

"Look at you Chica, you're glowing" Rose squealed, hugging me tightly as I got to the cafe.

" it's only been two days Rose." I rolled my eyes, breaking away from Rose's tight hug.

"Well you're glowing." She shrugged, sitting down in front of me. Rose and I decided to have breakfast together this morning. We FaceTimed yesterday night, and she complained about me already forgetting about her.


"Have you seen a new bestfriend Chica?"'Rose suddenly asked, taking a huge spoonful of ice cream.

"Are you drunk off icecream or something?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "No I am not. I'm perfectly sober, and I know what I'm saying" she whined.

"Well then, Rose I think two days is a little too soon to find a bestfriend" I said, making her gasp. "So you really want a new bestie?" She whispered, dropping her icecream

I groaned, covering my nail polish and glaring at Rose through the screen. "Fine, we will have breakfast tomorrow" I said, already looking forward to eating with her.


"I really should be sleeping right now" I yawned, as Rose signaled for a waiter. "No you shouldn't, you have all afternoon to do that. Except you've changed your mind, and decided to come with me to mum's charity party" she responded, staring at me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Eheh, no, nope, nadda, not gonna happen" I immediately refused, for the second time. "But whyyy?" She whined, grabbing my arms from the table.

"You know why. One, I don't want to be anywhere near your mum, no offense. And two, I don't get why it's called charity for the less privileged. When it's literally a party,to celebrate your mum's snobby book club friends." I exclaimed, rolling my eyes.

Don't even get me started on Mrs Cowel's excuse of a charity party. She holds this party every year, to celebrate the less privileged. (Bull shit)

I attended the party with Rose three years ago, and let me tell you there's nothing about that party that is charity. She invites her stupid book club members, and talk all day about the poor choices of clothes worn by children in orphanage homes.

"I know that but, I need you. It gets so boring without you" Rose continued whining. "We do this every year Rose. I'm not attending your mum's party. I'm sorry. You'll survive without me. Plus, Lucressia is attending no?" I asked, chuckling at the face she made.

"You're such a bad friend" she grunted, picking up the Menu and glancing through it looking for something to order. "I know I know" I chuckled, mimicking her actions.

"Good morning, my name is Marco and I'll be attending to your table" a voice sounded. I looked up to meet the blue big eyes of the cute waiter.

"Hi Marco, I would like an expresso to start" Rose purred, staring dreamily at the waiter. "And you Miss?" He asked, directing his attention to me. I rolled my eyes at Rose's desperate attempts and answered; "I would love a Macchiato , thank you"

"Alright, it'll be ready in 10. Excuse me." He said, walking away from our table. "He was totally checking you out Mel" Rose squealed, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Uhh no he wasn't. He's not my type to be honest." I said honestly, I don't do good and nerdy boys. He looked like one. "Ugh whatever." She said, resuming her food search on the menu.

Exactly ten minutes later, Marco came back with our beverages. "Have you decided on what to order yet?" He asked, with a smile.

"I'll have a veggie salad, with two slices of ginger bread" Rose said, handing over her menu to him. "I'll have two waffles and bacons" I ordered, giving him my menu.

He excused himself again, and I inhaled the scent of my machiatto. Taking a sip of her drink, Kate started; "so how has it been so far in the club?"

"Uh cool. I've been having fun. It's really nice there" I told her, not knowing how to answer her question. "I'm happy you're happy Chica" she said, smiling at me.

Marco came shortly after with our breakfast. Turns out he is into me, because he left a napkin with his digits on it. I kept it in my bag so he'd think I'll call him later.

An hour later, Rose was driving me back to the club. "I can't believe you slept with him" She screeched for the hundredth time, since I told her about my night with Mr De Luca.

"Roseee can you just forget it" I groaned, happy that she's parked outside the club. "Never" She said, giggling. "Talk to you later babe, have fun at the party" I said, smirking as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Fuck you, Melanin Peters" she whispered into my ear, as we broke away from the hug. I chuckled and left her car, waving as she drove out of the parking lot.






The alarm I set on my phone went off, as I bolted upright on the bed. I turned it off with a tap of my finger, and proceeded to get ready for my dance tonight.

After my shower, I picked a one piece lingerie like yesterday's own, only this one is red in color. Pairing it with black heels, I did my makeup and styled my hair into the tightest ponytail I've ever done.

"Perfect" I whispered, as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I heard three knocks on my door, and walked towards it knowing it's Martinez.

"Hey" I greeted,receiving a nod in reply. (Grumpy ass) "uhhh will you come for my account details later? Rocco wants it" I said to him, remembering Rocco and i's conversation yesterday.

"Ok blacbarbie" he grunted opening the door leading to the curtains, separating the club from the hallways.

"IT IS TIME FIR OUR FAVORITE BLACBARBIE" I heard the familiar voice of the MC shout to the crowd. I strutted In with my coy smile as usual and walked to the stage.

My routine was faster than usual because it was Wednesday, and the road is always closed at 3am. I finished up my dance with a split as usual and walked sultrily down the stage.

I weaved through the crowd of hungry men and women, walking into the toilet. Saying a little prayer when I saw it was empty, I quickly got into a cubicle to do my business.

"La nuova ragazza ti sta rubando il posto, cosa hai intenzione di fare al riguardo Tiffany?" I heard a whiny voice say outside the door. (The new girl is stealing your spot, what are you going to do about it Tiffany?)

"Ci sto lavorando. Non permetterò a una puttana di prendere il mio posto." Another voice replied,her words dripping with venom. (I am working on it. I won't allow a whore take my place)

"Cosa hai intenzione di fare?" The first voice asked, who I'm assuming is the almighty Tiffany. (What do you plan on doing?)

"È facile. Le farò quello che ho fatto a quella puttana di Vivica." Tiffany said, chuckling darkly. (It's easy. I'll do to her, what I did to that bitch Vivica.)

"Ouuuu, le cose stanno per sporcarsi." The other girl, chuckled with her. (Ouuuu, things are about to get dirty.)

"Infatti, NO. Andiamo è ora del mio ballo." She said, and I heard footsteps as they rushed out of the bathroom. (I know right. Let's go, it's time for my dance)

Where they talking about me? What exactly did they do to Vivica? (If that's Tiffany, I have to be on guard and watch out. She sounds evil, I don't even want to imagine what she looks like) I thought, as I flushed the toilet and walked out.

"Oh my God, you startled me" a voice sounded, and I looked up. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here" I said, smiling sheepishly at the hazel eyed gorgeousness.

"It's alright. I'm Gianna, you must be blacbarbie." She introduce, a smile gracing her plum red lips. "I'm Melanin, it's nice to meet you Gianna" I replied, chuckling at her.

"It's so nice to meet you too. I have heard about you." She gushed, applying more red lipstick to her already red lips.

"About me?" I asked

"Of course. You're the only new girl here" she said to me, (I guess I'm the girl Tiffany is going to deal with)

"Right, Sorry. Good things I hope though" I said, and she laughed. I guess I could make friends...