
10 trillion karma reincarnation: kengan system in the Baki world

Khyle has been an avid fan of the kengan and Baki series when unexpectedly saving a young girl on a home robbery he died and as a reward for his actions he got a 10 trillion karma and a system and go to parallel world and apparently it's the Baki world . . . . . . . I'm just new to writing so any suggestions to improve my work is appreciated just don't flame me too much alright thanks after this I guess I'll work on a LOL fanfic . . . . disclaimer I do not own the Baki series and the kengan series I also do not own the picture used above I found it in Pinterest and the mangas

Rabidreader · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 22

Clad in a stylish casual wear, Kai came down from his room and headed towards the dinning room.

Arriving he could see his grandfather Archibald at the head of the table, his father and his uncle Harry at Kai's grandfather's side's and Kai's mother and some beautiful lady seated in front of each other.

further seated beyond them on uncle Harry's side was 2 boys and 4 girls, seating himself beside his mother Kai took a curious look at his cousins.

"Good of you to arrive my grandson, this is your Aunt Linda wife of your uncle Harry and seated beside her are your cousins, the boy's are Louis and Arthur while the girls are Adalene, Charlotte, Darcey, and Georgine" Kai's grandfather Archibald introduced them all as they nod at him.

"Name's Kai, glad to meet you" Kai standing up introduced himself.

Kai's cousin's seem to be between the age of 25 and 15, he's not sure as he seated himself back again Kai could feel the interested stare from all of his cousins which unnerved him a little.

"Shall we feast" Kai's grandfather declares as the food was carted in by the maids smoking hot.

eating as elegant as he could, Kai was getting annoyed by the repeated stares of his cousins since he can't eat peacefully, Kai decided to stare back.

Louis, Charlotte, and Georgine being caught staring at him, quickly averted their eyes shamefully as they eat a forkful of roasted duck.

Kai who felt a lot more at peace ate once more, for a time that was when he sensed once again that he was being stared at.

quickly taking a look, Kai lock eyes with Adalene swiveling his head to the right, he also stared eye to eye with Darcey.

Both of his cousins immediately blushed in shame before looking down, Kai turning his head to the left he also saw Arthur who Immediately looked to his right to avoid being caught.

' What's with this guy's ' Kai thought as he eat his roasted duck.

Finishing dinner they all went to the common room, Kai meanwhile sat on a sofa and took out his smartphone to play some games.

"Hello, umm I'm Charlotte your cousin" Looking up Kai saw his cousin who had blonde hair, petite body and looked like Amber heard in front of him giving a hand for him to shake.

"Sure, I'm Kai nice to meet you" Kai shaking the hand offered.

"Sorry, bout earlier, you see, we only heard about you and seeing you in the flesh was a little shocking" Charlotte apologized to Kai for staring at him earlier.

"It's alright, what do you mean shocking?" Kai reassured her and asked Charlotte.

"How do I say this, you're described to us as uncle Frederick and aunt Sophia's baby so we're kinda looking forward for a little cousin to pamper, not a hulking intimidating one" Charlotte says as she averts her eyes.

Blinking unbelievably Kai could only say "What?"

"Don't be angry, it's just our expectations you know" Charlotte immediately explained as she looked behind her.

Turning his gaze behind Charlotte, Kai could see his cousins all peeking like children behind the door leading to the dining room.

apparently they haven't entered yet, Kai seeing this sigh and said "Come on, I'm not angry or anything, just surprised"

"thanks, guy's see, he's not scary, y'all come in" Charlotte beckoning his brothers and sisters to enter.

Louis and Arthur first entered followed by their sisters Adalene, Georgine and Darcey.

"Come on, introduce yourself properly, first you Louis" Charlotte told his siblings then ordering Louis.

"Alright alright, Why do I need to be the first" Louis grumbled with a heavy English accent.

"Cause your the second eldest, that's why" Charlotte retorted at his little brother.

"I'm Louis Beauchamp De Rohan, nice to meet you cousin" Louis introduced himself to Kai, Kai looking him up close could describe Louis having a brown messy hair with a tall lanky figure similar and look like Will Poulter from the maze runner.

"I'm next, I'm Adalene nice to meet you" Adalene shoving his elder brother aside as she introduced herself energetically.

"Hey! watch it" Louis complained.

"Nice to meet the both of you" Kai greeted them as he stand up towering over them with his 6'8 foot height.

giving his hand to shake to the both of them first with Adalene who's in front of him, nearing her Kai deduced her height maybe 5'8 or 5'9, she looked like a younger version of Rachel Weisz.

Shaking Louis hands next Kai could see that he's 6'2 foot tall.

"Georgine don't be shy" Charlotte coaxed her sister who looked slightly like Emma stone.

"I'm Georgine, nice to meet you Kai" Georgine came forward and shake Kai's hands, He could see that she stand at a height of 5'8 at the tallest.

