
New Genesis

Partys Bar, Windmill village


"Oh, Luffy"

Jack was sitting on the bar stool listening to Luffy bother Shanks about being a pirate and joining his crew. He had been going down from the mountains every now and again to hang out with both Luffy and Uta.

"Thank you for playing together with Luffy, Jack"

"I like him but he's too weak to be in my crew"

Makino chuckles at that then directed her attention to Uta and Luffy who are now bickering while Jack continues sipping his orange juice.

"Hey Jack, are you coming or not? We're gonna compete again"

"Mhm, sure!"

And so, the kids, mostly Uta and Luffy, competed in various ways including a barrel boat race, which ended up with them encountering the sea monster that rules the shores of the island.

Sunset, a cliff near Windmill village

" *gasp* *gasp* That was so close!"

"Did you see Luffy scream and run away? How pathetic!" Uta laughs and made fun of Luffy, to which Jack responded with an uninterested yawn.

"You did it too!" (Luffy)

"But you're the one always talking about becoming a pirate Luffy" Jack said while scratching his eyes that had tears because he had just yawned.

"Hmm... what are both of your dreams after becoming a pirate?" Uta asked. She didn't wait for the two to answer and only walked in front and continuing, "I want to travel around the world with Shanks, and make the world happy with great performances and my singing!

I'll build a new genesis!"

"Okay! I'll build A new genesis too!"

"So what's your new genesis like?"

"I wanna explore the world! I wanna go to a variety of places, meet a variety of people and eat all kinds of food!"

"Then get stronger so you can join my crew Luffy! That's my new genesis too, to form the strongest crew and conquer every inch of the world so we can go everywhere we want and beat the older generation!" It was Jack's dream. It started with him wanting freedom for himself and his brother, to not be tied up by their parentage or upbringing. He thought that in order to do that, he needed a strong crew that can traverse every sea.

"Don't wanna! I'll join Shanks' crew!"

"This li-"

*Bam* *Bam*

"Shut up you two!" Uta punched both of their heads and stopped them from fighting.

"..." x2

"We can build our new genesis alongside each other, it's not something that can only happen once you know... so... let's build it, our new genesis!" After saying that, Uta stretched out her arm, formed a fist and held it out in front of the two.

"Mhm!" "Yeah!"

With this, the new genesis of the three kids have been established. It may change form in the future, but its base that the three decided on right this moment, will forever define their dreams.

After that, days passed by and the Red-haired pirates are about to set sail once again. During this time, Luffy tried sneaking into the boat but to no success. Uta, being the one to snitch on him, made a promise that she would help him ask Shanks if he gets stronger only to turn back last second and give Luffy a teasing 'Bleh'.

Jack's matter on the other hand, "Hey, Jackson. Are you sure you don't want to come aboard?" Shanks asked with a smile on his face with Uta having a face of expectation beside him. Jack was different from Luffy and even though she acknowledges both of their characters, it's Jack who, despite being asleep and unreasonable half of the time, was dependable and strong.

"Nah, I'm gonna look for really strong people and have them join my crew instead" Jack said with a determined face. It's clear he saw Shanks' crew as a potential rival in the future. He may be too weak to compete now, but that wouldn't be the case in the future.

"Hahaha, then I'll say it again! I look forward to meeting your crew in the sea, young captain Jackson!" Shanks replied. Asking Jack to join was something he did more out of playfulness instead of being serious about it. He already knew the kid wasn't someone who would willingly join someone's crew. Jack may be unreasonable, but he's not dumb. He's aware of his worth and potential, not even the strongest crews that currently exists are enough to raise such a monster.

"I'll definitely get on board next time!" Luffy shouted with a face full of determination.

"Yeah, try it if you can!" Shouted Shanks back with a smile.

"Uta! Nyah Bleh!" Luffy gestured towards Uta which made Uta pout. She then looked at Jack as if telling him to hit Luffy for her, to which Jack gave Luffy a light tap on the head.

With that, the Red-haired pirates sailed off with Uta leaning over the boat's side looking back at the island.

"Do you miss them already?" Shanks asked with a smile?

"Why didn't you make Jack join? He could be a big help when he grows up"

Shanks, surprised at his daughter's sentiment gave her a pat on her head. He knew that Uta wasn't someone to value strenght that much, and knew that she was thinking more along the lines of wanting Jack to be with her. He knew that beside Luffy, Jack was the person she got along with the most.

"You'll see him again when we return, and he'll eventually set sail as well. There will be plenty of chances to see him and even if that's not possible, you can always just join his crew in the future."

"I'm this ship's musician.... I can't do that...

But maybe I'll think about it if he asks me to" Uta said while pouting. During the days they were together, Jack never asked Uta to join his crew once. She knew he was looking for strong people, but would it hurt him to at least consider her?

