
10 trillion karma reincarnation: kengan system in the Baki world

Khyle has been an avid fan of the kengan and Baki series when unexpectedly saving a young girl on a home robbery he died and as a reward for his actions he got a 10 trillion karma and a system and go to parallel world and apparently it's the Baki world . . . . . . . I'm just new to writing so any suggestions to improve my work is appreciated just don't flame me too much alright thanks after this I guess I'll work on a LOL fanfic . . . . disclaimer I do not own the Baki series and the kengan series I also do not own the picture used above I found it in Pinterest and the mangas

Rabidreader · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

chapter 27

arriving at Japan once again, Kai got off at Misawa air field and took a Chinook helicopter with the express purpose of arriving at Japan with haste.

As he sat inside the helicopter a lieutenant approached him, after doing a quick salute for whatever reason which baffled Kai he proceeded to disclose every possible location where Dorian could be hiding.

The lieutenant also told Kai that Spec is at Tokyo police headquarters and he should head there first to neutralize the deadly prisoner.

After thanking the diligent officer who took the time to inform Kai, He proceeded to take a nap for 4 hours after which he got notified that they'll arrive at Haneda airport in 10 minutes.

landing at the airfield went smoothly where Kai was serviced by a platoon of special forces in humvees to take him towards Tokyo police headquarters.

Talking to the captain of the soldiers in his presence informed Kai that the PM of Japan allowed the incursion of the US military just to capture these dangerous fugitives with the condition of helping them catched their very own.

Arriving at the police headquarters the soldiers got tense while Kai nonchalantly walk towards the desk only to find the poor officer manning it dead with his neck snapped in a brutal fashion.

the soldiers following Kai couldn't help but gulp at the horrible scene arrayed before them which looks more like a Gore scene from a horror movie.

turning down the hallways Kai was also greeted with the Japanese SWAT force down on the ground butchered in a terrible fashion.

"Might wanna check if there's anyone still alive" Kai says as he faced the captain who's trying his best to stay composed.

"Yes, sir, where are you going?" The captain asked as he saw Kai heading outside.

"Gonna survey the local market, I'm getting famished" Kai replied which dumbfounded and shocked the captain.

"He had an appetite after seeing this?" The captain muttered as he saw Kai disappear at the corner.






POV Spec

After getting Groceries Spec suddenly found himself face to face with a tall white haired guy who's smiling at him.

Spec also noted the black schlera the guy had in his eyes "Oho who do I get the pleasure of meeting" Spec flamboyantly greeted which made the Tall white haired smiled even wider.

"For a guy who's already at 97 you should have retired, but I guess i wouldn't have the joys of meeting you if you did" replied the tall white haired man which made Spec pissed off.

"Huh?!! i asked for your name you didn't have to...." Spec swinged his plastic bag containing several canned beers and soda expecting it to brutally hit the stranger only to find that he missed.

"Sorry to curb your expectations, but it's past time you've had your dinner old man, it's time to go to bed" The stranger taunted which incensed Spec that he picked up the cover of a manhole and threw it at the stranger.

After threwing the manhole cover he rushed the stranger yelling "your finished" as he launched himself in a apnea rush.

raining countless punches towards the stranger had Spec taunting "Looks like it's past your bedtime kid! hahaha!!"

As Spec laugh all the way as he punched for 4 minutes endlessly, he was suddenly surprised when the stranger caught his right fist.

Stunned Spec was further surprised when the stranger twisted Spec right fist to the left, Spec trying to regain his fist back found that the fist holding his own got a tight grip.

The stranger suddenly pivoted bringing Spec alongside him then throwing Spec violently which knocked the air out of his lungs.

enrage Spec kicked upward from his laid out position on the ground hitting the stranger on the chin.

Spec taunting was cut short when he found the stranger wasn't even fazed by his kick, suddenly finding himself in danger Spec tried to fish out a revolver stashed in his pockets.

Somehow the stranger predicted this and stomped at his left hand breaking it and shattering the bone within.

"No toys are allowed old man" teased the stranger which made Spec terrified, Suddenly he got a flashback in Vietnam Spec remembered the red haired man they named the Ogre easily manhandled the armed US army, it was there he realized that with overwhelming strength one can defy everything even laws.

As Spec was having visions of the past, the stranger proceeded to break every limb of Spec who still in a trance believing that the Ogre was the one he's facing.








Kai was right that he'll find Spec if he just strolled around, Finding him with ill begotten goods he probably murdered and stole Kai had no qualms in killing this bald grandpa.

