
100 Blessed Children: Search 4 The Golden Child

No one knows how and no one knows when, but what is known is that a great blacksmith once existed in this world a blacksmith who throughout history was like none other this man’s creations were more than just weapons or tools they were works of art they were his children, none could match him no other blacksmith could keep up with him. From the moment of his arrival this man had no equal this man, this blacksmith, this artist, was known as Adam, Adam Kadmon and this story takes place in a world that he changed forever more. Are story follows Jake Green a young man who gets his hands on one of Adam Kadmon’s children and because of this leads him on a journey to save the life of his mother.

TheGraveyardWriter · Action
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94 Chs

Chapter 3: Bait

"Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me!!"

The girl wearing shades said as if she was just insulted.

"You're telling me your big master plan, this big score is gonna come from robbing the fucking Sullivan family are serious!!"

She yelled if the job had already been started then she would have blown their positions, but Tone the mountain of the man or boy he, wasn't scared or insulted by the girls comments he only smirked throwing his hands up jokingly.

"Woah, woah calm down Porsche calm down."

He and Roach's smiles mirroring each other's.

"I know it sounds crazy and I know the idea of robbing the Sullivans is crazy but that's what makes it perfect, me and Roach got some sweet intel from the guys who are hiring us for this job. The Sullivan household is gonna be damn near empty tonight because of some military shindig going on, so we five can sneak in and make away like bandits."

Tones smile became larger slimier as he talked both he and Roach where both cut from the same cloth, when Tone smiled like that, he became the dirty fat pig people saw him to be, and when he smiled like that no matter how well-spoken his words were he couldn't hide his true nature.

"God tone you and roach are fucking idiots!"

Porcha said not a least captivated by tones words.

"You seriously want the five of use to just go walking into the Sullivan stronghold, because you got some stupid intel, and who the hell is gonna pay us!"

She screamed.

"And why in the hell would they hire you two dumbasses."

Tone regained himself speaking.

"The who doesn't matter it's the what or more like the amount there gonna pay us to steal what they want use to."

"What do they want use to steal?"

Spoke the little pink haired girl, at this question Tone smiled again he smiled his slimy pig smile once again.

"That's a great question Coco they want use to steal some of those super swords out of the Sullivans armory."

Porcha's eyes went so big that even her shades couldn't hide them, and her reaction was felt equally between her Jake and Coco the news was so shocking that the girl couldn't even bring herself to scream again.

"I'm out."

She said in a calm voice as she began to leave.

"Porcha come on!"

Tone yelled.

"Nope your fucking insane and suicidal go to hell Tone."

"I agree this is insane."

Coco murmured as she too began leaving their plan was stupid as I said both Tone and Roach weren't the brightest but this plan even for them was too much, before Jake could decide to leave for himself leaving in anger and disappointment Tone yelled out another line of bait and this one was fat and juicy.

"100,000 there going to pay use 100,000 for each and every sword we snag from the armory."

And at this neither Porcha nor coco moved a single inch.

"Think about it, guys."

He said like a smiley car salesman.

"100,000 for each sword plus anything else we find just laying around we can swipe and keep for ourselves."

One couldn't deny the bait was interesting but the risk it was the risk that snapped the three sensible people back to reality, this was the Sullivan family you don't fuck with the Sullivan family and everyone in and out of the land of Gardenia knew that, and Tone knew that they knew that so like any good salesmen no like any good grimy resident of the slums Tone began to poke the bear.

"Come on Porcha I know you could use that type of money your mom and pop both just got locked up now your taking care of your six lil siblings you've done every job in the slums besides sell your body."

The first bear was poked.

"And you Coco you've always been the quit dreamer doodling away in class in your notebooks, you could use that money to leave the slums forever and go to art school in the capital."

Second bear poked.

"And J my man I know a dude like you wouldn't mind having that much pocket change around."

"Yea Jackey."

Roach said squeezing Jake closer.

"By the way you called today you must be in need for some fast cash."

He smiled his bright yellow smile, and his breath was rancid, but Jake didn't react because he was thinking on how he could use that money how his mom needed that money, and if there was some left over, he and her could leave the slums forever. Third bear poked there was a long silence, and no one moved then Porcha spoke up, but her tone wasn't aggressive or snarky.

"How, how can we even get the swords any way plus how are we even getting there in the first place."

Tone smirked knowing he baited his three fish again.

"How were getting there is easy follow me."

Tone led the four slum kids deeper into the peer till they reached the shoreline where they saw how they were getting to the destination Tone had led them to a moderately sized speed boat it was painted a dark shade of blue to mix better with the night sky.

"The guys that'll pay us gave us this boat to use so we can reach the Sullivans household plus, they have an inside man that's a butler or whatever that knows the combination to there armory so once we meet up with them then were all set."

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

Roach chimed in as he cackled but the ones with a functioning brain knew it wouldn't be easy none of them were foolish enough to think this plan coming from dumb and dumber paid for by some shadow client was actually a good idea, none of them believed that it would go off without a hitch but they didn't have to believe because they knew there reality they were children of the slums and they also knew that 100,000 dollars was real, and could shift and alter their reality so against their better judgement all five of them loaded up in boat heading off to start their mission their very risky heist of mission.

Chapter 3 is here hopefully I can upload two more this week.

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