
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Katie 🌸

,,Hi guys." I chirped to my friends when I sit down on the our table in the school kafeteria.

,,Hi Ki." Josh said my nickname, and I roll my eyes at him.

Everyone call me differently, beside my mother who call me Kathrine when I fuck up something.

,,Hey bitch!" Theodore said and I smack his head.

,,Aww, I love you too big booty." He said again and I frown. I don't have a big ass, it's kinda normal to my figure.

,,Where is Sofia?" Josh asked me and I throw smirk in his way. Well, well.. This two is going to be together in matter of time.

,,She is coming." I said and bring my food to my mouth. Mm, delicios. Thank you Mira. Mira is our cook chef in the school.

,,Hey guys." I heard a familiar voice of my best friend Sofia and just nod my head, because my mouth is full of this wonderfull chicken salad.

Just when I swallow, somebody sit beside me and I look at the Elizabeth.

,,Hi to you too." She joked and I smiled at her.

,,Fuck you." I grin and pull her into the hug.

,,Where are you been, loca?" I ask her and she gasp.

,,Don't copy my boyfriend's word's." She joked again when I repeated Jacob's words from Twilight.

,,Seriously girl, where you been? You didn't answer any of my text's." I said and she shook her head.

,,I'm sorry, but I was outside of country, and my stupid ass forgot my phone at the house." She said

,,Did you know that I've been in fucking London and I didn't took any picture." She practicly yeled and I chuckle.

,,That is pain in the arse." I said and she brush her false tears.

,,Why didn't you took your fathers phone?" I ask and raise one eyebrow at her.

,,Really K? He have old small phone, and he said that he don't need better. Which is insane, he have everyday one thousand dollar in his pocket, and he doesen't need something better." She said and I chuckle again.

,,Sorry, I didn't know." I said and she hug me again.

,,But, when we are about to came home, my aunt call him and said that we must bring her son here, because he is kicked out of his school, and she want's to teach him a lesson, but I think that's a cruel. He is just a boy." She said and I start to look around to spot her cousin.

,,Tommorow." She said and I look at her.

,,What?" I ask confused.

,,He will be here tommorow." She said and I dig into my food.


I've seen many pictures of her cousin because he follow's me on the instagram, and I follow him. But I've never meet him. And boy, I was willing to look at his emerald eyes. I don't have a crush at him, but he is the most handsome young man, okay, I now sound like old grandma.

,,Look who is here." Sofia nudged me whit her elbow and I immedilately look in front of me.

,,He did not." I whisper yelled at Sofia.

,,He is. He fucking is." I start to laugh and look at the Julian.

,,Did you insane?" The blonde punch him in the face and he sit down from the push.

And we just witnessed how Julian was beaten again, I stoped counting when he was beat from the girl number 15.

He never try to grab my ass, or Sofia's and Elizabeth's. Beacuse, I meet Sofia and Elizabeth at the box club. So we are kinda good girls, but we know how to protect ourselves.

And Julian knows too.

,,I would punch him in the guts, but I don't want to broke my nail." Theodore whine and we all chuckle. Yes, Theodore is hundred percent gay.

Our small friends group contain us five. And we all are atached to each other. Every single day after school we are going to small cafe and just chill there until is time to go home. Josh is always drove us around because he has a biggest car. I drove my 38-ties. Yes, my sneakers.

Elizabeth is too scared to drive and Sofia doesen't need to, because Josh is hers personal chauffer. Everything in our group is so calm.

But they say that storm coming when is the calmest wheather.

This is the first chapter of this book, and I hope that you guys like it.

Press the star.

Luv yu.
