
10 scenarios

This is about a guy in omniscient reader. I have read the manhwa and novel. This is my first attempt at writing anything. So this is probably the same quality as “three ways to survive the apocalypse” apparently was. This will be made assuming you at least have read some chapters. The chapters will be released whenever I want.

Bmcp124 · Action
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

In the subway station.

[clear reward 500 coins] [the scenarios will continue when you get in the scenario area.]

(Did he eat the fruit?) "wake up!" Athanos was literally just yelling. "I'm awake, just stop yelling!" 'Again that voice.' I tried to cover my ears, but he quickly pulled them away. "Stop doing stupid things, this is the third time!" 'Crap.' I tried to signal Carl but he just stared.

"I'm sorry. I'll be careful." 'Let's hope, this doesn't happen often.' He finally stopped and I asked. "Anyway where's Maria? I haven't seen her yet."

"About that.." Carl sounded awkward. "She was taken away..." 'what.' "By who?." I asked. "They called themselves,

"the game junkies".

 'Oh so they are idiots .' "Who was their boss?" "He wasn't there. I tried to attack but they simply dodged."

'How? Is someone already that powerful?' I wondered. 'Wait.' "Have you used coins to upgrade your stats?" They looked slightly confused, then.

"You can do that?!?" They both said at the same time. "Why didn't you tell us?" Athanos asked. "You never asked."

'We survived that long, without any upgrades or anything.' "What are your stigmas?"

I just randomly asked. "Huh?" Then I realized. "Wait scratch that don't tell anyone unless necessary.

"Ooohhh. Yeah it's like your last weapon, you use for emergencies." Athanos got the idea.

'How much food.' I looked around and there was a bag laying there.' "Oh yeah what did you guys chat about?" I asked.

"When?" Athanos said. "When I was knocked out." "Our abilities." Carl answered. "Okay let's go find Maria." I said. "Yeah let's go." 

We walked around and found survivors. "Hey!" Athanos looked kinda happy finding people.

"Who are you guys?" They seemed really cautious. "Drop your weapon, and put your hands up Athanos." I said.

"Why?" He looked confused. "How can they trust a guy with a knife." I answered. "He has a point Athanos."

Athanos dropped his knife while sulking. And then put his hands up. "Can we talk?" I said. 'There's only men or women above at least 50.'

One of the younger men approached, and explained.

"After the scenarios started we miraculously survived, and came here. We didn't have much food, so a volunteer went back up to get food, but came back with a group of people.

They called themselves "the game junkies."

'The same people.' "Imma test something." I said without thinking.

'Mana shield.' A blue shield appeared but it was 10 meters away. "So it does work." "What? What is that?" The young man asked.

"Huh? My skill." "Wow you can place it far away?" Both Carl and Athanos said.

"What is a skill?" The young man asked. 'How the hell did they survive.' "Everyone just say attribute window." "Attribute window?" The young man said.

Then a blue screen appeared. After he said that everyone tried. "Attribute window."

After a good minute of people saying attribute window, it finally quieted down. "You can use the coins to upgrade your stats." I said.

"Also where did the so called "game junkies" go?" I asked. "Oh they went that way. He pointed to the train tracks.

"Okay thanks." "Also we are planning on going after them, does anyone want to follow us." No one responded.

"I'm not coming with you but here's a backpack." Said the young man.

"Thanks." I said. Inside were two flashlights a notebook a couple of pens and a chocolate bar.

"You can replace that bag, with this backpack." So far Carl and Athanos had put all of our food in plastic bags.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I threw some snacks and and a little food at the young man. "Don't die." I said.

We decided to follow the train tracks. "The worst that can happen, is being attacked by a big monster, or one that can't get hit with physical attacks." I warned.

"Let's go." We proceeded to walk through the dark tunnel with the flashlights.

Then an enemy appeared. "There are some big ass rats be careful." Carl said as he got ready.

"There are at least 3!" 'Okay I'll have to get ready.' I placed a flashlight on the ground, and braced for impact. Two ran at us simultaneously while screeching.

"Screech!!" 'Counter shield.' The red barrier appeared again. As the rats tried to bite into the barrier. [17% charged] 'huh?' Just a scratch.

'Activate.' I felt the force leaving the barrier. Crack! The rats skulls cracked, and they no longer ran after us. "Athanos." As I said that Athanos appeared, and killed the two with broken skulls.

"Carl throw it it!" As Athanos said that, he threw the knife at Carl. "Got it." Carl caught the knife and threw it.


The third rat was dead. "Wow, did you guys plan stuff while I was sleeping?"

I got interested in their tactic. "We talked about our abilities, and the thought just came to my head." Athanos said.

"Because Carl has the most base strength?" I said. "Yup! His base strength was at six." 'Six?'

"But what do we do with the corpses?" Athanos asked. "I think it could be possible to cook the meat." I said. "With what?" Carl said.

'He has a point.' "Let's continue." With that we continued walking until. 

[Sub scenario-illusionary prison]

category: sub

difficulty: D~F 

Clear condition: escape the illusionary prison in the given time period. 

Time limit: 1 hour.

Reward: 350 coins. 

Penalty for failure: ???

There were phantom looking things there.

'what?' "Kill it any means necessary!" 'Counter shield' [10% charged] 'acti-nothing's there.

Crap.' "Why did you leave!"

'Voices.' "Why did you betray us!"

'Huh?' "You left us in hell!" 'What are they?'

"Why why why why!" (Get out!) then a sudden gust of wind. 'wha-' "cough!"

'That voice again.' I woke up. "Wake up guys!" None of them responded. Let's try this again.'

"Activate!" One Aoe blast. Every phantom disappearaed. 'Thank goodness that worked. They are weak creatures after all.'

[clear reward 350 coins] 

I looked around and.

'What?' 'Carl simply held his ears while crying but. Athanos nose, and ears were bleeding, and blood came out of his eyes. 'What the hell?' "Athanos wake up! Athanos!"

note: the ranks are going to be, common, uncommon,rare,unique,legendary and one of a kind.