly, if she did come here, she would comment on everything which would annoy the girls. Besides, she's not really an animal person and she hates dogs. If she were to make any comment towards or about the animals Charlie would lose her shit, the animals are, for all intensive purposes, children to the girls and you don't screw with someone's child.

"If BM ever gets back," Thea collapsed on the lounge.

"Where is BM?" Jae frowned.

"They called him into work this morning, he left about 6:30 so he should be back soon," Thea stated.

"Is he even going to want to come to the beach? He was so exhausted when he got home yesterday," I asked.

"He'll be fine, he actually got sleep last night, he was only tired yesterday because I kept him awake too long the night before," she answered.


I pulled I to the pick up bay and waited. I watched her come out if the exit door with Bernard. She waved to him and they walked different ways. I got out of the car to take her suitcase from her lifting it into the tray of the Ute. I turned around and hugged her.

"Hey Matty," she hugged me back.

"How was your flight?" I ruffled her hair, she frowned slightly glaring at me.

"It was long, but mostly quiet," she shrugged.

I opened the door and she got into the passenger seat. She yawned stretching slightly.

"You tired Cocobean?"

"I just got off a 17 hour flight," she pointed out.

"You can nap when we get back to the girls,"

"Are you guys doing something?"

"We're going to the beach, then Charlie has a dance showcase that we're going to go check out," I shrugged.

"How are the girls?"

"Busy, but good. They're probably feeling a little suffocated at the moment,"

"Did you guys stay there last night?"

"We've been there for four days,"

"I thought you'd just finished the bar?"

"I did, then a pipe in the upstairs bathroom burst," I nodded.

"Is there going to be enough room for everything one?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Jae sleeps in with Charlie, I'm in with Thea, and Sam can sleep on the lounge so you can sleep in the spare room,"

"And the girls are okay with that?"

"They will be," I shrugged.

"Do they even know I'm coming?"

"Nope, none of them know you're back, I told them I got called into work,"


"I don't know,"


"Dude where is he?" Jae wined.

"He'll be back soon," I rolled my eyes packing food into a bag.

"Since when are you in a hurry to go to the beach anyway?" Charlie asked.

"Since I'm bored and it's hot, and I want to see how long it will take for you two to drown Bianca,"

"It's Beunka," I patronised.

"Sam's still with her?" Coco frowned walking through the door.

BM followed behind carrying a yellow minions suitcase.

"Ah hi," I smiled.

"When did you get back?" Charlie asked from the kitchen table where she was sitting reading through a text book while we waited for BM, well she was trying but Jae continued to annoy her because he was bored.

"About 2 hours ago,"

"We didn't even know your were coming," I stated.

"That's on Matt," she shook her head.

"You didn't have work then?" I glared.

"Nope," he shook his head.

"So I was woken up early, again, and you didn't even have work?"

"I went to go get my sister," he defended.

"And how long did you drive around or sit waiting for her?"

"Like and hour or so," he shrugged again.

"You're so dead," I huffed.

Jae was quiet for the first time all morning, so I was assuming he didn't know Coco was coming home either. He glanced up at her then looked back down at his phone silently, Charlie looked at him then at me and we both smirked at each other. We weren't sure if he knew it yet, but he definitely had a thing for Coco, and I was pretty sure it was mutual.

"Are you coming to the beach with us or do you want to I get some sleep?" BM asked her.

"I'll come,"

"Just stick her stuff in the spare room," I stated.

"Sam's going to have to sleep on the lounge. Did you hear what happened to your idiot brother?" I asked as BM took her suitcase to the spare room.

"Yeah, I came home early to be here for the bar opening and now I find out a pipe bust and the opening has been delayed,"

"Because he didn't listen to me," I nodded.

"Yeah shut up, it's only been postponed a week and I guarantee that none of you are as devastated as I am," BM frowned.

"You have been working the last billion years for it," Jae finally spoke.

"Come on, everyone get ready so we can go before Sam gets back and Bianca tries to come in the house," I stated, in reality it was only Coco and BM who had to get changed.