Shanks only looked at Uta sulking then looked back at the island which looks like a little dot by now.

Time flew by and the Red-haired pirates returned again. This time, both Luffy and Jack was there to welcome them. Unlike the previous times, the rowdy and usually jolly pirates were silent and gloomy. They passed by Luffy and Jack without saying a word.

A few pirates later, Shanks finally came down from the ship with an equally gloomy face. Both the kids knew something was up and Jack himself already steeled his heart preparing for the worst.

"Shanks! Where's Uta? Where did she go? Did something happen to her?" Both Shanks and Jack watched the concerned Luffy fire a barrage of questions.

"Uta left the ship to become a singer." Shanks answered.

"Uta loves you so much! She'd never leave the ship! Something must've happened!

Say something Shanks!" Luffy becoming more frustrated came up with his own assumptions instead of asking questions. He may be a young kid but he can easily see through the lie.

Seeing Shanks stay silent, Luffy said "I'm done with you" to Shanks then went running off while crying his heart out. Seeing this, Jack couldn't help but panic. Despite that, he stayed calm. He knew that panicking in a bad situation would only serve to make situations worse instead of making them better.

"Is Uta... is she dead?" He looked at Shanks with slight tearing at the side of his eyes.

"She's alive and nothing's wrong with her, so don't worry, Jack."

Hearing that and seeing Shanks' genuine face devoid of lies, he finally cried out of relief. "You could've said that from the start idiot! I'm guessing it's no one's fault and Uta's okay then, so everything's all right!" Jack said while smiling, trying to cheer Shanks up.

He doesn't know why Uta had to split up with the crew nor why Shanks doesn't want to share it. But this and that are two different matters. Jack thought that he should've invited Uta to join his crew. Had Uta stayed with him, she would still be with them right now. This made Jack hate the fact that he placed emphasis on strenght instead of friendship.

"Hey Shanks. I'll find Uta and have her join my crew as our musician. You have no problems with that, right?"

"No, young captain. Take care of my daughter all right. I'll only have a problem with you if you make her cry." Shanks told Jack while smiling.

He appreciates how he didn't panic but instead saw the bright side during all this. It seems like to Jack, all that matters was Uta is alive and he can still have her join his crew in the future.

He's also glad that the boy finally learned that strenght isn't everything in the crew. Sailing and being surrounded by strong people is good, but what's important is that they're family and friends you can genuinely depend on. Strenght is at best the 3rd factor one should account for.

East Blue, Shimotsuki Village

Inside a dojo, a little dark-blue-haired girl faced off against a green-haired boy who looked younger than her. It was clear from the sword stance that the boy was inexperienced in sword fighting. It didn't take long for him to get impatient so he rushed in and then,



"Ouch!" Shouted the boy who got hit by the wooden sword. He tried to dodge but the strike was too fast for both him.

"I win again" Said the girl with a serious face.

East Blue, Ted Pirates' ship, Ted Vanity

"Look for that little devil! I'll shoot you if I caught you slacking!" (Captain Ted)

The pirates inside the ship were in full panic, scouring through every inch of the ship hoping the missing small boat was only a clever diversion.

"But captain, she's already gone along with all the treasures... we have to look through the surrounding islands to look for her!"

"Shut up! I don't care if she's under the sea or inside a sea monster's stomach, I want my treasures back and that little devil dealt with!"

East Blue, Unknown Island

"Waaa! It tastes nothing like grandma's cooking... waaaaa" Said a little girl while crying, with her tears making every bite taste salty. She took another bite of what seems to be a giant boar that she has been grilling on a giant fire pit. Even so, the little girl had no problems because she herself, was a giant.

East Blue, A random lawless island

"Oi, where's the fockin' mink? I heard there was one wandering around on this island." Said a guy with a bandana and missing teeth.

"W why are you looking for him, sir?" Asked the hooded shopkeeper with a comically large nose and a fake mustache.

"The bastard sold my brother to the marines so I want to sell him as a slave to rich folks, those things are one of a kind in this part of the ocean, ya know. An eye for an eye, those things aren't human anyway."

"I see, then you can have this map, sir. I've been trying to hunt the mink myself but stopped when I realised it's a capable gunslinger. I'll sell this map for a thousand berries, it's a good price for something the nobles would pay for a lot of money yeah?"

"Really, then-" Just as he was about to pull out a small amount of berries out of excitement, the shopkeeper quickly pulled out a flintlock and shot.


With the man lying on the ground unconscious, the shopkeeper approached taking every valuables on his body while grumbling, "How can he call me a mink? Minks are smelly, ya know? I bathe everyday and make sure I smell good. Is it my nose? Ptoo! This rude guy! I'm not the mink, you're the mink you ugly toothless bastard!", whined the 'shopkeeper' who turned out to be a furry fox mink.