After Kai's fight with Spec which he easily won with Aiki and Judo, Kai proceeded to neutralize Spec by breaking the bones of his limbs so that he can't escape easily.

what Kai had wondering is after he teased Spec with "No toys are allowed Old man", The 97 yr old suddenly shivered and as if in a trance he just stared straight basically ignoring everything even when Kai broke all of his limbs.

hefting the shivering Spec who had his limbs bent in all the wrong directions, Kai went back to the police station who's packed with ambulance and police officers.

Everyone was shocked and with mouths gaping wide they couldn't believe Kai who's lifting Spec behind his back like a sack of potatoes.

Throwing the limp and shivering Spec to whom Kai presumed as Commissioner Sonoda and the Captain of the special force sent to assist him had the 2 surprised.

"Hey, found him mugging a convenience store, might want to have a squad check where it is" Kai says as he pointed at his back.

"a ah, sure we have someone go, I am commissioner Sonoda of Tokyo police" Sonoda stuttered unsure on how to talk with the infamous Demon King of New York.

"you might also want to restrain the old bastard, I've broken his limbs but he might try something nasty" Kai grimaced as he look down on Spec.

"yeah alright, you lot take this guy to the hospital, chain him tight don't want him escaping in the hospital" Sonoda ordered the paramedics and the police officers.

"anyway I'm off" Kai wave as he left the scene leaving Sonoda, the american special force,police officers, and the paramedics unable to stop him.





[Somewhere at the streets of Tokyo]

"I see, so Tokyo's sewers doubles as bunkers" Kai pensively taps his chin as he read the information on his phone.

Prying a manhole then going in it,Kai was pretty sure this is where Dorian was supposed to be hiding.

Wandering the smelly sewers was quite a chore and for 30 minutes Kai endured when he heard an echoing singing L'amour de mavie.

hearing Dorian's favorite song Kai trusted his ears as he soon saw a light at the end of a corridor whence the sound came from.

Entering Kai was beset with the sight of Dorian stuffing the bleeding and unconscious Katou Kiyosumi in a boxing bag.

"Hope I'm not interrupting Mr. Dorian" Kai Greeted which caught the attention of Dorian.

"No you are not, I've haven't got the pleasure of meeting you, but you already know me" Dorian replied stopping his work and facing Kai.

"Oh I'm Kai, Kaioh Ryu and Kaioh Kaku sends their regards" Kai nonchalantly declared as he approached then punched Dorian squarely on the chest with a Gott-tötter Steinbohrer.

Attacked in surprising speed caught Dorian unaware as he flew back denting the cemented walls spewing blood with "acckkk"

"As a fellow american, I've already subjugated Spec and you'll be next" says Kai as he approached slowly towards Dorian.

Dorian realizing impending Doom should he let Kai approached endured the excruciating pain he had at his chest and adopted a Kenpo stance similar to Retsu.

"Oh I thought you'd resort to tricks, but I guess you go back into your roots once you know your outclassed" Kai taunted which made Dorian sharpened his instincts.

Kai seeing that Dorian had no blindside's since his back is against the wall, Dorian was a fortress who's waiting for a attack.

Picking up some crates full of bottles Kai hurled them at Dorian who tried his best to deflect but due to sheer number of it he just chose to brace for it.

"what a shame there's no more crates" Kai muttered meanwhile Dorian not letting the opportunity go jumped from his crouching position and sent a flying kick towards Kai.

Kai leaning his head to the right side to dodge felt the subtle feel of a thin wire surround his neck, tugging forcefully at it Kai successfully stole Dorian super thin cutting wires.

Dorian realizing that his hidden weapon got compromised spinned in the air and proceeded to do an axe kick towards Kai.

Catching Dorian's leg Kai did a classic Judo throw slamming Dorian faced first at the wet concrete of the sewers.

Dorian dazed suddenly felt pain on his left leg turning his attention towards it, Dorian found it bent in ways the leg shouldn't bend.

Stunned he suddenly felt a follow-up pain on his right leg, Finding it in the same situation as his left but this time with bone sticking out flared Dorian's survival instincts that he started to crawl away while crying.

"crying like a baby won't work Mr. Dorian, don't worry I'll stop short of your death" As Kai continued to stomp until he's satisfied.





[Back on to the streets of Tokyo]

carrying 2 humans with the combined weight of 200 or more kilos was quite chore for Kai, Not because of their weight but their size makes dragging them extend longer.

Flagging down 2 Taxi cabs he instructed the 1st driver to take Kiyosumi Katou to the nearest hospital and fast, throwing a couple hundred bucks for the payment he slapped the bumper so that the driver stop gawking.

Tossing the broken and unconscious Dorian at the trunk of the second taxi then seating himself at the backseat he told the driver to take him to Tokyo police headquarters ASAP.

"su sure" The driver stuttered as he pressed hard on the gas speeding towards the police headquarters.