"Can I borrow a bikini, I didn't pack one this time around, I didn't need one in the snow,"Coco is a travel blogger, she is always away exploring different countries which means she is rarely home. I think that kind of depresses BM sometimes but he is so proud of her for what she's doing. She was just in Canada for a little over a month.

"You're boobs are bigger than mine, you'll have to borrow one from Charlie," I stated watching BM cringe at the mention of his sisters anatomy, Jae went slightly pink.

"I should have something that will fit you," Charlie nodded gesturing for Coco to follow her.

"Go get changed," I nodded towards BM.

"As long as you don't mention my sisters chest again," he frowned.

"No promises, she has a pretty nice rack," I shrugged, he frowned shaking his head and walking away.


"What is that?" BM frowned when Coco came out of my room wearing, honestly, the most tasteful bikini I own.

"It's a bikini, people usually wear them to the beach or if they're hot around the house, you would think being around girls 90% of the time you would know what a bikini is," Coco stated.

"Don't you own a bathing suit with more material,"

"Shut up BM," Thea rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying,"

"You're just trying to be protective brother, we get it blah blah blah wear a nuns gown. It's never going to happen, she's young, pretty and has a great body, she's going to show it off whether you like it or not so just accept it an move on," Thea patted his shoulder.

"Now let's go to the beach, I'm pretty sure Sam just pulled in," she added walking out the door.


"I don't like any of these, I like my phone," Jackson whined.

"We have a new order coming in on Monday," the clerk stated.

"I can't wait that long," he frowned looking back over their available stock.

"So just get a cheap on for now and then buy your one on Monday," I suggested.

"That's dumb,"

"Then wait until Monday, it's not like you need a phone for work,"

We had been in this phone store for about 20 minutes, they currently didn't have any of Jackson's phone is stock so he had the choice to wait for it or to get a different one, he apparently didn't like either option. He would probably be more cooperative if he knew who sent the message and what it said, turns out iCloud don't store your messages, or at least you can't access them.

I didn't really understand how he could justify his behavior over a girl who he barely spoke to and was only in the presence of for maybe 3 minutes after getting soup spilt on him. I mean he's generally over dramatic but she was just a girl, and it's not like she's someone important in his life.


"Dude, do us all a favour and put your shirt back on, you're too pasty white to be walking around like that," Thea frowned at Jae who had decided against all suggestions otherwise, and had taken his shirt off.

She wasn't wrong, it wasn't like he has a bad body, he was just too white to find it attractive. If he was a little more tanned, or tanned at all, then seeing him shirtless would be kind of pleasing to the eye.

"It's not like guys are lining up to see you," he retorted.

"I could get laid if I want, you're a forever virgin," she rolled her eyes.

"That's because you're a hoe," I commented.

"Takes one to know one," she playfully glared.

"Whatever, are we going in to water or what?" I shrugged.

"Oh, I don't do ocean water," Bianca shook her head laying a towel out under the beach umbrella.

"So there is something you don't do," Thea nodded at the same time I said;

"Good thing I wasn't talking to you,"

"Why don't you two go cool off," BM frowned at me.

"You're not my parent," I frowned.

"The water doesn't sound so bad, I know one thing that wont be there," Thea stated walking off towards the water.

"She's in a good mood today," Bianca nodded.

"Right, Coco are you coming?" I turned to Coco who was putting the throw over BM had insisted she wear in the bag.

"Sure," she nodded with a smile following me towards Thea who had her face scrunched up. I was guessing the water was cold.

I didn't have to guess for long, as refreshing as it was the water was freezing, it was only the initial reaction from going from hot air and direct sun to cool water. But that didn't make it any less cold right this second.

"Whose idea was this?" Thea complained.

"Yours," I frowned.

"Idiot," she shook her head.

"It's not actually that bad," Coco shrugged immersing her self almost completely.

"You've just come from snow, what would you know?" Thea huffed poking her tongue out.

"I know that the bikini she's wearing look strangely similar to Charlie's ," she nodded towards Bianca who had payed herself out on a towel as if she were trying to tan.

"I know that the bikini she's wearing look strangely similar to Charlie's ," she nodded towards Bianca who had payed herself out on a towel as if she were trying to tan

"Probably because she would have seen it on her Instagram a week ago, when Charlie bought it," Thea stated.