"Darcey your up" Charlotte says at her rebellious sister.

"Fine, I'm Darcey nice to meet you" Darcey coming up to shake Kai's hand, as they shake hands Kai could see she's 5'7 foot tall and look almost like an edgy Keira Knightley.

"Arthur, don't you escape, introduce yourself to your cousin properly" Charlotte taking hold of Arthur's scruff as she put him in front of Kai like a missing kitten.

"umm, nice to meet you I'm Arthur" Arthur looking intimidated at Kai who looked down on him.

"Hey buddy, don't be afraid, I won't bite" Kai bent down as Arthur was 5'3, looking at him he looked like Asher Angel from Shazam but more baby face looking.

Arthur looked more intimidated when Kai bent down, due to his trunk like arms and bulging muscles when Kai bent down on his level it flexed making it look bigger, as well as his Black schlera making him more scarier.

Kai giving up shrugged his shoulders as he says "So what's up? want anything from me?"

After giving that question Kai was peppered with questions like "How'd you get so buff up?" "how are you so big?" "Do you fight?" "How strong are you?"

Kai answering them all calmly made his cousins especially Arthur got accustomed to him as they treated him with familiarity.

Soon it's midnight and Kai's aunt Linda who he now had the opportunity to look closely looked like Charlize Theron, "Kids especially Georgine, Darcey and Arthur you need to go to sleep, it's bad for your health" Aunt Linda ordered as Kai's cousin groaned.

"Well then, let's talk again tommorow" Kai says as he headed towards his room to sleep.






[Few days later]

It didn't take long for Kai's cousin to tell him a lot of information including personal ones, Kai learned that Charlotte was 27 yrs old,Louis was 22, Adalene was 19, Georgine was 18, Darcey was 17 only a few months younger than Kai, and Arthur was 14.

He also learned that their Grandfather as well as uncle Harry was a member of chamber of peers as well as one of the core members of the Ultra royalist faction.

Today Darcey was whispering to him "Tonight, Louis,Adalene, Georgine and me will sneak out to go to a rave party, you coming?"

"yeah, I'm coming, what about Charlotte and Arthur?" Kai whispered back to Darcey.

"pfft, Charlotte was too serious and will bust us while Arthur was too young" Darcey whispered back holding back a laugh.

"alright, what time?" Kai asked.

"About midnight, we'll throw some nuts at your window, Don't sleep or we will leave you" Darcey whispered.

"I know" Kai whispered back.

Later at midnight Kai was waiting when he heard a tok sound from his window, opening it he saw Louis and Darcey signalling to come down while Adalene and Georgine was the look out.

Kai decided to just jump out of the window instead of scaling down the drain pipe, As he landed Kai could see the flabbergasted look on his cousins with Adalene whispering "awesome"

As they head out in the back gate Louis asked "How did you do it mate? those are 2 stories tall"

"luck and training" Kai answered back while Louis thought it over before saying "Wait training? you don't train to jump from that height, it'll kill you"

As Darcey picked the locks of the back gate someone says " What are you all doing?" Turning around Kai could see Charlotte in a pajama looking pissed with hands on her waist.

"Shit, we got busted" Louis whispered to Kai.

"I knew it, you're sneaking out, I'm telling Mom" Charlotte says figuring out why they are there.

As she turned around, Louis and Adalene both says "Quick stop her, before she got us all killed"

Kai using the Hiraishin Footwork from the lightning God style immediately bolted and appeared in front of Charlotte who almost screamed due to fright.

Using Aiki from the floating cloud style, Kai quickly struck some nerves on her head making Charlotte unconscious.

catching her Kai laid her down gently while Louis and Darcey told him "You got to teach me how to do that"

Leaving Charlotte on one of the benches on the Gardens, Kai told his cousins that they must be back after 5 hours or else Charlotte might wake up.

As Darcey finally unlocked the gate, they immediately headed towards a warehouse near West London.

As they entered Kai was immediately assaulted by a booming electric bass being played by the DJ, Seeing some makeshift bars to the right side while the center was the Dance floor while the left was the stage.

"This is awesome!" Adalene shouted as she went to the Dance floor.

As they dance Kai had to subtly intercept some unwanted attention towards his cousins especially to the girls since some of them looked like something bad will happen if they manage to come near.

After dancing Kai and his cousins played a drinking game at the bar and because of the competitiveness of the siblings they stayed drinking until Adelene puked.

after that Kai had to hoist Adalene and Georgine on his shoulders to get back home, while Louis had Darcey who's speaking incoherently.

arriving back at the townhouse Kai had Louis hold on to his shirt because the poor Drunk is already swaying, seeing Charlotte still sleeping on the bench Kai opted to bring her back to her room later once he placed this passed out bodies on their correct rooms.

