
I will never let any harm befall you as long as you stay with me, pretty doll

"What is it?!" Zhiqiang asked hurriedly as the man did not say anything for a while.

Dominick grinned and pointed at his lips again.

Zhiqiang immediately flushed red and punched his chest hard in anger. "Damn it! You scoundrel!!"

Dominick chuckled amusedly and caught the younger man's paw and kissed his fingers that were red from punching his hard chest. He relented after seeing the adorable flush on the younger man's face.

"I think it was the plant that was growing. No, maybe the correct word was mutating." Dominick explained as he was remembering what had happened.

There was a tree on the side of parking lot. Actually it was a normal thing to have trees on every empty lot on the roads because of the Green Plan from the government. Especially New York City also had a lot of parks.

Dominick did not see what happened because of the white fogs. But he heard a lot of sound from something moving in the surroundings of the van. Before he knew it, something hard was suddenly crashing against the car. He heard a loud breaking sound from the front of the car. But once he checked it through the small window, He could only see a lot of blood was splattered on the glass.

He could not see anything else beside the white fogs. But he heard a lot of loud sounds from something moving and growing. The van was shaking hard from many crashing. The white fogs also started to slip in through the door which was opening from the crashing.

Dominick actually was considering to getting out of the car once the crashing against the van started, but he could not break the lock of the cell. The white fogs also started filling the cell quickly. He tried to fight for his conscious, but it was as if there was sleeping drugs inside the white fogs that he immediately unconscious after he breathed them.

After he woke up, the world already changed to this new jungle city, and then about one hour later, Zhiqiang came into the van.

"What was the white fog felt like?" Zhiqiang asked as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. The disaster really came when he was sleeping so he did not felt anything when it was happened. He did not even know there was the white fog that was slipping through his apartment.

Dominick raised his eyebrow at the question. But he still answered it as if he knew what was Zhiqiang wanted to know. "It was cold, almost like a normal fog. But there was sweet scent mixed in them."

"Sweet scent?!" Zhiqiang looked up in surprise. "What kind of sweet?! Is it like drug? Sugar? Flower scent?"

"It was just sweet, I guess…" Dominick pondered. He then looked at the younger man and said suddenly. "It was almost similar with your scent."

"W-what?" Zhiqiang said in surprise. He immediately sniffed his own body. "I don't smell anything at all." He said in confused as he continued to sniff his body. He looked up immediately when he heard a chuckle from the blond man.

"You lied!!" Zhiqiang glared in anger.

Dominick chuckled louder." No, no, I swear! It is true. It is similar with your scent. Just a little different as the fog did not have your body scent."

Zhiqiang stared at the man suspiciously, still not believing him.

Dominick raised his hands in surrender gesture. "Really, I think the sweet scent is the source of the mutation. So your body has similar scents with a small different from the mutation."

"Then why don't you have it too?" Zhiqiang asked in suspicious.

"Why don't you taste it?" Dominick asked back with a smirk as he opened his arms invitingly.

Zhiqiang sneered at the man and looked away coldly.

Dominick just chuckled and warped his arms on the younger man's waist again, not letting him to go from his laps.

"Do you think other people survived too?" Zhiqiang asked after a while. He had been thinking this even since he saw the city was in ruins.

"Why, you have someone you care about?" Dominick asked ini cold voice suddenly.

Zhiqiang blinked in surprise and looked at the man again.

There was a cold smile on the man's lips while his eyes was glinting in a frightening delight as if he was really excited seeing the city was in ruins without any survivor.

Zhiqiang frowned in a moment, did not know what he should said to the psychopath.

"Just because you like to see destructions don't mean we don't need other people to survive, you know," he said after for a while.

If anything, Dominick just smiled even colder. "Just us here is enough. You don't need other people except me to survive. Beside there are other mutated beast, I can hunt them as food." He said with a bloodlust and excitement glinted in his blue eyes.

Zhiqiang felt his stomach dropped as he saw the man's expression. For first time he really felt stumped to say anything. His medicine field did not touch anything about psychopathy treatment. He only knew them from his study in medical school.

He knew a psychopathy was illness from born. People with a psychopathy physically could not feel empathy or remorse for other people. If anything, they liked to manipulate them to their own liking. There was no treatment except persuasion in forming their mental behavior in the childhood. Zhiqiang did not know what had happened to Dominick to make him this severe.

As if seeing Zhiqiang's fear, Dominick sighed and relented to the younger man. "Just wait until tomorrow. I am sure you could see other people then."

Zhiqiang frowned further. "You mean people are still unconscious?"

"I am sure they are still unconscious. Too bad, it is only mutating disaster. It would be fun if something more brutal had happened so I can play even more with people." He said offhandedly with a dark glint in his blue eyes, causing Zhiqiang felt a bit fear.

Dominick then blinked and smiled in apologize at him as if he did not mean to say it.

"Ah, don't worry, doll. I will protect you. You are after all my special beautiful doll." The man whispered softly in a dark seductive voice as he caressed Zhiqiang's face gently as if worshipping him.

Zhiqiang shivered lightly as he closed his eyes in the devil's caress.



They decided to not move from that apartment to stay at night.

Before the night came, Zhiqiang dragged Dominick to pick a lot more food and water from the convenience store. After packing a lot of them, they worked together to close the clothes store on the ground floor and apartment upstairs tightly.

