
10.000 años atrás

A Vial belonging to one more civilization beech of the galaxy ... it gives a vagabond the opportunity to travel 10,000 years into the past and with that. awaken the biological talent of each species. That of humans.. "The Dream" [I'm writing the novel for fun... English is not my native language... and I don't know how to read English... so I'm just using the translator... if anyone has a complaint... tell me. because I won't understand it XD]

Nicolas_Lezcano · Fantasy
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9 Chs

capitulo 3

opening her eyes with the hard asphalt on her face... Alma got up from the ground with a serious pain in her face....

Looking around she noticed that there were few people walking around the place... and night had already fallen... high in the sky the waning moon illuminated the world with a faint silvery light.

looking at the moon soul was a bit complicated... everything seemed like a dream... if it wasn't because I felt the connection with the chip... I really wouldn't have thought that this was real...

-Now that I think about it... nobody helped me when I was against the asphalt.

his eyes went over the ground where there was some blood from his nose.. but even though he looked around it didn't look like anyone had stopped to help him.. if he had to say something about this.. it would just be that people in this country are getting shittier and shittier.

shaking his head... he sat down on the bench not far from him... the coldness stored or accumulated in the concrete made him really wish he had a bed... but he ignored that wish for now.

-Chip... how do I initiate the second ability of the chip?

a mechanical sound was heard in the back of his mind... as the alien Chip started to work...

[The user only has to say in which part of the planet he wants to create the exit... and the system will start calculating how to open the bridge... Warning... you can only do this... once... after that... the power will be insufficient to proceed...

although it was tempting to choose when he was little.. to change his future... he decided that since time would eventually end up synchronizing with the present... it was better to simply create the bridge as far back as possible...

but for now he won't open the bridge... first of all he wants to know what is this "Dream" ability?

-What effect does the Dream skill have?

[Dream" is a Racial ability... originating from what is called by the User... Human... consists of the ability to Create an Imaginary Dream Realm.. where the User has the ability to Modify to his liking.. (Limited only by the brain's capacity).. the more complex the dream.. the more mental processing will be needed... The User has the ability to Enter other people's dreams... and connect them to the Main Dream]...

in short... he has the ability to enter people's dreams and connect them to each other...

-strange ability... how is the connection formed in the first place... and up to what distance can it be manipulated?

[The maximum limit of distance of connected dreams is 200 kilometers around... exceeding that distance the mental connection will be broken].

ok... a really long distance if you have to say so... but this brought another question.... How to even connect to another person's dreams?

[The user.. has to enter in direct contact while the person of the dream he wants to enter.. is Sleeping... after the first time.. this is unnecessary]

Well this complicates things.. in the first place.. you don't have the ability to touch someone while they are sleeping.. if you try. they can just end up suing you.

and even if he succeeds.. from what the system says.. dreams are linked to the processing speed of his brain.. if he keeps a dream constantly.. that means that a lot of his brain will end up being used by the dream..

and even though he knew that... the thrill of having a supernatural ability... ended up making him walk through the park looking for another sleeping homeless man... it didn't take him long to find another sleeping homeless man.

It didn't take him long to find on a park bench a person sleeping... but it wasn't really what he expected to find... it was a drunk... but with a suit... His appearance was really misaligned... but it still looked like he was a person with money...

-I wonder what happened to him...

although curious... at the end he came to test something.. and he would do it.. by resting his hand on his head.. the system reacted

[Initiating Innate ability.. "Dream"]

the same reality folded under his eyes and before he knew it he was floating out of a bubble.. in the bubble.. the same man but better groomed.. he was SURROUNDED by women..

some had no faces.. and others had faces and really detailed.. he guesses that people this person met.. the one that stood out the most among the women.. was a woman with a clerical suit. and a really cold aura.

she was kneeling under the man's feet... while she had a blank look...

-haha... bitch... you fucked me so much during the work... now you have to pay me with your body...

listening to the man's words during her dream... Alma's lips twitched.. this guy dreams about fucking his boss.. and don't blame him... she looked like a beautiful woman...

[Brain capacity available: 10/100]

[capacity in use 90/100]

looking at his soul system sigh.. it looks like he can only use 10% of someone else's abilities.. before it starts to affect the mental prowess...

-for now I'll just try changing the dream to something more Simple...

by touching the sphere... I imagine what I wanted the dream to be... The women and the room disappeared quickly.. replaced by a Sea that seemed to have no limit..... just this small change.. put a lot of pressure on the person's brain.. but he really wanted to see what he could do.

but I really wanted to see what I could do.