
10 scenarios

This is about a guy in omniscient reader. I have read the manhwa and novel. This is my first attempt at writing anything. So this is probably the same quality as “three ways to survive the apocalypse” apparently was. This will be made assuming you at least have read some chapters. The chapters will be released whenever I want.

Bmcp124 · Action
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14 Chs

capture and defend (1)

When the message appeared we all got ready. "Athanos." After I said that he quickly ran and got the flag, that appeared out of nowhere. "So who is gonna use the flag?" Athanos asked, while holding the flag.

" probably me or Carl." I said. "Yeah I got a nice weapon recently." Said Carl holding a sharp sword. "Should we duel?" I asked. "Haha, that depends. Skills or no skills?" Carl said confidently.

"Without skills." "Huh? Are you sure?" He was caught of gaurd. 'I want to test something.' "Am I just not included?" Sven asked. "Are you gonna be okay?" Carl and I said simultaneously. "Yeah I'll be fine." He answered.

Ten minutes later.

"So everyone duels twice. Once against each opponent. And the match ends when the opponent gives up, or is knocked out." Athanos said. '3500 coins into agility.' [agility upgraded to level 24] "first is Sven vs Carl." Immediately Carl attacked. "Clank!" Sven blocked the first attack. And with the second he dodged and countered. Stab! Carl was stabbed.

"You lost." And with that Carl aimed for Sven's head, but right before chopping his head of, a blue barrier appeared. "Carl win, Maria go heal Sven." I said.

Second battle. Sven vs Hyun Cho.

I readied my sword. "Begin!" Athanos said. *Clank!* the first attack was blocked by me. "You lost." With that I let his sword glide of, and aimed for his head. The match ended quickly. '26 agility is nice.' "That was fast." Sven said. "I couldn't even react."

[you have been gifted 200 coins] "guess their satisfied." After some preparation, the last match began. "It really sucks that I simply got destroyed." Sven said. "We'll see what wins. Skill or speed." 'Well here goes nothing.' [1200 coins used] [agility level 30] (a small achievement) 'what? I'm awake though.' "Get ready Hyun." Athanos Said. "Yeah got it." "3,2,1 begin!"

I got ready to defend. 'Where's he gonna aim?' Then he went for a stab. 'I can block this.' But before he committed to the attack, he momentarily stopped and went for a slash. 'Okay strange.' *clank!* 'oh.'

He slashed the sword out of the way. 'Agility really is useful.' I let go of my sword, and backed away. One slash. I dodged and tried attacking his head. 'It's a fake.' I ducked under him and took my sword. Then quickly swung my sword.

"Tie." Athanos said. "Dang it." I said. "so who do we decide?" Carl asked. "I think Hyun because he also has defensive skills." Sven says. "A guy who will stay in the back and defend, or a guy who will stay in front and attack?" Maria said.

"Pretty much." Both answered. "But someone has to defend…" Athanos said. 'Oh, yeah.' "I'll stay. I have defensive skills as Sven said." I said. After making some teams, I stayed behind.

The first hour was calm. Didn't have anything to do so I was practicing. 'At least my success rate has gone up.' I was averaging about 50%.

[basic swordsmanship unlocked] 'I can get skills like this?'

*Boom!* the wall exploded, and people came out. "Everyone surround the flag!" I said. 'Mana shield.' "You're all gonna die if you guys continue." I said confidently.

"What a load of b**ls**t." After saying that the man got confused. "Yeah it does that." I said. The man looked furious and attacked the barrier. 'A basic hammer.' He slammed against the shield and a crack appeared.

"You're not weak." I said. I quickly pulled out my sword and slashed. "But you're too slow." His weapon got cut in half. Then I knocked him out.

'One down.' As quickly as the shield went down, two people attacked.

'That's quite a few.' I quickly knocked down the first guy. 'They seem slow.'

"Yo guys go knock them out! After I destroy their weapons!" I said. "Don't get cocky!" Another man with a big sword came rushing at me.

"Why did you choose such a big weapon?" I tried to parry the attack. *clank!* 'too much mana usage.' Instead of a parry the weapon almost broke. [strength has been forcefully upgraded]

'Second guy down.' One to go. As I destroyed their weapons.

As I looked behind me I saw a sharp object. 'Counter shield.' I preemptively activated counter shield. "D*mn it." The guy with the broken sword now had a dagger. He quickly hit the barrier. [70% charged] 'activate 50%' *Boom!*

The guy with the dagger exploded. 'Is his stamina high? And why was he using a big sword in the beginning?' "Want more?" I asked. He was knocked out.

'Another one' I saw someone. 'Activate.' A beam of read light came out of the red barrier.' another down.' But then.

'She's smiling?!' As the beam was about to hit her, she pulled out an item. "Shit." 'Mana shield.' It was a mirror. The beam quickly destroyed my mana shield. "Cough! Come on!" Luckily the mirror broke after use.

Unluckily everyone left tried to kill me. 'Dang it.' I quickly gathered the rest of my mana and put it inside my sword. 'It should be easier to control.'

The first attack was an arrow. 'Oh gosh!' I nearly dodged. Immediately after, the guy with the dagger swung at me. "Come on!" 'This is plot armor I swear!' I swung my sword, and destroyed his weapon.

[you do not have much mana left] 'tha-.' *bang!* a hammer hit me and my ribs broke. 'What?! He has another?' "Cough!" I coughed up blood. Then a green light appeared. 'Let's hope.' (No dying.) The sheep was trying to heal me.

'There are four enemies. How many weapons do they have?.' Then I saw something. 'The girl with the mirror has a flag!'

"Dang." I got up, and got ready. "You really don't die do you?" The guy that hit me with a hammer, was being annoying.

'Let's try.' I used the rest of my mana and spread it. [you have barely any mana left] 'less wind resistance right?' With that I ran at the guy with the flag. "Your dead." I stabbed her and stole the flag. "F*ck you!" I yelled.