
100 Voyages 100% Completion

???, Tori, and Gyrus. Complete the Room of Swords and open the gate to freedom. If you are afraid to die, you will fail.

Jasmine_Barker_7893 · Video Games
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: On The Other Side Of The Screen

"Welcome. Hopelessly lost souls. To the beginning of your journey."

Somewhere, a knight in dark blue armor raised her head towards the black sun.

"You have been chosen. To conquer this world. Where past and future fuse."

Somewhere else, a cavewoman split a boulder in half with one mighty punch.

"Your trial awaits. Complete the Room of Swords. And open the gate to freedom."

Somewhere even farther, a man with green hair smiled.

"Some of you will not survive. But if you are afraid to die. You will fail."

"If you are afraid to die?" The man laughed. "This is just a game. Why would I be afraid of dying?"


"Is that you, Scout?"

The star shaped robot attached to his chest came to life. It had a single mechanical eye that looked up at him.

"Nice to be back, User Gyrus."

"That's nice to hear. If it weren't for you, I would be alone on this wasteland."

"A wasteland is a apt way to describe this terrain."

Scout detached himself from the man's chest and hovered a few feet in front of him. The light from the robot's eye scanned everything, the ground, the rocks, the sand, and the heat.

"This alien planet lacks any signs of life or water. The heat is considerably harsh and the ground is rocky and uneven. I'm afraid prolonged survival will be difficult without the crew or supplies."

"It's unfortunate. But there's nothing we can do. There are no footprints that could lead us in the direction of the crew. And they left nothing with us. No food. No batteries. We've been abandoned."

Scout turned and looked back at him. Its single eye was completely devoid of thought or opinion. Scout really was the perfect companion.

"What should we do then, User Gyrus?"

Gyrus took the helmet off his head, and breathed in that hot dry air. His green hair was a mess. Divided in strange sections that stuck out from his head like the leaves of a strawberry. His astronaut suit, the only clothing he had, felt heavy and suffocating.

It was just as he said. They had nothing. No water. No food. And most importantly, no weapons. It would be hard to survive like this.

"When you play a game, what is the first thing you do?"

"I'm sorry? I don't seem to understand."

Gyrus smiled.

"Most people want to experience combat right away. They get into fights with whatever enemy is nearest to them. But they never explore the other types of gameplay available."

"I still don't understand. What does this have to do with our current situation?"

"We're going treasure hunting Scout. Although it may not seem like it, there are good things hidden in this wasteland. We just need to find them. Can you create a map of this area?"

"Yes. Just one second."

Scout's eye projected a map onto the ground. All of the area around them was empty. Except for one corner that had a massive crater.

"Let's go. Oh, and before I forget."

Gyrus walked back to where he woke up. And traced a single line in the sand.

"Just in case."


[Tori Grieve]

[Level 2: 100/200]

[HP: 500/500]

[MP: 0/0]

[PWR: 40]

[HIT: 10]

[MAG: 0]

[SPD: 20]

[EV: 20]

[STA: 20]



[Level 3: 150/400]

[HP: 1000/1000]

[MP: 0/0]

[PWR: 80]

[HIT: 20]

[MAG: 0]

[SPD: 20]

[EV: 20]

[STA: 20]


[Gyrus Axalei]

[Level 1: 0/100]

[HP: 250/250]

[MP: 250/250]

[PWR: 10]

[HIT: 10]

[MAG: 10]

[SPD: 10]

[EV: 10]

[STA: 10]