Zhiqiang even stuffed some clothes to fill little gaps between the door and window to the floor for preventing any little animal like a small rat or insect to slip into the apartment.

If even dog was mutated, he did not want to think what would happen to small animal like a rat and insect that had a simpler genes than the dog. The mutation should have happened to them a lot faster.

After making sure any little gaps on the apartment to outside was closed tightly, Zhiqiang pushed the only sofa in the living room to the wall that had a window. He picked some blankets and pillows from the bedroom and arranged them on the sofa.

Thankfully the sofa was in large size, so although there was only one, it would be enough for him to sit comfortably. He then sat facing the window and looked through the glass for outside situation. He decided to not sleep tonight to see any change in the outside.

The sofa seat dropped a bit as Dominick sat beside him. Then without any warning, the man suddenly warped his arms on his waist and pulled his body until he was on the man's laps.

"Hey!" Zhiqiang glared at the pervert hatefully.

Dominick just grinned and warped his arms on his body even tighter, indicating he would not let him go anytime soon.

Zhiqiang scowled at him and decided to ignore the pervert. He moved his body a bit to search confortable position and pulled the blanket to cover him before leaning his back to the man chest comfortably.

Just like that, they stayed up until morning, looking through the window of outside situation.

True to Dominick's words, other people were still unconscious, because the next morning, screaming sounds started to be heard in every corner of the city.

"It is a riot…" Zhiqiang murmured as he saw the loud commotion outside the apartment.

A lot of people were screaming and crying in panic and fear. One by one, they were getting out of building that was still more or less intact. The convenience store was also invaded by a lot of people. They must be feeling a lot of hunger like him after waking up.

There were also bad people who were breaking through a lot of store to use this chance for stealing a lot of valuable things. Even the clothes store on the ground floor below their apartment was broke through by them as he heard a loud breaking glass from below.

Thankfully there was no one who climbed upstairs and broke through the apartment.

Zhiqiang had been thinking what would happen if the real owner of this apartment was still alive and coming back to this apartment. But it seemed he did not need to worry as even after noon, there were still no sign of the owner.

"You don't want to go outside with them?" Dominick whispered to his ear as if coaxing him from behind. However the arms which were warping on his body were not loosening even a bit betraying his words completely.

Zhiqiang just sat in silence as he continued to watch the riot outside through the window.

The commotion was calm down a bit when it was afternoon. There were still people who was screaming and crying or even stealing things. But now there were some rational people who were starting to gather people to think the solution together. They started to yell out loud about their situation.

Zhiqiang could even hear what they were talking about from inside this apartment. There were some yell about calling police or any other government authorities to save them. Some yells about they should go out from here to look for safe shelter. It was such a racket as one by one don't want to lose in their yells.

The electricity and communication could not be used though, so Zhiqiang would prefer to go out and search for safe shelter.

Just when the commotion would reach the climax and could not be controlled anymore, a loud screaming suddenly was heard from their side.

It had started.

Zhiqiang tensed his body as he forced himself to keep watching.

The mutated beasts really came out.

His black eyes widened in shock as he saw the mutated beasts.

There were a lot of mutated dog like he saw yesterday. There was also a large mutated cat that pounced into the crowd. But the most shocking thing he saw was grasshoppers.

There was a swarm of grasshopper that was flying chasing a lot of people. It was alright if it was only a normal grasshopper. But it was mutated. Their size was about half of meter in height, and there were about a hundred of them.

"How could they so big?!" Zhiqiang whispered in fear as he watched a lot of people got killed by the grasshoppers. In no time at all, the commotion immediately empty as a lot of people running in disarray to save their own life.

"Look at them, doll. It is so fun and exciting…" Dominick whispered at his ear in his devil's voice.

The next day, there was no one who was willing to come out of their shelter. All people were scared shirtless to go outside after seeing what happened yesterday.

But after the sun was high in the sky, there were people who could not hold it anymore and started to get out and search for food to satiate their hunger.

Zhiqiang knew in the first day they would feel a lot of hungers, as he also ate a lot of canned food these last two days.

But these brave people was only spare, people chose to feel hunger than die outside. Well, it was true though, as the mutated beast was still roaming outside and chasing any prey in sight.

It was in the fourth day when there was finally any sign of military from the government.

Soldiers was using tanks to patrol the city and calling any survivor to come out and go with them to the shelter that the military prepared. They shouted in megaphone as they shot any beast in the road using their guns.

Zhiqiang stood up to the window as he saw them, finally feeling a bit spirit that he lost these few days. He quickly turned around to prepare his backpack.

After making sure there was not anything that he forgot, he turned to the door. He paused as he didn't see the blond man following him. He turned his body back to the sofa to see the man was still sitting in the sofa facing the window.

He was watching the soldiers in tanks in silence.

The sunlight slipped through the window, bathing his figure in holy light.

Zhiqiang suddenly felt the figure was a bit lonely.

"Dom?" Zhiqiang called him in hesitant.

Dominick immediately turned his head at him after hearing his call.

His silvery blue eyes lit up brightly when he heard his name was being called by him as if he was a kid who had finally gotten what he wanted. A bright smile was even curling at the corner of his lips.

Zhiqiang did not know if it was only his illusion or not.

But he felt that Dominick's smile right now was so beautiful.

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