
Kiss me and I will give you everything you want!

Zhou Zhiqiang stared at the man in tense.

He was pondering whether or not he should answer the man's question. After a moment, he finally decided to answer honestly. Sooner or later the man would know anyway. Better to be honest now than making a psychopath was suspicious at him.

"I think my body healing was a lot faster than before." Zhiqiang replied in a simple explanation.

Dominick raised his eyebrows in surprise and stared pointedly at his bandaged chest in question.

"Yes, it is already started healing. The bleeding is even stopped long ago. I should have felt a lot of pain right now as many people in early process of wound healing. But my body directly skipped this phase and already in the process of forming a new tissue and closing the wound. In only a few days, the wound should already be healed." Zhiqiang explained lazily as he ate his soup at the same time.

"But my body is easily hunger now. I had eaten in less than two hours ago, but I felt like eating a lot more now. I think it is my body reaction to compensate nutrients loss in healing my body." Zhiqiang scowled as he saw the soup was already finished. He opened another canned food, this time a tomato sauced tuna.

"You sound like a doctor." Dominick stared at him with an interested expression.

Zhiqiang blinked once at the question, but he sneered at the blond man. "I am a surgeon."

"Ah." Dominick's silvery blue eyes lit up in delight.

Zhiqiang suddenly felt a dread in his stomach, feeling stupid for saying his job so easily. But the cat was already out of the bag now, so he could not hide it anymore. "That's right, you should be thankful to meet me. As a doctor, I can help you to treat some wounds."

"Sure, babe." Dominick grinned brightly, but then he flicked his hard arm with fingers and said teasingly. "If only this hard skin of mine could get hurt though."

Zhiqiang scowled. "That's good then, I don't need waste any of my times for you."

Dominick grinned even brighter. He was then without shame eyeing the black haired man's body up to down in slow and obvious motion. "Surely you can waste your time with me in a more delicious thing." He brazenly said and licking his lips as he met the dark eyes.

"Dream on!!" Zhiqiang threw his spoon to the blond man in anger, glaring hatefully at the man, except the red flush on his ears betrayed his embarrassment.

Dominick chucked loudly at the younger man as he easily dodged the spoon. He then stood to pick a new spoon from the rack and walked toward the younger man who glared at him even more hateful as warning to not walk closer. But Dominick ignored it as he placed the new spoon at the younger man's palm and grinned. Then before Zhiqiang could respond, Dominick stole a quick peck on his lips and walked away again.

"You!!" Zhiqiang cursed in anger. He gripped the spoon tremblingly, pondering if he should just throw it again to the man. But after a few minutes he just scowled and ate his tomato tuna again. He decided it would only be a waste of time to deal with the psychopath.

"It's Dom, babe, not you." Dominick corrected the younger man, adding even more anger in him.

Zhiqiang glared and sneered at him. He turned away and ate his tomato tuna in silence, ignoring the man.

Dominick chuckled lightly. He picked up the carpet on the floor and threw it aside. Afterward he placed a large iron bowl on the floor and then picked a dark plastic bag beside him. From inside the bag, a lot of charcoal was poured into the iron bowl.

Zhiqiang blinked as he saw the charcoal. It seemed the man picked them from the store. He remembered the store sold them in small amounts. So that why the man said not to worry about the gas stove since he would make it on his own.

The blond man arranged the charcoal inside the bowl and put some paper into them. Then in a short time he skillfully created a stable fire for cooking.

Dominick placed a small iron rack on top of the bowl for roasting rack. He then picked the prepared meats with a tongs and placed them one by one on the rack. After a while, a delicious scent of roasted meat was filling the room.

Zhiqiang swallowed his saliva quietly as he watched the meat. He felt hesitant to eat them since it was a mutated dog. But it smelled so delicious. Damn the psychopath from making monster leg as dinner.

"You are really going to eat them?" Zhiqiang asked in doubt.

Dominick only gave a smirk. In answer, he directly picked one of cooked meat and placed it on his mouth. His blue eyes lit up as he chewed them hungrily. "It is good."

"But it is a mutated dog." Zhiqiang said still hesitant.

"We are also mutated human though." Dominick replied pointedly.

Zhiqiang fell into silence. It was true though. The only explanation for the change in their body was they also became mutated human. After a few more hesitant moments, Zhiqiang finally surrendered to his stomach. He approached the blond man and picked one of cooked meats from the plate. His dark eyes immediately lit up as the delicious taste of the meat touched his tongue.

"It is really delicious…" Zhiqiang murmured as he savored the meat inside his mouth. He quickly picked another meat and ate them, ignoring a smirk that Dominick sent him.

