
CHAPTER 5 : Will She Meet the Funny Guy Again?

After the day she met him it was easier to imagine all the previous stories that had been telling to her and it much funnier since she able to fix the funny face into her imagination for the upcoming storytelling.

But she didn't expect that those eyes will catch her heart on the upcoming days.

A year passes , with full of tragic since a year passed she will be aged as 16 year old girl and why it is tragic? She gets into account stream which the class she didn't expect to be at the first place and Qishin got into different streaming class. Luckily , Salena was there and Pheobe . Pheobe is one of the member in Salena and Vaanz gang. But she finds it still manageable since she will meeting the rest of them during school break hours and during extra Private lesson out there .Anyhow it happens so Harshie knew that this year it's gonna be "Hulalala" but who knows it will be funniest one as "Hahahahaha" .

It is second last year of high school and all are getting matured so yeah storytelling flipped to rumours sharing their own lifetime moments and teenagers problem between their selves and begin to forgets about our Funny Guy Amond since he is not be seen in Harshie's daily life or in social media.

One day in the middle of the year Harshie's high school got the fixed date for the event of IU day which more politely known as International Universe day where each selected high school will be doing a role play and an act as the nation they chooses to do so . Harshie's high school select to be the Russian and for surely there are few competent and that won't be fun without our dear Hero's high school , am I right? Yeah ! Finally after few months of delay they'll be meeting up again at the IU day event.

Let's see whether Funny Guy Amond turns to be the Charming dream guy or Camouflaging villain ?!