Hauling Adalene, Georgine and Louis was easy for Kai while Darcey was a little difficult since she mistook Kai as a kidnapper in her drunkenness.

after restraining Darcey and dropping her off at her room, Kai came back for Charlotte and placed her back on her room.

back in his room Kai chuckled as he wanted to see what'll happen in the morning once they wake up, "it'll be an entertaining morning" he muttered as he went to sleep.





[Morning after the rave party]

waking up and taking a breakfast on the dinning room, Kai could hear the amusing sound of groaning headache and complaining sounds from his cousins while he could hear Charlotte nagging.

as Kai finished his toast Adalene entered the dining room followed by Darcey, "How are you not having a hangover? you drunk the same amount if not greater than us" Darcey complained with Adalene asking "yeah, how are you not having a headache?"

"I am more tougher than the both of you" says Kai as he raised his mug of coffee at them which illicited a groan from the 2 ladies.

after having enough of the complaints about having a head splitting headache, Kai had the maids make a nasty concoction taught to him by Marco on how to easily remove hangovers.

Seeing the lifeline Louis, Adalene, Georgine and Darcey quickly chug the drinks, Kai laugh at the disgusted faces they showed after drinking it nonetheless it worked which made his cousin swear that they'll now drink moderately.






[ timeskip 1 week]

Dressed to the nine's Kai was heading towards Windsor palace for the Queen's soiree in a limousine alongside his cousins while his grandfather and parents ride in a Rolls-Royce.

As they arrive Kai could see some paparazzi hiding in the bushes, after checking his invitation alongside his cousins the Queen's guard let them in.

As Kai entered, he could see a lot of Nobles dressed in their gaudy designs are present and as he scanned the surrounding Kai saw someone he's too familiar with.

Seeing Yujiro Hanma in a suit and mingling elegantly with the higher society was quite unsettling for Kai, since he knows him to be quite prideful and rather violent but seeing him here interacting like a respected member of the society was weird.

Meanwhile Yujiro Hanma feeling the gaze of someone, turned his attention towards it only to find Kai the Demon King of New York.

"Mr. De Rohan! what a coincidence, didn't think I'd find you here" Yujiro greeted Kai loudly making the people around them looked at them.

"Mr. Hanma, I never thought I'd see you here since I reckon you'd be busy elsewhere" Kai replied to Yujiro.

Approaching Kai "Looks like you've become stronger, would you like a simple exercise? Mr De Rohan" Yujiro says invitingly.

"no, not yet Mr Hanma, although I'd like to enlist your help in finding someone, after that we can brawl to our hearts content" Kai denying and then asking Yujiro for help.

Shocked then quickly turning to a dangerous glint in his eyes Yujiro says " after finding this person? only then you'd fight me?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Hanma you see this person is also strong although not on a physical level, I was hoping to be trained by him, until then I could not promise you, your defeat Ogre" Kai informed Yujiro of his plans to train while also teasing him.

"I see" Yujiro releasing an aura so frightening and intimidating that only him and Kai are left in the vicinity.

"What's his name?" Yujiro asked still radiating his incredible aura although it no longer affects Kai who's nonchalantly ate a tart from a table near him.

"from what I know he's called Kaku Kaioh they called him China's strongest, if I found him and trained with him, I'm pretty sure I can fight you and win it will be appreciated if you help me Mr. Hanma" Kai says as as he picked a glass of wine and took a sipped.

Turning around Yujiro whispered "Do not forget your promise Demon King" as he left immediately.

' Looks like Yujiro will be the one to find him for me ' Kai thought as the room was able to breathe again as Yujiro Hanma left.

After that the Soiree was pretty uneventful aside from mingling with nobles and greeting the undying queen Elizabeth.







[ 1 week has passed since the soiree]

As I was wandering around London with my cousins, someone claiming they know my friend Marco and Dave Santorini came up to me saying "you must be New Yorks Demon King"

"Yeah, that's me, how do you know my friend Marco and Dave?" Kai asked suspiciously.

"just in the same profession mate, look can we ask you a favor, just one" mysterious guy says who looked like Gary Kemp.

"what kind of favor?" Kai replied as he eyed him up and down.

"We just need you to rough someone up" Says the mysterious guy.

"What's your name?" Kai asked.

"Oh right, name's Oscar, Oscar Burton" Says the mysterious guy.

"is he law enforcement? or anything connected to your profession cause you do know I've got powerful people behind me" Kai threatened Oscar who Immediately says "No, he's not law enforcement nor is he part of those in our profession, he's just a very strong nuisance who already beated some of our strongest friends"

"Alright, who is he?" Kai excited that someone was strong enough for the local mobs to not be killed.

"The name of the guy was Charles Arthur Salvador, you might know him as Charles Bronson UK's most violent prisoner" Oscar says which made Kai smiled.


Author here so MC finally enlisted the help of the Ogre to find the elusive Kaioh, also for my other Fanfic I'll be not be able to write some chapters since I'm still researching about the things that happened in the war with the Primordials and the Titans anyway enjoy and stay tuned


enjoy and stay tuned

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