
1000 Reincarnations (ATG Fanfic)

World Dao collapses, paving a path to the Abyssal Shore.. A young man from Hong Kong, Ao Rai, died saving his brother from a car crash, pushing him out of the way of a speeding car. The heavens are not blind and decided to reward him with a gift, the gift of 1000 reincarnations... Having passed 999 reincarnations, on his 1000th Ao Rai is born with a special physique, the World Dao Physique, on the Profound Sky Continent, blessed with incredible fortune things seem to be looking up for Ao Rai, until he is left crippled and unable to cultivate in a freak accident. However, after a meeting with a mysterious old man, who calls himself Duotian, Ao Rai is sent on a wild journey, which he could never have predicted even in his wildest dreams!

xraimon · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Reminiscing over past lives - Approaching the city

Ao Rai walked along the road towards the nearby city, reminiscing over the ordeal he had just recently escaped from, as it only now seemed to sink in that he had gone through so many lives to the point that he had a mental age of around 80,000 years combining all the experiences he had gone through.

In his first reincarnation he had lived out a pretty regular life, albeit dying of a massive heart attack at the age of 48. His name had been Marshall Watkins and he had lived in America on Earth. Ao Rai expected this to be the standard, just a regular life, however in his next life he was reborn as Lionel Messi, the world renowned footballer, and lived an exquisite life, full of money, drugs and fame.

And so he cycled through lives, ups and downs, and experiencing the myriad facets of life, albeit all on Earth, which Ao Rai knew was not the only planet in existence, due to the words of heaven's will earlier on about the Profound Sky Continent. Eventually Ao Rai gained an incredible understanding of people and how they worked, and even comprehended part of the laws of mortality, and the laws of life and death, which were the requisite for creating the World Dao Physique having a basic understanding of those laws, hence why it was important for Ao Rai to go through these lives. Having understood these, not only did he gain a deeper understanding of his own physique, realising he would unlock more abilities as he increased in strength and his comprehension of the laws, but also he felt grateful to heaven's will for bestowing upon him this opportunity.

However, over this period of birth, death and rebirth, any naivety and innocence was thoroughly erased from Ao Rai, which, while it could be considered a shame, was also a bonus, considering the ruthless nature of the people in the world he now found himself embroiled in. Frowning, Ao Rai mumbled to himself,"So this is the world of Against the Gods I see, I'm glad I read that novel a couple of times across my reincarnations, this allows me to have a better understanding of the world and its secrets, such as the god trial locations such as the phoenix's or the azure dragon's, and also other things such as Jasmine the possessor of the Evil God blood drop currently."

Although Ao Rai had the mental age of an old monster with 80,000 years of age, his appearance was incredibly youthful, like that of his 16 year old self from Earth. His eyes were a deep blue like the ocean, seeming unfathomable, and his broad back and well toned physique seemed to carry a special majesty and momentum with every movement. His long and luscious head of black hair fell down over his shoulders like exquisite silk, and his eyebrows were thick and angular like swords. Between his eyebrows, on his glabella, was a simple cross birthmark, albeit pure white rather than a regular birth mark colour. This was the symbol of the possessor of the World Dao Physique.

Ao Rai continued walking, the city was further away than it appeared, but finally Ao Rai arrived at the gates. Unfettered and unchained, with no relatives or past relations in this world, Ao Rai walked forwards towards the gates, truly prepared to start his new life now, and embark on his cultivation journey, armed with his world Dao physique and his knowledge of this world from the novel in his past lives...