
1. The Fractured world

The world had fallen into disarray long before Rain discovered his newfound power. In the wake of a devastating global catastrophe, the remnants of society had fractured into pockets of survivors struggling to find their place in this unforgiving new reality.

Rain, a once unassuming farmer in a small rural community, had seen his share of hardship. He'd lost friends and family to the harshness of the post-apocalyptic world. Hunger, disease, and the constant threat of roving bands of marauders had shaped his reality.

But on this particular day, as the crimson sun dipped below the horizon, something extraordinary happened. Rain's emaciated body, battered by years of toil and strife, had been pushed to the brink. He found himself sprawled on the ground, gasping for breath.

Desperation and a flicker of hope surged through him. Summoning the last dregs of his energy, Rain resolved to perform one final push-up, a futile attempt to keep his failing body from surrendering to death. He pressed his trembling arms against the cold earth, and the impossible occurred.

As he pushed himself up, the world around him shifted, reality warping and distorting. His feeble muscles, once on the brink of failure, pulsed with renewed vigor. Rain had unlocked the 100 Times System, a power he couldn't comprehend at that moment.

The world felt different, strange, as if the laws of physics themselves had been rewritten. With this newfound strength, he pushed himself up once more, and it became evident that what should have been a single push-up had multiplied into the equivalent of a hundred.

Rain rose to his feet, his heart pounding with both bewilderment and excitement. He tested his strength by sprinting and leaping, achieving feats that would have been inconceivable to his former self. It was clear that he had been granted a unique and powerful ability.

Determined to use this newfound strength for good, Rain decided to seek out other survivors and unite them in the struggle for survival. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of a journey that would reshape the destiny of the fractured world and lead him to confront forces far beyond his imagination.