"Do you think the mutant thing make the meat even more delicious? I don't know the dog meat is this delicious since I never ate them before." Zhiqiang commented curiously.

"Maybe." The blond man replied in vague.

But Zhiqiang did not care about his reply as his mind already was working fast thinking them on his own. There must be something in the mutated gene that made the meat had more nutrients. Speaking which, there was something that he forgot to ask.

"Hey, you said you just wake up, what is the time you wake up you mean?" Zhiqiang asked the blond man curiously.

"About one to two hours, before you came into the van maybe." Dominick answered simply as he added more meats on the rack. "It is hot, be patient." Dominick flicked the younger man's hand away who tried to pick a meat from the racks.

"Why do you care for?" Zhiqiang asked with a scowl as he rubbed his hand. He knew a psychopath did not have any empathy, even less to care for him to just have a little burn from hot.

Dominick raised his eyes to stare at him before giving him a mysterious smile.

The blond man flicked Zhiqiang's forehead with one finger and said in serious tone. "Listen carefully, Doll. You are mine. I don't want any little scratch or even little burn to damage my beautiful doll, so you better to take care of it seriously."

Zhiqiang widened his eyes at the blond man. He rubbed his forehead in daze as his mind became blank for a moment. When he woke up from his daze, the blond man gave a small smirk before focusing back to his cooking.

Zhiqiang pursed his lips in pouting. He wanted to protest loudly that he was not an object for him to own as he saw fit. But he knew he would only waste his energy. He would not be able to reason something with the psychopath.

Zhiqiang sighed before focusing his mind to their former topic. At least he knew now the man would not let anything to hurt him, except maybe from the man himself. Who know what the hell this psychopath was thinking and was not that thought dangerous?

"You said just now, you wake up about one or two hours before I came? What about before you were unconscious? Do you remember what happened before you were unconscious?" Zhiqiang asked trying to maneuver their talking into more serious things. If it was one or two hours before, then it meant the man woke up in about the same time with him.

"It was the white fog." Dominick answered after a while. He placed all the cooked meats on the plate before raising his eyes to stare at the black haired man. "I think it was the white fog that caused all of us fell into unconscious."

"White fog?" Zhiqiang stare back at the blue eyes in confused. Before he widened his eyes as he finally understood the implication. "There was a white fog before?! When?!" he grabbed the man's arm as he demanded hurriedly.

"You don't know?" Dominick titled his eyes in curious. His blue eyes lit up in mischief as he realized the younger man really did not know them, causing Zhiqiang to feel a dread in the stomach as he felt something bad would happen from that blue eyes.

"W-what?" Zhiqiang quickly stepped back in nervous to avoid the man.

Dominick grinned but did not chase him. "Don't you want to know?" he asked teasingly.

Zhiqiang swallowed. He stared at the blond man with tense. He suddenly did not want to know at all. But it was important information. He had to know them to understand his situation in this disaster. "What do you want?" Zhiqiang asked in nervous.

If possible, Dominick was grinning even brighter. "What do I want indeed…" He asked back teasingly.

Zhiqiang glared at him hatefully. "Just tell me already then you can tell me everything you know in exchange!"

Dominick chuckled amusedly at the younger man before finally relenting.

"You can give me this." He said pointing to his own lips, indicating the younger man to kiss him.

Zhiqiang stared at him suspiciously. Just one kiss? That's it? The man had been kissing him since a while ago, and he knew he could do it again anytime he wanted.

"Of course, you can give me more if you want." Dominick added as he boldly looked at the younger man body.

Zhiqiang glared at him in embarrassment. "Just a kiss right?!" he repeated to confirm.

Dominick grinned and opened his arms in an inviting gesture.

Zhiqiang stared at him suspiciously before finally standing up and walking toward him. But as he stopped in front of the man, he felt hesitant about how he should do it.

Dominick raised an eyebrow at him and patted his laps as indicator.

Red flush immediately warmed his ears as Zhiqiang looked down at the man's laps. After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and moved his body to sit on the man's laps. He placed his legs on the side of the man before carefully sitting down. Arms immediately warped around his waist and pulled his closer.

Red flush filled Zhiqiang's cheeks as he felt his body fell so perfectly fit into the man body. It was so warm and comfortable as the man hugged him in his arms.

Zhiqiang gritted his teeth to calm himself. He knew the psychopath only played with his feeling and not really care about him. So he should just give him a kiss then walked away quickly.

With that thought he raised his head to look at the man's face. Dominick lifted his lips as if he knew what the younger man was just thinking about.

Zhiqiang bit lips in nervous before closing his distance to the man's lips. Their lips was touching tenderly then. Zhiqiang pressed his lips softly once before pulled back again quickly. Before he could even move, a large hand was suddenly slipping through his black hair and pulling him even closer.

