
Comments of chapter undefined of The Mech Touch


Putting soldiers you trained to be loyal for 5 years in a situation where they will definitely die is stupid.


While I’m certain that new 10 year old to 18 year old potentiates have access to news portals our author still feels there is a lesson to be learned by exposing them to ritual parading of the deaths that Ves contributed through ensuring his Avatars did not provide the best chance of surviving random Sandman attacks. Perhaps our author believes children should be drilled in classroom shooter drills with blanks being fired to emphasize the terror such events could create. That way children who might need emotional support can be identified before a school crisis might occur. Why stop there, with terrorists on the rise, why not perform random drills in movie theatres, concerts and down crowded streets? Let’s include harmless smoke bombs in rush hour commuter locations. After all, conditioning the public and children at a young age to the reality that they can die at anytime is a great idea! DOES EXLOR REALLY LIKE THIS IDEA, OR IS HE OFF HIS MEDS AGAIN!?


Even though it’s a filler, it’s still an enjoyable story to me. Let the author set his own pace, I’m old enough to appreciate the journey instead of fretting over the destination. Besides, There is no other mech story in this site, and the more established published stories are not looking from the designer point of view. I know enough to recognize that this is a novelty at this point of time. Closest I have experienced being a mech designer is when I am fitting spaceships in eve online or playing armored core. I can spend up to an hour just to play around with the perfect fitting.


I don’t knowing people are complaining every single person who is part of the avatars is there not because he’s forced them to but because they have a chance of becoming a second tier mech pilot if the do. They’re pushing themselves to use crappy mechs not ves entirely


How I wish Melkor punch Ves on the face. Ves fully deserve that punch. I know it's not proper to do to a Commander. However a person in a position of authority should be reminded that the people under them often have no choice but to trust them.


Filler, but it makes you feel just how hard the Sand War is hitting and just how cold Ves can be. Although it does seem like he -might- be starting to realize how callous he has become.


Ty for the chapter




Another filler chapter. Skimmed through it. Useless ramblings are what make this story rank lower than 10.


Humanity check ✔️


First, exp!