[Status] [Advanced Status]
Name: Given by parents at birth
Age: Self explanatory
Title: Nickname you get for doing something that is popular with the masses
Strength : Physical power, Allowing MC to Lift more and strike harder
Dexterity : Quickness, hand eye coordination and reflexes such actions can be throwing weapons and gymnastic moves
Agility : Measures movement, ability to dodge and flexibility
Stamina : Physical durability for such things as withstanding pain,diseases, exhaustion and the elements
Charisma :measures social ability and physical appearance, as well as the ability to lead, persuade, or intimidate others
Intelligence : mental acuity, problem-solving, and learning potential.
Will power : mental resistance and impulse control, as well as imaginary realism
Perception : ability to detect with the senses.
Skills : they are the skills you obtain that do not involves combat
Techniques : combat styles that you obtain through the System or life experience
Shop : Inter dimensional shop created on the wish of the MC only sells kengan related Merch
someone said that the system is not explained properly so here it is hope you find it sufficient thanks for reading