"She follows you on Instagram?" Coco frowned.

"She stalks her Instagram," Thea corrected.


"Yeah, she's always the first to like my photos," I sighed rolling my eyes, she pulled a face.

"Is she really just going to sit there a tan all day?" She asked.

"She's going to pretend, there is no way you get streak marks from a real tan," I stated.

"You think she bottle tans?"

"I can see her finger marks on the back of her legs," Thea added.

"It's probably half the reason she doesn't do water," I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah the other half is probably her hair and she can't swim," Thea agreed.

"She can't swim?" Coco raised an eyebrow.

"I doubt it, she's not smart enough," Thea shrugged.

"Why is Sam with her again?"

"Convenience, she puts out and he doesn't have to work for it," I said.


"And he's too nice to break up with her," I nodded.


Charlie, Thea, and Coco were about waist deep in the water, they were too far away to hear what they were saying but judging by the way they were laughing and looking this way, it was either about Jae who still hadn't put a shirt in or they were talking about Bianca who was laying on her stomach on a towel facing away from them trying to convince me to sit next to her instead of going in the water.

"You don't have to go in the water straight away," she stated.

I let out a sigh and sat down next to her not bothering with a towel. She would just get upset if I went in the water and left her on the beach on her own even though I told her we were all going to the beach to swim. I honestly didn't think she would even come to the beach, she hates the sand and she won't even get more than her feet wet because she's scare that if she goes in the water she will get attacked by something or eaten by a shark.

I've told her that it's safe to go in further, even if it's to her knees, but she's convinced that a shark will get her because she's seen the Jaws movies.

"So, did you notice I bought a new bikini?" She rolled over so she was laying on her side and facing me.

"I did," I also noticed it's remarkably similar to the one Charlie is wearing.

"Do you like it?"

"It's nice," I nodded.

"Why do you never take that off?" she asked, I looked over at her, she was pointing at the necklace around my neck that I hadn't realised I was fiddling with.

"Why do you never take that off?" she asked, I looked over at her, she was pointing at the necklace around my neck that I hadn't realised I was fiddling with

"Because it's special," I answered letting it go of the circle pendant.


"Because someone extremely important and very special gave it too me," I replied simply.

"Aren't you worried you'll loose it?"

"I fell naked without it, so I'm sure I would realised if it came off," I shrugged.

"Was it Charlie?" she frowned.

"No," I answered but I wouldn't tell her who it was because honestly, I didn't want her to know, for several reasons.

"Who did then?" she pushed.

"Yo Sam, come play," BM called holding a football in the air.

"Jae is too weak, if I tackle him he'll break," her continued.

"In half," Jae added.


"Exactly," I laughed as a small wave hit me in the face.

"You know if you just let go and move with the waves they won't hit you," Charlie stated. I followed her suggestion, and moved with the wave, a slightly bigger one was building so I pushed off the sand as the wave passed by and went over instead of being hit.

"Dude, did you see that, it was like people surfing," I stated.

"I told you," she smirked and rolled her eyes at me.

"She's staring,"

Coco nodded towards the beach where Bianca had rolled over and was now looking in our direction, probably because Sam had gotten up and was now messing around with the boys playing rugby, I was pretty sure you couldn't actually do that with three people and Jae wasn't exactly sporty. I couldn't tell from this far away but I was think he was referring.

"She's probably jealous that we're having fun and she's not involved," I shrugged.

"It's funny, you would she would love the water," Charlie nodded thoughtfully.

"Why? It will get her hair wet and make the pink fade and her tan will run,"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but she loves salty things," Charlie smirked with a shrug.

"Ew," Coco frowned.

"Well she does,"

"That's probably why she's always trying to be your friend," I shot.

Another big wave came, I jumped and let my body move with it, but this wave was bigger than the last one and so it pulled my out further, past the sand bank. I knew I shouldn't freak out but I wasn't really a strong swimmer and I tend to over react so I freaked out and panicked. I started flailing my arms around and yelling for help because the thought to just swim forward never crossed my mind.


"Dude just swim forward, you're like a foot over the sand bar," Jae shouted at Thea.

