
100 Days With Mr Damon

Damon paused as he flickered his pen with the tip of his finger, ‘200 days', he said. ‘40'. Ana countered. ‘100'. ‘No'. A sigh escaped his lips as she was starting to trigger his nerves, ‘100 days Anastasia, it's that or nothing'. ‘My name is Ana', she grunted as she hated the way he called her full name, there was silence in the room for a moment and she pursed her lips before agreeing to the deal, ‘Fine.....I'll be your wife for 100 days'.

Juliet_Dudu · Urban
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18 Chs

A business woman for the night (Part 1)

Book One—(Chapter 6)

(An business woman for the night-Part 1)

It was morning by the time Estella Levinson woke up to find her daughter's head rested on the edge of the bed and sleeping soundly, a crooked smile crossed her lips as she manage to sit upright which stirred Ana a bit but she didn't wake up as she was too tired to care. A huge sense of guilt filled Estella as she saw the worried lines on her daughter's face, the last thing she remembered was feeling a huge bout of pain hence the bandage on her hand—now she was in the hospital with a fatigued daughter sleeping next to her.

Ana didn't deserve to be stressed, she already gave up half of her life working for the diner throughout highschool and other part time jobs, it was a miracle she managed to graduate from the community theater arts college where she studied music....a famous musician was who she wanted to be, one like Lady Gaga to be precise and now all her dreams were falling apart... because of a sick and incompetent mother.

Ana's eyes opened at the sound of sniffing only to find her mother wide awake and in tears, 'Mom....mom what's the problem?', she asked scrambling to her feet, relieved and happy that her mother was finally awake.

'I'm so sorry Ana'. Estella sobbed.

'Sorry about what?', Ana frowned, 'Mom you're not thinking about—'

'I have put you through enough and it's time you start thinking for yourself. I don't know how we're going to pay the bills and—'

'The bill has been taken care of'. Ana interrupted.

Estella blinked in surprise, 'It has?', she sniffed, 'I thought we don't have insurance and we still owe the hospital for—'

'Everything has been paid for Mom'. Ana smiled wrapped her arms around her mother, for the first time in a long time she didn't have to worry about where she would get a loan or who to call to borrow from. It was a great feeling....a debt-free great feeling.

'Who paid for my bills?'. Estella asked after a moment of silence.

'You shouldn't worry about that', Ana muttered as she gently pushed her mother back on the bed, 'All you have to do is rest. Emily and I will take care of the diner for a few days okay?'.

'Okay'. Estella nodded and Ana placed a kiss on her forehead.

'I'll be back soon okay', she grabbed her bag from the chair and rose to her feet, 'Emily will come over with your favourite soup....I'll see you soon'.

'Okay'. Her mother repeated and watched as she left the room, wondering who was kind enough to clear all their hospital debt...or was her daughter lying?


Vivian Wyatt frowned deeply as her arch nemesis and forever foe, Diana Jenkins walked into the Gucci store clad in her pink suede suit with a matching purse in her hand. Vivian knew exactly what was to come if she was spotted by the gossip girl of the elite clique in New York City, a whole load of bragging about her damned son who was an eco activist and pilot.

'Well if it isn't Vivian Wyatt herself!!', Diana finally spotted her and Vivian manager to keep a straight face as they kissed each other's cheeks in courtesy.

'It's so good to see you Diana'. It was one of the best lies to come out of her mouth in a long time.

'Good to see you too Vivian. Is that boy of yours married yet?? my darling Billy has the most beautiful daughters in the world', Diana excitedly brought out some photos of her granddaughters, photos that Vivian clearly didn't want to see as it was just a ploy to spite her—It was a hobby of Diana, making her feel stupid for not having any grandchildren cause her eldest son was a promiscuous male....both her sons were promiscuous.

'Well Damon has someone serious he's been seeing'. She said.

Diana snorted with laughter, 'Someone serious??', she laughed again, 'Everyone knows—'

'Well he's planning on popping the question Diana', Vivian couldn't help but snap, 'She's a classy business woman and she'll be at the gala tonight I promise you'. She grabbed her shopping bags and stormed out of the store....God she hoped Damon wasn't lying and was truly bringing a woman to the Hala tonight. The last thing she wanted was humiliation from Diana Jenkins.


The sound of a beeping car was heard and Ana frowned deeply, as she peered outside her window there was a black Mercedes parked in front of the diner and she knew exactly who owned the car. Hurling some personal belongings into her bag and quickly slipping into a bright green summer dress with her brown sandals to go with it, she was finally ready and took one last look in the mirror before going down the stairs.

Thankfully Emily was still at the hospital and the diner was closed for the moment, so there wasn't anyone to spot her walking towards the car except a few passersby she wasn't familiar with. The car door opened automatically and she went in, the driver looked extremely intimidating from the shades he has on and his perfectly neat suit.....he looked more of a bodyguard than a driver.

'I'm Ana'. She muttered and he nodded without an answer which made her feel awkward for a moment.

The car started to move and she tucked her hair behind her ear before asking again, 'Where are you taking me?'.

'Mr Wyatt asked for absolute discretion until you arrive at your destination'. He finally responded.

Ana frowned deeply, 'If Mr Wyatt wants me to be his actress for a day then he might as well keep me informed on what I am doing or where I am going....so I ask again, where the fuck are you taking me??'.

The driver's brows perked as his boss warned him about how much of a feisty woman she was, he sighed deeply, 'We're going to the presidential hotel. Your dress and makeup is ready for you to use over there'.

Ana's eyes lit for a moment knowing where she was being taken to, the presidential hotel was one of....if not the biggest hotel in New York City famous for its eliteness and she was a guest there. It all felt so unreal, the little taste of luxury all because she was going to play the role of a business woman for the night.

'Is Mr Wyatt going to be at the hotel?'. She asked. The driver nodded and she pursed her lips after taking a deep breath, the sooner she got there the sooner she got this role of hers over and done with.