
The Stone

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World 34- The Below

Richmine City

August 3

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The ominous sight of red snow cascaded itself across a city which was thriving with life. Richmine City was located inside of a deep crater, an odd place for a settlement but fine in a world were rain did not exist. Instead, all red water from the snow would seep into the cracks of the mostly rocky moon like earth stricken of all green. To no amazement, all water had the odd tint of red. This red water however, housed magical effects which could turn ordinary stone into diamonds, gold, silver, ruby or any other favored ores. This was the niche that world 34 played in the one hundred worlds and a way of life for the race that occupied such a place, The dwarves.

Dwarves were lengthy, tall, bearded males and females that had a connection to stone itself. World 34 had the principle of Stone and Earth, a very powerful and wise way of magic.

However, something entirely unseen threatened The Below, a mistake the 99 worlds would have to carry for the rest of their existence. A unforgiving shunning of a planet would forever haunt their souls as innocents were harvested and murdered in cold blood. Creatures who no longer were forced to hide, The Dread, a race that housed themselves on World 100. The Dread finally decided that the time to move would start immediately and a plan set forth with mystery intent would unfold.


A dwarf stumbled as he trudged through a dimly lit mine. Lights swayed as his body collided with a wooden pillar which was holding up the support beams.

"Damn you Gashin, I knew not of your will. Only if..."

The light bulbs flickered, a aura of hatred and destruction rising from behind the wounded dwarf.

"Only if what dear brother?"

A broad dwarf who had silver plated armor and a black beard which tickled his belt buckle, smiled a wicked one.

"Gashin, you are a fool, you know what you are doing is evil!"

The dwarf's rounded nose rattled as a the musty air was inhaled,

"I know of what I do, I also know of how shameful my actions are.But..."

Gashin lashed his hand out, cycles of stone exploding forward from thin air and imbedding themselves into his brother.

"Stone Magic: Poisoned Pierce"

The words echoed throughout the cave, as he watched his own blood brother fall to the ground without effort. Marcil, his only true family now dying before his very own eyes. What was done was done, there was no going back. His brother was always too righteous and in so, it blinded him from what laid beyond their own planet. Gashin would never make the mistake of being clouded by useless might, his dad already took such a path which led to his unforeseen death.

"Brother I bid you farewell. If only you could of joined me on my quest for greatness. If only..."

A black mist rose from the stone behind Gashin, circling the dwarf.

"You did well companion,"

A dark voiced hissed from the mist, an uneasy feeling in its words.

"Now we must search for it, the relic your kind has yet to find."

Gashin nodded as he turned away from the corpse of his brother, not daring to pay it heed.

"I may know were such an artifact lies."

Laughter tickled Gahsin's ear and boomed through the mine, shaking the very foundations.

"The Stone is already in our grasp, our kind shall rule once more."