

Charlotte sighed as she finished applying the ointment to Sebastian's bruise, her eyes fixed on his. "So, you're saying you got this from a fight?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Sebastian nodded, his eyes agreeing, "Yep."

Charlotte's expression turned doubtful. "Hmm," she murmured, releasing his hand.

"I thought you didn't fight?" she asked, her voice laced with doubt.

Sebastian's responded swiftly. "That was boxing. I boxed, not fought."

Charlotte raised an eyebrow, her hands raking across her hair. "I thought they usually use boxing gloves instead of bare fists?" she questioned.

Sebastian's voice faded, his eyes darting around the room as he struggled to concoct another lie.

But before he could speak, Charlotte added, "I thought it was when you landed Victor a punch the other day."

She stood up, to return the first aid kit to its shelf.

"Speaking of Victor, how is he?" Sebastian asked swiftly, changing the subject.