

Two days had gone since Raymond's mother's birthday, and Charlotte was preparing for the dance practice she had committed to with Sebastian. She strolled into the living room to announce her departure, but decided against it since she sensed a familiar aggressive aura in the air. Since they returned from the party, she had seen a lot of tension between Rachel and Natalie, which was perplexing because it had persisted for days.

Normally, they would fight and settle within minutes, but it was taking longer. They avoided each other's lanes and only spoke in the office. She tried to ask Lydia about what had happened, but her response was vague:

"I was on my headphones. I didn't hear anything that night."

The only information she got was that Raymond came looking for Natalie. Asking the girls was futile because none of them refused to say anything. Natalie was still withdrawn as before.

Rachel's eyes snapped up from the TV. "Where are you off to?"