There was no point in Coco or Charlie trying to help her because she would likely just hit them not realising they were there. I let out a sighed and swam out to her. She wasn't even that far over the sand bar, I literally stood on the edge and reached out for her dodging her hand in the process I pulled her to me. She stopped flailing and wrapped her limbs around my torso.

"You're a total drama queen," I stated.

"I just almost died and you're making fun of me," she frowned attempting to glaring through her tear filled eyes.

"You didn't almost die, and of course I'm making fun of you, you're perfectly fine," I patted her head, she glared and looked like she was contemplating hitting me.

"If you hit me I'll let you go," I warned.

"Like you'd feel it anyway Buff Monkey," she shot, she liked to find different acronym for my nickname.

"See you're fine,"

"Whatever Bolder Man, you can let me go now,"

"You're holding onto me," I held my hands up,"

As mean as it may have seemed, picking on her was the quickest way to redirect her thought that process. She has a bit of an over active imagination and sometimes her thought process gives her panic attracts. She rarely has them anymore, she has outlets and ways to channel her imagination so she's not making up scenarios in her head that aren't likely to happen.

"I thought you could swim," Jae shouted.

"I thought you were a man," she shot.

"That was the worst retort you could of had," he shook his head disappointed.

"I'm going to fight you," she glared finally letting go of me.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked.

"Why would I want to go home?" She frowned at me.

"Because you almost died," I shrugged.

"I thought you said I was fine," she stated matter of factly.

"I was just showing some concern,"

"You could have done that five minutes ago," she pouted.

"You're doing it again," Jae called.

"It doesn't count, I'm not dating him," she shot back.

"I never said you had to be dating them,"

"I don't pick a fight with everyone," she tried to defend.

"You're pick a fight with me right now," he stated.

"You started it, do you ever think that I fight with you all the time because you're an asshole?"

"It cross my mind, but I think I settled on the face you are incapable of being nice to someone," he shrugged.


I collapsed into the lounge letting out a sighed. I'd decided against buying a new phone until the model I wanted was in stock, I seen no point in buying something I didn't like to use it for two days and then leave it to just sit there.

"Why don't we go out tonight?" Mark suggested.

"You want to go out?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Not really but a guy I did some promotion work for is opening is club tonight and asked if I'd come,"

"Since when do you do promotions for clubs?"

"I do all kinds of promotions, besides when he pitched the idea to me it sounded cool," he shrugged.

"We're really going clubbing?"

"It's better than sitting around here listening to you sigh all night," he nodded.

"When was the last time we even went clubbing?"

"I don't remember, a few months ago,"

"Where is it?"

"Somewhere around Fremantle," he shrugged.

"Fremantle?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yep, so do you wanna go?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Do you want to get some lunch?"

"Noodle bar?" I suggested, mainly because it was like ten feet from the apartment building.

"Sounds good,"


We stayed at the beach for another hour or two after Thea almost drowned. We even had lunch, and for the 15 minutes I sat on the sand in the presents of Bianca, I was plotting how many ways I could kill her. Seriously, how is it possible for someone to be that stupid and annoy at the same time? My hate for her is at the point where even her just breathing makes me want to brutally murder her.

After the beach we had gone home, Sam had gone to Bianca's, mainly so she didn't come to our house. We showered the salt and sand off and then lounged around for a little while until I had to get ready for my performance tonight, it wasn't anything special, the dance schools hold performances once a month to showcase its students, let them show off a little and also for a bit of a recruiting technique. I didn't mind, I like dance whether it was alone in a dance room or on stage in front of a crowd, I could really do without all the hairspray though.

"Are you nervous?" One of the boys asked, I wasn't really sure which one, sometimes they sounds the same, I think it's the fact they are with each other 24/7 and they're starting to morph into one mega douche, like the power rangers but with swag.

"Am I ever?" I shrugged as we got into Sams van.

He'd gotten back maybe ten minutes ago, with Bianca, unfortunately. They were both dressed and ready to go, I wasn't aware that I had invited her but I didn't want to be late so I just let it go. Thea had a few things to say but she was pretty much just ignored which only made her sulky, but quiet.

Next chapter