
100 Reincarnated Together in a Strange World

"Ever wondered what reincarnation would be like? So did I. Turns out, it's not as fun as everyone thinks it is. That's what the other 99 people said too. Now of course you got your weirdos and your maniacs and all, but in all honesty, I could've gone without it." Reincarnated into another world with 99 other people, Davis Ferenguard is left shocked and reeling. Every one of those who were reincarnated seemed to come with some new special abilities... But will that be enough? Left with nothing but an ability he doesn't know how to manage, Davis will have to use all his wits and the other reincarnated just to survive this harsh new world.

E_Oyasumi · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The 100 Lucky Participants

"Welcome all you lucky reincarnees! I am your all powerful god, here to fill you in on all the details!"

That was said by the kid who appeared in the flash of light. The child looked to be 4'2, with blond hair, flawless pale skin, a dazzling smile, and a voice smooth as butter. Also, he had pure white wings, like an angel. He was also wearing a white toga. Suffice to say, I hated him immediately.

"What are you talking about!?" Yelled some random bystander I barely cared about.

"I was getting to that you impatient goose! So please, shut up and listen to what I have to say, mmkay?" The angel/god said, smiling and speaking like he would to an impatient child. My hatred only grew.

"So! You all died!" The angel said, sounding like this was the best news in the world. The silence was palpable.

"Wow, that was a more mild reaction then I thought it would be. Welp, that just makes things easier! You see, you all died in some wacky way within about a week of each other. Now, I know this sounds bad, but wait, I got good news for you all! You see, in this completely random selection, the three almighty gods, me, myself, and I, have decided to reincarnate you all into a magical fantasy world, like all your childhood dreams!" The angel said, smiling like it was Christmas.

For about a solid minute, not a word was spoken while everyone tried to digest the news. Then, pandemonium broke out, everyone talking and yelling all at once.

"Everyone, I would like you all to kindly shut up, I was not finished talking!" The angel said happily. The angel's words held an undertone, and despite the fact he was speaking relatively normal, every single person heard his words and the threat underneath it.

"Ah, everyone has quieted down! Excellent, down to business. You all will be reincarnated into this new fantasy world. You all will also be the proud recipients of brand new abilities and or weapons! All of them will be extremely powerful, so be careful with them! In addition to this, you will all be given combat skills and a randomly selected weapon that you will be proficient at! (Unless of course, you got a special weapon instead of an ability) So, for example, say you got the spear proficiency. You would be reincarnated with a spear, as well as the adequate skills to use it as well. Although the price is that if you attempted to use a sword, you would be pretty bad at it! Any weapon besides your proficiency will have to be learned the good old fashioned way!" The angel said, announcing all this like it was a school rally for a football game.

"Now, let me paint you a picture of this wonderful world you shall be going to! Now, I'm gonna be honest with you, this world has some problems. In fact, it has one major problem..." The angel said, his smile turning into a look of despair.

Everyone held their breath, wondering what this problem could be. Was it an end of the world scenario? Was there a corrupt government taking over the world? Is there some kind of Demon Lord that must be defeated?

"It's so BORING! Everything about this world is too perfect! There's no conflicts, no interesting villains, nothing! I bought you all here to spice things up!"

'Is this kid serious? What is he, five?' I thought to myself. From the looks on the other reincarnate's faces, it was pretty obvious they felt the same.

"Now, I brought you all here to make this world interesting again! Some of you will go evil, no doubt. Others will want to live peaceful lives, some might live out there fantasies and become heroes! Now, here's a little incentive to the bad guys. For every participant here that you end up killing, your power shall multiply times two! Kill enough people and you could take over the world no problem! Incentive for the peaceful ones. This is a beautiful world, no pollution, no corrupt government, nothing. You can enjoy your new lease on life for the rest of your days! Lastly, for the heroes. I don't think I need to spell it out. You can be heroes! Bask in the glory, fight for honor and justice, save the world! Or just get rich quick with adventures and stuff. Also, for every bad guy you beat that has a kill under their belt, your power will multiply times three! But remember, they had to have killed someone already! Otherwise, it won't count!" The angel finished, positively beaming with self satisfaction.

"Now, time you all to go make me proud! See ya!" The angel said, waving his hand in the air.

Suddenly, I look down and notice that the white floor under me is warping and turning into this hole like portal. Before I was sucked in, I heard the angel say one last thing.

"Oh! Forgot to mention! If you die in this world, whatever afterlife you were destined for has been cancelled! If you die here, you shall end up going straight to my version of Hell! That way, I still get my entertainment even when you die! Isn't that great!?" the angel said hurriedly.

Before anyone could answer, we were all completely sucked into a portal each. Now, we were all officially reincarnated into a new world, together.

What an annoying brat of a god. Or angel. Take your pick.

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