After dumping Dorian at the front doors of the Headquarters, Kai was ambushed by Sonoda who for some reason wanted to treat him like a VIP.

Declining most of Sonoda's offer Kai instead opted for a ride in a police car so the trip to a hotel will be fast.

Sonoda who thought that Kai was a god sent man immediately orders a sergeant to escort Kai to the best hotels Japan has to offer and had him tell that the government will foot the bill for Kai's stay.

Shrugging his shoulders Kai went with the sergeant and rested on the backseats of the police sedan.






[Next day]

Waking up and doing his routine in the morning, Kai wore some black leather jacket with jeans and headed down to get a taxi.

Ordering the taxi driver to head to Matsumoto's residence's, Kai took in the new sights Tokyo has to offer.

Arriving at Kozue's house Kai knew that Baki must be around since he's rather protective of his girlfriend.

pinging the bell from the gate Kai was greeted by a surprised Katsumi, who Immediately bowed and said "Thank you for saving Katou!"

"how did you know?" Kai asked which is a surprise for him since he didn't say anything to the taxi driver on which he foisted Katou on.

"The driver recognized you, he's a student of the Shinshinkai dojo, he said your carrying Dorian and Katou on your back when you flagged him down" Katsumi explained.

"I see, is Baki around?" Kai asked.

"Oh right, come in we had a serious problem" Katsumi realizing that he hadn't invited Kai inside.

"What problem?" Kai asked as they walked towards Baki's shack in the back of the house.

"Sikorsky kidnapped Kozue and Baki's restless and worried" Katsumi replied.

"We already had members of the Dojo looking around" Katsumi followed up as he slide open the Tatami doors.

Inside was a tensed Baki and a whining dog named Musashi.

"Hey Baki, don't worry we'll know where that Russian bastard is hiding" Kai says in the exact moment when Katsumi got a phone ring.

After Katsumi talk on the phone he related some good news to Baki "Baki they've found Sikorsky and Kozue they are in the room paid by your father at the hotel at Central Tokyo"

Baki bursting with anger swiftly bolted out of the shack running all the way.

"You have a car Katsumi?" Kai asked as they stared at the banged up Tatami door.

"Yeah,. come on we need to catch up with him" Katsumi snapping out urge Kai out.

Along the way Kai and Katsumi talked about the current things, apparently the whole Dojo and Doppo was thankful to Kai since he extracted revenge on behalf of them.

Kai meanwhile learned that due to the Prisoners, crime in Tokyo had skyrocketed and the police didn't know how to differentiate crimes that the fugitives did, to the crimes that local criminals and thugs do.

As we arrive at the hotel, Kai and Katsumi just catched up to the panting Baki before running up to the 27th floor.

With Baki at the vanguard they burst through the hotel room only to find Yujiro and Biscuit Oliver with Sikorsky.

Kai looking around saw Kozue tied down at the right corner, meanwhile Baki hearing Kozue's apology began berserking and attack Sikorsky with a flurry of strikes that forces the Russian towards the windows.

"Oliver, didn't expect to see you here" Kai greeted while Baki's busy with Sikorsky.

"Oho Demon King! you're here on the same business?" Oliver greeted back as Baki punched Sikorsky out of the window.

"Mr. Ogre too, is there a party? I'm not aware off" Kai asked as he peered behind Oliver.

"Hehe Demon King I wish it was" Yujiro chuckled as Oliver talked with Baki.

meanwhile Baki high on adrenaline didn't like Oliver's lesson about killing attacked which pushed Oliver by a step, tanking Baki's punches and kicks Oliver chuckled "well, you're the Ogre's son so I had some expectations"

Baki stunned at how Oliver endured his full powered strikes didn't get to reply as he sensed Sikorsky on his back.

"he is truly the Russian version of spider man, just the evil one" Kai whispered to Yujiro who laughed at his humor.

As Baki and Sikorsky get busy dodging and striking, the police barge at the door with commissioner Sonoda at the lead.

"Looks like party's over" Kai muttered as Sikorsky jumped out of the window and escaping.

Sonoda with an exasperated sigh talk with Oliver as well with Yujiro who casually replied at the commissioner.

"Yoh! Demon King want to come? they got excellent steaks and wine at the headquarters" Oliver invited as Sonoda went out of the room.

"Sure, I am pretty sure with your taste those steaks must be heavenly" Kai replied which illicited a laugh from Oliver.

"hahaha, come come we need to celebrate your capture of the 2 criminals yesterday" Oliver patted Kai's broad back as they exited the hotel.


Author here I tried my best on picturing how the convicts may fight and don't worry they won't go down that easily stay tuned and find out.


Stay tuned and enjoy

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