Zhiqiang's yelped in surprise was quickly turned into a low moan as a hot tongue was slipping through his mouth. A hurry breath was inhaled by him in panic as he grabbed the man's shoulder. His legs immediately felt weak as that hot tongue was sweeping inside his mouth and sucking his own tongue.

Dominick licked and bit the younger man lips greedily before inserting his tongue again inside the mouth. He pulled the little tongue inside with his tongue and sucked all sweetness on them hungrily. A groan was unconsciously let out by Zhiqiang as his body fell in boneless on the man.

Dominick only pulled him even closer and warped his waist tightly as he continued to kiss even more rough on the younger man lips, clacking their teeth and tongue as he sucked all sweetness from them.

He slipped his left hand which was warping the younger man's waist inside the clothes. He caressed the soft skin in there, feeling a bit disappointed about the bandages that warped the younger man's chest. He would like to rub the little cute nubs on there.

After a lot of ambiguously moan was heard, Dominick finally let go the younger man's lips as Zhiqiang felt like he could not breathe anymore. His body fell weakly on the man chest as he was panting hard. Red flushed was painting his cheeks and ears while his lips were swollen red with a lot of bitten trace.

Dominick licked his lips as he saw the tempting state of the younger man. But he settled to kiss the younger man's neck instead. He knew could not push the younger man too much. It would be bad if his doll was broken before he could play completely.

Zhiqiang flushed hard as he finally regained his bearing. He punched the man chest in anger and glared at him. But his punch was like a kitten paw hitting a stone. So he could only curse this pervert to the hell in his mind. Just wait, he would avenge this in future! He thought hatefully.

"Now you tell me everything you know!" Zhiqiang demanded with a scowl, not realizing that his body was still in the man's laps.

Dominick lifted the corner of his lips, also did not show any sign of wanting to remind the younger man. So he pulled the younger man even closer and told him everything he knew.

The white fog appeared at morning of Sunday.

Dominick was on his way to Riker Prison with a police escort. Riker Prison was located on the small island at the north side of NYC. They departed from the police station at 8 o'clock. It was still raining non-stop as usual.

But after an hour of their journey, the rain was suddenly stopped out of nowhere. Then the white fog was falling from the sky and enveloping every inches of the city.

"The rain also started to fall at 9 o'clock of Sunday, right?" Zhiqiang suddenly realized. He remembered clearly on that day he was regretting to go home late from his night shift. He did not bring his car on that day, therefore when the rain was suddenly pouring without warnings, all his body was wet by the rain water in the middle of walking home.

"That's right. It also stopped at 9 o'clock of Sunday again. It is completely Seven Rains." Dominick commented.

"What is happened next?" Zhiqiang asked hurriedly.

Since the rain suddenly stopped and the white fog appeared out of sudden, the police had to stop their journey halfway. Almost all people in the road stopped their activities in surprise after seeing the rains stopped and the white fog appeared. There was a bit of traffic jam as all driver stopped to check.

At first the white fog was like a normal fog that was usually came out in the cold weather. Not to mention, it should be still in the middle of summer, everyone was surprise at the sudden cold fog, so almost everyone came out to the road to check the situation. But after a few minutes, there was no big change, just thinking maybe the fog was just side effect after rain stopped so people chose to continue their own things again without really care.

However one hour later, instead vanishing, the white fog was starting to become thicker and thicker until they completely blocked everyone sight.

The police also forced to stop the van as he could not see anything on the road. Dominick did not really understand what happened as he was inside the cell, so he could only see from the small window. But he heard a lot of car crashing sounds from the road.

If not for the police's quick thinking to park the van on the empty lot before the white fog was completely blocking their sight, their van would also become one of victim's car collision

Originally, there were three polices who were escorting Dominick to the Riker Prison. Two on the driver seat and passenger seat at the front, while the last in the back where the cell was located. After they parked on the empty lot, two polices was getting out of the van to check situation outside leaving only the driver to watch the prisoner.

After one hour, the two polices did not show any sign of coming back. It was then Dominick began to realize there was something wrong with the driver too. The white fog was filling the front seat completely. The driver must be opening his window and letting the fog inside. He could only see a thick of white fogs through the small window which was connected to the front seat. But no matter how loud Dominick tried to call the driver, there was not any respond.

"So he fell unconscious?"

"Yes, I think the white fog is making everyone who touched by it fell into unconscious state." Dominick confirmed. "I thought I would be saved inside the cell since the only way out was just the back door, and it was closed completely. But it was only short moment."

"Something was suddenly attacking the van."

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